With the Trick or Treat Trials in full swing, the Community Committee has decided to join the spooky fun by bringing you the Pumpkin Scavenger Hunt. I hope you all enjoy the hard work the committee has put into this hunt and remember, the pumpkins could be anywhere in the Discord server.

Designed by Wynn
This spooktacular scavenger hunt will take place right in the Club Penguin Armies Discord server. If you wish to participate in this hunt all you have to do is locate the ten pumpkins which look like the picture below. Remember that these pumpkins can be hiding in any place in the Discord server that every member has access to so keep your eyes peeled.

- There are ten pumpkins hidden so this means anyone who participates will need to look for ten different locations for the pumpkins. This picture or emoji reactions do not count.
- Once you have found all ten pumpkins take a screenshot of all your pumpkin locations and send them to Aubz, Calgo, or Frickle in order to verify that you have all the correct locations.
- Everyone wishing to participate will have until Wednesday, November 1 to complete the hunt and submit their pumpkin answers in order to be eligible for the prizes.
- Speaking of prizes, anyone who successfully completes the hunt will be given an exclusive medal in the Discord server and will be entered in a drawing for 2x Discord Nitro.
Everyone get out your spookiest outfits and enjoy hunting for these pumpkins throughout the server.
A giant thank you to the members of the Community Committee who volunteered their time and energy to make this hunt possible, Wynn for making this lovely graphic, DrQueen for making the pumpkin emoji, and finally the lovely Admins who helped us place these pumpkins in places we could not have on our own.
Happy hunting and Happy Halloween!