HCOM Life Stories: Caracal Cat from Templars

Welcome to the twenty-eight edition of the “HCOM Life Stories” column. This week we got in touch with Caracal Cat, a highly regarded Fourth in Command in Templars.

Designed by Wynn

Popularly known for her time in the Templars, Caracal Cat’s first appearance in armies started on October 14th, 2021 after being enlisted in the army. She was welcomed to the staff team two months later, given her active participation in several events and activities. Caracal managed to speed through the staff ranks thanks to her efforts in recruiting and registering new troops.

In June 2022, Caracal Cat was promoted to the Higher Command (HCOM) owing to her major role in improving and rebuilding Templar’s weakest division at the time which was AUSIA. She managed to play key roles with Templars during their Legends Cup XII victory and the recent war against Special Weapons and Tactics, proving to be a prominent staff member.

Templars vs Water Vikings in the Legends Cup 2022 Finals

Caracal Cat remains today to uphold her outstanding commitment as a well-respected and reputable high commander. Moreover, she often takes the initiative to host many fun activities within the army. She is also currently acting as the AUSIA division leader for the Knights, demonstrating the army’s trust in her. Templars Leader Nicky assured Caracal Cat’s work and efforts:

Caracal helps out greatly with AUSIA, she helps run it under the leaders. She is also an active HCOM in terms of typical staff duties and attending the events that she can and overall she is a pretty good HCOM.

Templar’s AUSIA revival event.

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Caracal Cat for further discussion about her experience as an HCOM. We also asked her about future goals and ambitions within Templars.

Considering you have been with Templars for over 2 years, what have been your most unforgettable/favorite moments?

Winning Legends cup really. It was the best moment in TCP for me.

What are your current goals and plans to further advance with Templars?

Making the ausia division a success, and help the army go back to way it was back in 2022.

What is the best part about being a Higher Command?

Itd probably be recruiting

Is there anyone who inspired you to become an HCOM today?

No. Not really

Do you have any advice for those who dream of becoming a Higher Command one day?

Always believe in yourself. if you fall down then get back up and never let anyone elses words get to you. Trust me. I mean its what i did since many people told me i couldnt do sh*t.

Caracal Cat has shown she has not only pledged her full allegiance to Templars but has proved time after time she is an HCOM who prioritizes commitment over anything, and a person to be trusted and given outright respect to. With that said, we can not wait to see what her future holds with Templars and to hopefully be a great leader one day. Do you believe she will rise to the leadership? Are we about to witness the Templars becoming a major AUSIA force?

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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