Wynn’s Resignation Letter

After almost a year of serving as Chief Executive Producer, it is now time for me to step down from my position.

Club Penguin Armies has come a long way since I took charge, and it’s been through its fair share of ups and downs. Even though my involvement in its establishment was limited, the past months left me with a feeling of responsibility for it like it’s my creation. The fact that we now have a solid admin team with capable people ready to step up after me is like a dream come true for any leader. Thanks to Mchappy and Disha, I was able to plan my retirement, shift focus back to my real-life responsibilities, and finally take a breather. 

I doubt anyone is really interested in my journey as a troop, including all of the challenges or victories since joining the community back in March 2020, and that’s completely understandable. Nevertheless, I wish to conclude my time here properly, say goodbyes, and share a few of my thoughts.


What we’ve accomplished together, especially in the past six months, is truly remarkable. I’m proud of our journey from being a team with multiple conflicts to a stable, harmonious group that consistently delivers news and updates, regardless of the ups and downs we face. Our progress can be seen in numbers too – we’ve gone from publishing around 20 posts a month to now averaging 60+ (April – September), and even reaching a record-breaking 80 posts in June.

We’ve also hosted AUSIA Arena in a new formula, maintained the top quality of our reporting, especially during World War IX, and created space for the community events and tournaments, including the much loved Olympics, organised by the Community Committee. From the Community-wide Census to the third annual Pride Parade, One Year Anniversary, End of Summer Awards and Legends Cup XIII, past months have been a blast. 

Leading alongside Max, and later with Mchappy and Disha, has been much more enjoyable and fulfilling than I thought when I joined the admin team in December. I have no regrets about this incredible journey, and I’m proud of what we achieved.


The biggest challenge and source of my frustration is how incredibly unstable the CPA community can be. It often feels like every decision comes with a built-in expiration date. You can gather everyone to solve a problem, but a few months down the line, after multiple leadership changes, you find yourself being held responsible for decisions made by the community collectively. Suddenly, what was originally thought to improve the situation is now somehow considered the root cause of the same issue.

We wander in chaotic circles. Old, rejected ideas resurface, driven by someone’s personal agenda, and advocating for stability can be seen as a sign of weakness. Of course, if something needs fixing, we can’t simply hide behind tradition and a false sense of security, or the community will never evolve. But it’s essential to recognize that not every flashy change represents true development. Similarly, relying solely on old-school solutions because “armies used to be better in the past” isn’t the answer either. 

I wish for the community to stay united and to respect those who came before us. Every event and decision has a background story. Ignoring that context and our history will only result in the community going in circles, swinging from one extreme trend to another like it is now, rather than evolving and growing. 


Even in the toughest moments, I could always count on people’s support. I was surprised by numerous acts of kindness, some even coming from strangers or those who had no personal gain in earning my sympathy. While I can’t possibly mention everyone here, I am deeply grateful for having met all of you during my journey, I won’t forget you.

At the end of this post, I want to personally thank some of my closest friends and colleagues who have never failed me when I needed them. The following list is in alphabetical order.

Advisors – It meant a lot to me to have support from such experienced people. Thank you for all of your time and all of the fun moments. DMT and Orange, I’m so glad you agreed to join the team when we needed you the most. Super, I loved our talks, and thank you for your patience with CPAB. Crazzy, you are a queen.

All Division HeadsAubz, Aaron, Beasto, Caitlin, Dino, DrQueen, Link, Mare, Master DS, Mogi, Sanya – Thanks to you CPA is a well-oiled machine. You are part of this org’s success, I’m so grateful you agreed to take the responsibility, I appreciate you endlessly.

Ayan – Love you bro, you were the catalyst, the person who sparked my interest in media and league, the reason why I am here now. Thank you for always encouraging and supporting me.

Disha – You got this girl! You are the kindest, sweetest person around, please take care of yourself. Thank you for agreeing to join my team and helping me despite the hard times. Believe in yourself! I know CPA can count on you just like I always could.

EditorsCoolguy, Sha, Sidie, Sweater – I had a great time working alongside you! I know the media division is in good hands, and I wish you all the best for your journey. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

Head Judges – Can’t lie, it’s been fun recently, keep having fun and thank you for your hard work. Popcorny, thank you for being the ultimate voice of reason in this community.

Link3000 – Never thought we would end up as friends when we started working together, but I actually consider you one. Thank you for all the talks and all your work! Please take care of yourself.

Mchappy – I can’t possibly repeat here all the things I told you, how much I appreciate you and how grateful I am for meeting you. You gave me hope and you warmed my heart. Please remember what’s pinned in our DMs. You are a legendary admin, CPA is safe in your hands.

Max – Eventually my dream of working alongside you came true! Thank you for showing me a new perspective on things, for all of your kind words and advice. You always believed in me and encouraged me, I can’t thank you enough for that. Working on CPA with you was so much fun.

Scorp – I missed you so much during those months, I’m so happy you joined CPA once again when we asked you. You are a HUGE part of its success, I can never thank you enough for being there for me, I feel like I don’t say it enough.

Snowy – You are always there, always ready to listen to me or help with writing. You have no idea how much I appreciate you. Oh, and your sense of humour, absolutely legendary, love you.

Spotty and Rowan – Things didn’t end up the way we wanted it but I can’t say we didn’t have some good time together.

With that, I’m ending my retirement post and my service as Chief Executive Producer. I’m confident that Club Penguin Armies is in excellent hands, in the care of capable, hardworking and experienced individuals, with Mchappy and Disha at the top. I have no doubt that the coming months will be just as successful as the ones we’ve recently experienced, and I’m excited to see all the incredible things they will accomplish. My goal now is to back them up for as long as they want, which is why I’ll be taking on the role of an advisor. 

For thoughts and with many thanks,


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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

One Response

  1. This is CRAZY

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