How Did Your Army Celebrate Halloween This Year?

When one says “Halloween”, most associate it today with dressing up in costumes, going trick-or-treating house to house, carving Jack-o-Lanterns, and decorating homes with all things spooky! So as the spooky season comes to an end this year, we have a chat with all the armies in the community to see what they were up to this Halloween!

Designed by Wynn

Halloween has always been about the community and the coming together of people to join in the festivities and celebrations. In the wake of Halloween, this year, Club Penguin Armies hosted the Trick Or Treat Trials, a spooky-themed mini-tournament where several armies came together to have some skele-fun engaging in some thrilling battles! While Halloween is known worldwide today, many countries don’t celebrate it. However, we are keen to know how the armies celebrated this occasion amongst themselves. Hence, we decided to interview all the leaders, inquiring about what they had planned for their armies.

First off, we were able to get hold of Coolguy, one of the leaders of the Army of Club Penguin, and asked him what the Clovers did for Halloween this year. Here is what he had to say:

To celebrate Halloween, the Army of Club Penguin started to make things a bit spooky. The server picture and banner were updated after new graphics were made by our amazing designers. Alongside this, we updated the server name to celebrate the spooky season. Last week, along with the week before, was filled with Trick or Treat Trials preparations so this dialled back the amount we were able to do for Halloween. However, yesterday we hosted a Friday Night At Freddy’s themed battle with RPF and we hosted an event on Halloween with members dressing up as ghosts. Earlier in the month, we hosted a Halloween costume contest for troops to get into the Halloween spirit weeks before Halloween. And More! The festivities haven’t ended though. Tomorrow, we are hosting a Halloween movie break day and we are even hosting a murder mystery Roblox event which may not directly be related to Halloween but it counts Not only this but our Shamrock Bulletin has been posting Halloween-related cheats for CPPS and content including our very own Murder Mystery posts which will continue even after this week comes to its end (outside the Halloween week/season). Winning the Trick or Treat Trials tournament truly topped off the Halloween season for us.

Five Nights at Freddy’s-themed battle between Army of Club Penguin and Rebel Penguin Federation

While we are still awaiting a response from Rebel Penguin Federation, next up, we interviewed Toxic Storm, the leader of Coup Crusaders, to find out what the army had been up to this Halloween, and this is what he said:

We didn’t have many Halloween events or activities, but we did have an after-party-type Halloween event on November 4. Aside from that, many of us in the army enjoyed watching the Trick or Treat Trials.

After Halloween Party of the Coup Crusaders

We then reached out to Thunder222, one of the leaders of Dark Vikings, and Dawnables, the Empress of Templars, to learn about how the Vikings and the Knights had celebrated this spooky occasion. Here’s what both of them said for their respective armies.

Thunder222: We didn’t celebrate Halloween in DV.

Dawnables: We took the day off to do our own thing irl lol.

While we await a response from the Elite Guardians and the People’s Imperial Confederation, we had the opportunity to talk to Rooboo, one of the leaders of Help Force, and learn more about what the Helpers had done for this spooky season. This is what he had to say:

Unfortunately, this is one of the most uneventful Halloweens HF has ever been through. What we focused on was renaming the channels and changing the HF Banner and Icon. We also focused on the events themselves being Halloween Themed and the most Halloween thing we’ve done was the Pumpkin Designing activity! This fun activity was basically posting a blank Halloween Pumpkin and troops drawing on it, carving it, designing it, or doing anything on it then uploading it for us to see!

Design Your Pumpkin by Help Force

To find out more about how the Agents celebrated Halloween this year, we had a talk with Krill300, one of the Leaders in Training at Special Weapons and Tactics. Here is what he said:

SWAT, Special Weapons and Tactics, celebrated its Halloween joyfully! We promoted equality amongst event divisions, hosting one AUSIA event and one US/UK event. Thus, we had a double celebration! The Halloween parties were wholesome when it was packed with promotions! Sarcasm propagated during the festive season. The discord server was themed to match the Autumn and Halloween periods. To conclude our festive season, we left certain long-term marks on the day after, November 1st, 2023. These marks included great improvements in the Discord server, including organization and the addition of formal guides and features. Many of these updates should power SWAT for generations to come. On behalf of the Agents and the SWAT Corporation, I would like to give the final greetings of this season!

Special Weapons and Tactics’ AUSIA Halloween Party

As for Penguins of Madagascar, we were able to get responses from both Rye, one of the creators of the army, and Pingo, the current leader, stating what they were up to during this eerie time of the year. This is what they said:

Rye: We hosted some themed events on the weekend and participated in the Trick or Treat Trials [3rd place btw ]. On Halloween, we watched the FNAF movie and it was chill.

Pingo:ย we just slowly changed our server to be Halloween-themed and had a fnaf stream.

Lastly, we had Dino, one of the leaders of Water Vikings, tell us the army’s doings for Halloween. Here is what he said:

The army itself had a break-day from events. Otherwise, we’ve held our own scavenger hunt.

Water Vikings’ Scavenger Hunt

From the responses I have received from the leaders, it seems that most armies decided to do something light yet joyful to mark this Spooky season. Regardless of whether you celebrate Halloween or not, we would like to witch you a Happy Howl-oween once again, and hope that you all had a spook-tacular time! What do you usually do during the Spooky Season? Are you a fan of going trick-or-treating and to Halloween costume parties or do you like to take out this time for yourself to spend it with family and loved ones?ย 

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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