On the 23rd of September, Tormentors leader Ay12 announced his retirement. With a new leader promoted only days ago, how will this sudden retirement affect the recently revived army?
The Tormentors were founded in 2014 by Sam, Zambi, and Simmonds2000 (also known as Arceus1296). While there is little recorded history about the army’s first generation, Ay12 and Toxic Storm recently revived it under their leadership. The army witnessed growth initially, achieving a maximum size of 12 penguins at their opening event. Since then, the army has dwindled towards the bottom of the Top Ten, reaching the 10th position in the most recent edition. Ninja Leader received a promotion to leader over a week ago, but now the army is witnessing further leadership changes as Ay12 steps down.

Recent Tormentors event
Ay12 is an army veteran from 2013. Having gone through the ranks, he accumulated experience in multiple armies throughout his tenure. Best known for his leadership of the Elite Federals and creation of the Electric Ghosts, he has also held high command positions in armies such as the Special Weapons and Tactics and the illegitimately revived Purple Republic. Having returned to the army community to lead the Tormentors, his retirement was unexpected by many.

Ay12 announcing his retirement
To learn more about his retirement, Club Penguin Armies reached out to Ay12 for an interview.
What is the reason behind your retirement?
There was no particular reason actually, I was going to retire after I trusted someone to take the lead but I found a great team that are building good infrastructure for the project.
What kind of an impact do you think your retirement will have on the army at large?
Well nothing actually, the team is doing a great job with or without me, I’m just hoping they reach our goals.
Do you think you were able to execute all that you had planned for the army, during your time as a Leader?
Yeah, almost.
What would you say has been the best thing about being a Leader?
Reviving an og project, Meeting great people, Hoping to get to no. 1 spot.
Could you share your favorite memory/memories of the army with me, if it’s not too personal?
The memory I love to remember is our opening event tbh I won’t forget it for a while.
Do you plan to come back at any time in the future?
Well, I will be active from time to time in discord so I won’t be away for long.
Any final words or advice that you would like to give to the staff team and the army at large?
Let’s win a Tournament!!!
While we were waiting for Ay12 to get back to us, we reached out to Toxic Storm as well to hear his thoughts on Ay12’s retirement from the army.
Can you give us some insight into the reasons for Ay12’s departure?
Ay12 is currently having a hard time in his day to day life, this was one of the main reasons he wanted to retire. I personally think that he has already completed his mission of bringing his favourite army back and he wants to leave the army to the new generation of Tormentors to take care of it.
How do you feel Ay12’s retirement will affect the army?
Ay12 inspired us to exert effort and bring the army back. He has did his part and I think it is time for us to continue what he started. To answer the question truthfully no, he helped us alot but no army is built on the contribution of one person, no matter how significant or insignificant that contribution is
With one of the original leaders gone, what are your plans for the future of the Tormentors?
The plan is to build up slowly. Despite our army being a revival of a new generation, in reality it feels like a new army that was created to adapt to the current army atmosphere. We will reach high and great goals no matter how long it takes.
Although the history of the Tormentors is brief, it is clear that Ay12’s leadership left an everlasting impact on the army. Despite the army has facing multiple leadership changes over the past few weeks, Toxic Storm is confident in its ability to succeed. While the future of the Tormentors remains unknown, passion and dedication to its success remain prominent. Club Penguin Armies wishes Ay12 the best of luck in his future.