Picture Perfect: The ‘Old-School Battle’

Welcome to another edition of Picture Perfect, the column where we analyze photos from years past. This edition will explore the ‘old-school battle’ held within the community during the original army era.

Designed by Cassie

In the early days of Club Penguin, groups started to form and eventually, these became armies. These groups would gather and then throw snowballs at the opposing group(s). The whole point of these kinds of battles was for the people online to have fun. However, stakes were added. It is hard to determine a winner by who throws the most snowballs so the ‘last one left’ term was added. This meant that the groups had to try and drive others out of the room and off the game.

As armies progressed, they became more organised and the original format became old fashion. It was rarely used. In 2016, Club Penguin Army Central released a post detailing a 2007-inspired battle that they held. It saw the past come to the present and allowed a new generation to experience the old. The battle took place on January 3rd. Seven armies logged onto the server known as Mammoth to compete. Those armies were: Light Troops, Ice Warriors, Army of Club Penguin, Army Republic, Nachos, Night Rebels and the Rebel Penguin Federation.

These armies fought through several rooms to try and win the battle. However, there could only be one winner. The battle started with Ice Warriors and Army Republic logging on early. However, some others like ACP and Night Rebels logged on slightly late. There was no official starting room so the armies could gather their forces or go on the offensive. Yet, they were encouraged to patrol the rooms and fight.

AR vs the Rebels on Ski Hill

The Federation went to Ski Hill, gathering sizes of 40 and preparing for battle. However, they were soon joined by the Army Republic trying to take them out. The Republic were outnumbered but the battle was not based on size, it was based on who lasted the longest. The official rules were:

  • No formations or tactics.
  • No “starting rooms”. – Armies were encouraged to patrol the server but, of course, armies could inform troops where battles were and to go to different rooms.
  • The last army online wins.

This meant that it was truly anyone’s game. From here, the Federation were able to fight both the Army Republic and the Ice Warriors. These two armies (AR/RPF) constantly crossed paths and showed why they deserved to win. From the Ski Hill to the Boiler Room, from the Iceberg to the Dojo, AR and RPF continued to fight. At one point during their fight, the Federation were forced to retreat. However, they continued to fight in the other rooms. As well as the Army Republic, the Ice Warriors kept bumping into the Federation, trying to pave their own path to victory.

The Night Rebels were a newer army on the scene but they showed up and showed out. One of the problems which Night Rebels had was that their penguin colour was also black. Troops could confuse them with the Federation. Yet, they went out there to show who they are and what they are about. They faced off against ACP and the Rebels. Unfortunately, some armies were able to capture the moment with screenshots, NR was one of these armies. Despite this, it is stated they were in the final three, fighting to win.

AR vs ACP during their battle

The Light Troops logged on during the old-school battle despite not being invited. Supposedly, they did not order people to log on nor did they take the moment to focus on an opposing army. Their presence was lacking, therefore, they were seen as a spectator more than a competitor. However, they stayed online. ACP, on the other hand, showed up to the battle with 10-15 troops. This was much less than AR and IW had but they were willing to fight. Because of their size, they had a bit of fun with how they battled however, also did not capture the moment with screenshots.

The Nachos were one of, if not the last army to enter the battle. There was a lack of organisation regarding their participation and their presence was uncertain. This led to them entering and leaving the competition in 7th (last) place. The battle lasted over two hours, however, not every army lasted this long. Many logged off during the battle admitting they had been defeated. With that being said, let’s find out who won.

  • 7th place: Nachos
  • 6th place: Ice Warriors
  • 5th place: Light Troops
  • 4th Place: Army Republic
  • 3rd place: Rebel Penguin Federation
  • 2nd place: Army of Club Penguin
  • 1st place: Night Rebels

In a surprise turn of events, the Night Rebels were able to come out on top, lasting the longest out of all the armies. When it came to the final three, all three were battling on the Berg. After 40 minutes of battling in the final 3, Night Rebels changed rooms while ACP and RPF continued fighting. The sizes were 5-5 at the time. The Federation got tired and logged off, leading the Night Rebels to return to the Berg. Both NR and ACP continued to fight but it was the Night Rebels who came out on top.

The battle showed the strength of each army involved, showing how long armies would fight to gain the win. It was a throwback to the old ways of armies and a new army came out on top. With that being said, would you like to experience an old-school battle? Should battles have a time limit? Do you think that we should do more throwbacks to the past?

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One Response

  1. AhsokaTano24 April 12, 2024 (2:53 pm)

    Coolguy, thanks. But could you give me some credit too?

    I didn’t copy and paste anything though.

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