Retirement is an important part of every Club Penguin army leader’s journey; it marks the end of a leader’s time in their army. There have been multiple retirements already this year, so it is a good time to ask what happened.

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Retirement is not a foreign concept for individuals within the army community. But with six leader retirements in February alone, this might raise alarm bells in the army community. While skimming through the posted retirement posts, there are some common denominators. First, we will have to look at the real-world factor, the forces found outside the game. We all have commitments outside the army community, whether it is education, work or family and friends. For most, these aforementioned commitments have greater value than the time we spend on armies. Such factors are the most common, inevitably leading members to move on to different chapters in their lives.

Retirement posts written on the Club Penguin Armies website
For an example of the changing chapters in our lives, let us take a look at the former Rebel Penguin Federation leader, Elexonck‘s Club Penguin Armies retirement post. In the post, one of the factors he mentioned about his retirement might mirror what many of us go through in the real world. Changing chapters in our lives could include life events that can change us as a person or our motivations.
One of the things Elexonck mentioned in his interview was:
“As well as that, I just don’t have as much time anymore as I did when I was a student”. Our place in life will mostly determine our ability to contribute within the community.

Life after college
When looking at other posts, there are other factors that affect a person’s decision, such as staying in an army for too long. Some leaders might feel like they have done enough for their army, while others might feel like they are overshadowing their co-leaders and their achievements. Once a person is satisfied with the things they have done, they may decide to leave before other issues arise. Some leaders might want to leave on a high note like a tournament victory. Others might want to leave before being caught in a storm of drama. However, each retirement of that sort depends on internal circumstances. As time passes, the likelihood of making mistakes increases. Leaders are not usually willing to drag their army down, so they may retire for the good of the army.

A quote that many leaders might follow
As to what caused the sudden retirement wave, there are many reasons. If a leader was to retire in the first month of the year, it might be a bad idea. Retiring in January might be a bad omen. January is the first month of the year, and starting a new year with retirements might shake the army in a bad way. If January is not an option, then retirement is a safe choice in February. That month is the best choice if the leader wants to retire as soon as possible after a new year has started. In February there are no major holidays and no organized army tournaments. It is safe to say that all the focus will be on your retirement as a leader. Not only this but it will allow room for new leaders to grow before March Madness occurs.

The month of peace, love and many retirements
Many who have decided to retire in February are leaders who want to spend their new year differently than the last, while still being respectful to their army. The New Year Bonanza tournament in January acted as a good deterrent for any January retirements. Retiring during a tournament could be seen as dishonourable or could be demotivating for army members. Additionally, a tournament victory could be a satisfying way to end a long career in army leadership.
Ultimately, there are several reasons why a leader may retire. Yet, these may not be the same for all of the army leaders who have retired thus far in 2024.
To learn more about retirements within the army community, Club Penguin Armies sat down with two recently retired leaders to learn more about their perspectives.
Under what conditions do you think a leader should retire?
Yoda: real life is always #1 priority, sometimes there are moments when we need to focus on something specific like university, work, project etc and if you think that you won’t be able to help the army its best to let it go but if you trust in yourself like close friend of mine I have no doubt that any person can make the army greater.
Elexonck: If they no longer have the time or ability to give their best to the army and there are either other capable leaders remaining or one ready to take over.
How much effect do real-life situations have on a person’s decision about retirement?
Yoda: Its most likely the main reason people choose to retire you get busy out of nowhere then your schedule changes which effects your plans, hobbies etc.
Elexonck: It’s a mixture, but it’s often the case. People often retire when they start university or a new job for example, and don’t have time for armies anymore.
Is there an ideal amount of time or a checkbox for retirement?
Yoda: Nope if staff or the leader is active and doing his job well i see no reason to set a timing for retirements.
Elexonck: I believe that every person is different. It’s a personal decision that can be affected by many circumstances.
What are your thoughts on retirement in CPA?
Yoda: We expected 2024 with great hopes just to see everyone retiring lmao
Elexonck: It can be sad, it can be an “end of an era” moment for some, but usually it’s because a person is making the best decision for themself in that moment – so it’s part of life.
After conducting the interviews, I felt that I agreed with what both former leaders said about the topic. Retirements are personal choices that are made by individuals like us. Whether six or ten leaders retire in a month, they have their own reasons for doing so. These reasons may be very different too. After the end of the current March Madness tournament, we might see a similar retirement wave occur.
Despite all the retirements, the community has been strong and resilient. Ultimately, more members will leave and many more will rise to the challenge and replace the ones we will lose. However, the community will take it in its stride as we bid farewell to those who have retired this year and in the past. Thank you for all your contributions to this community. Will we see similar mass retirements in the future? Who do you think will retire next?
Why is there no Coolguy interview regarding why he retired in this segment?
It would be insightful to learn the reason why he ‘truly’ retired from the ACP.