Since the start of Club Penguin armies, the term “September drop” has been synonymous with a drop in activity within the community. With September now upon us, we will be talking to army leaders to get their perspectives on the current situation.

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The concept of the “September drop” sends shivers up army leaders’ spines because it is well known for its severe drop in activity. When the September drop is in motion, many armies struggle with low troop turnouts, causing them to close temporarily or shut down. The September drop not only affects sizes but the month also sees many leaders retire, which has a further impact on armies.
But what causes the annual September Drop? For many members of the community, September signals the conclusion of summer and the start of a new academic year. This can mean people’s schedules become more rigorous and stacked high with amounts of homework or assignments. It may take time for students to adjust to their new hectic schedule, leaving no time to engage with their army. Many people who no longer attend school may also return to their jobs following the summer vacation. Although, some people may not have had a summer vacation, leading to burnout. The September drop can also see this occur as work schedules become busier.

Water Viking Announcement from 2016 regarding the September Drop
This year, the September drop may be more difficult to tackle in comparison to previous years because of the recent drop in sizes. In last week’s Top Ten, the army community averaged less than 30 troops during their events. This is a significant difference in comparison to 2022 where the top four armies averaged over 30. What does this mean for armies who are trying to combat the drop this year?
Club Penguin Armies reached out to army leaders to hear about their perspectives on the September drop.
What are your opinions on this year’s September drop, and how do you intend to tackle it?
Shalissa, People’s Imperial Confederation Leader: I hate the September drop with a passion and I like to pretend it doesn’t exist. PIC has unfortunately fallen victim to its curse and I’ve noticed the same in a few other armies. To counteract the drop we have been working on recruiting and registering. We also have been trying to hold events during after school hours to better our turnout. It sucks but it’s a yearly occurrence. I’ve been leading PIC for a long time and usually after a couple of weeks of extra hard work things go back to normal.
Dawnables, Templars Leader: September drop as always just makes every army average lower than usual. As always the best way to go about it is to continue recruiting and being as active as possible as we begin adjusting the the school year. there’ll also be changes in the way everything is to help compensate for the lack of time we have in order to remain stable and keep the army afloat. Above all, keeping the army stress free as much as possible and making sure that it really is a place where we can all go and have fun playing games and talking to each other.
RammLass, Elite Guardians of CP Leader: Honestly, I am quite indifferent about the ”September Drop”, after all, it is something that really doesn’t happen in EGCP, probably due to most of our troops nationality. However, times have changed, our troops grew up and we need to adapt to any kind of period of time that we may come across that can affect size and/or schedule. Our main intention for tackling the September Drop is applying numerous reforms to make EGCP more buzzling with activity, to promote more member interactions and attract new people. After all, we got a whole month to prepare and put those changes into practice.
Toxic Storm, Tormentors Leader: The September drop is a normal period in the army life cycle, people have lives, they have to work on their education and maybe take care of their younger siblings. In my opinion, if someone loves a game, they will always find the time to play. A way to tackle this is by hosting weekend events, Communicating with the army members within about their needs and more leniency with their attendance/ performance. The goal is to make people come back and play the game and accommodate their needs during this time period.
Yoda, Help Force Leader: With beginning of the new school year, armies are more likely to get max drops which is a common thing for cpa however if everything is done in a planned and orderly manner, the result will not be not bad. Coming to our plans we’re going to make a few changes for recruiting It has not been implemented yet but it is being considered now, I am sure it will be positive! We also have force arcadium which we host fun activities and games for community, people can be more active when they enjoy and have fun and ofc hype hype hype dont forget hype its a factor such as oil that helps machine gears run faster and better I believe what I said will work these are what i think to tackle the drop.
Coolguy, Army of CP Leader: As leaders, we are no strangers to the September drop which is why we have been aware of it and keeping an eye on such. We aim to tackle it head on as it draws ever closer.
Dino, Water Vikings Leader: This year’s September Drop is going to be a very bad one. WV is holding a meeting this Saturday to figure out how to tackle it.
The army leaders clearly expect this year’s September drop to be devastating to their respective armies. Nonetheless, they intend to keep their community involved in their strategy to fight the infamous drop. How will the drop affect the community this year? Will there be visible gaps in the community towards the end of September?