Club Penguin Armies New Year Projects

As we enter 2024, we wish to introduce a few changes that we hope will improve the organization and make it better in its functioning. This includes introducing a reporting stamp system for our reporters to encourage activity, and introducing a Hall of Fame type section for staff that deserve to have their effort and work recognized.

Designed by Subster


Reporters are an integral part of our organization. If it weren’t for them taking the time to write and keep us all updated with the news and happenings within the community, we would not have an aspect of media for the league. It is their constant efforts and work that serve a major purpose in keeping the organization alive and going. Hence, we have decided to attempt to make their work a little less boring, and a little more fun for all of them. Therefore, we’re happy to announce a new incentive: the reporting stamp collection.

Are you an avid collector of stamps on Club Penguin? Have you always wanted to get as many stamps as you could get to design your stamp book in the game and exhibit it? Well, this is the whole idea behind creating a stamp collection for all our reporters. It will work the same way as it does in the game, meaning that there will be stamps of different levels of difficulty ranging from easy, medium, and hard; however, these will be related to the media department where all a reporter has to do is to complete that particular task of the stamp to have the it in their personal collection.

We hope that this will make reporting and writing as an activity, less tedious and straining, and encourage more activity within the team. Additionally, those that complete an entire stamp tier will be able to redeem Nitro for their hard work (as supplies last). Note that previous work will not count towards the stamps.

Designed by Edu14463

memorable members

We as an organization have been functioning since 2022, and if it was not for our staff, Club Penguin Armies would not have come this far. So, as we embark on the journey of 2024, we would like to take the time to commend the individuals who have had a significant impact and played a huge role in making the organization what it is today. Hence, we are thrilled to introduce the Club Penguin Armies’ Memorable Members. This will have its own section on our About page on the website and will feature people from our staff team, former or present, who have made their mark here and contributed immensely to this organization.

Memorable Members will be implemented later this month. A big thank you to Master DS and Mcdonalds who have worked on the graphics for this.

The golden plaque

welcome back

The last special announcement is that we would like to take the opportunity to announce that we will be rehiring Sweater to our editing team. Sweater has always been extremely dedicated to media, even going as far as interviewing Rocketsnail. He has always supported us in all that we do, and the care that he has put into his work and the organization is something that we greatly appreciate.

It is our hope that these new changes will continue to usher in an era of stability for the organization as we head into our second year as a community. Would you like to become a Reporter for a stamp?

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

One Response

  1. […] Penguin Armies knew that it was time to formally recognize these heroes and the work they’ve done for the league. Administrators […]

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