Troopstealing: Free Will Or Manipulation

Troopstealing has been around in the army community for a long time. It is an act that is frowned upon in the army community. The topic of troopstealing has many layers to explore.

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Troopstealing can be described as the act of an individual from a different army stealing another individual who is already part of an army. On the surface, this explanation describes troopstealing perfectly. In reality, troopstealing has many layers and many ways an individual can go about it. Beyond this simple definition, some community members disagree on the details of this act.

To some, troopstealing can be in the form of an army representative offering higher ranks or better opportunities to members of other armies. To others, troopstealing could include blackmailing, constant harassment or manipulation. Despite the ways an individual can go about it, the intention of displacing an individual from his army is what most consider troopstealing.

The act of troopstealing starts with a conversation

The common issue with troopstealing is that an army could lose a valuable member of its team or have their event max negatively affected. This has also been a reason for armies to declare war on each other. Individuals who troopsteal usually get banned and kicked out of the server of their victim’s army. Despite the news of members being exposed for troopstealing, this act is still a common occurrence.

All members could choose to commit the act of troopstealing. Likewise, all members regardless of their rank could be victims of troopstealing. Throughout the years, many current army legends and veterans have been accused of troopstealing. In some cases, the number of troops stolen could be enough to cause an army to collapse. The act of stealing troops has always been seen in a negative light, due to it undermining the effort and investment put in by the victim’s army to train and guide them.

Don’t members have free will?

Free will might be a tricky part to tackle, but it is something that could have crossed the minds of many. An argument against troopstealing is that members have the free will to join any army they want. Some may say that it cannot be called troopstealing if a member had joined another army willingly, despite the outside influence. This argument might suggest that armies don’t have ownership over their members, and their allegiance should not be taken for granted. False troopstealing allegations have been made at times due to members changing armies. There should be no obstacles in place for people who are willing to change armies, but this understandably should not be the case during tournaments.

Club Penguin Armies sat down with different members of the army community to discuss their opinions about the topic.

How do you define troopstealing?

Elsa, Templars: Troop stealing is defined by taking a troop from another army.

Smurf, People’s Imperial Confederation: Troopstealing is the act of stealing a troop. Not like stalling an airplane, or a car, but like deliberately wasting a troop’s time by talking to them. Then again, Club Penguin armies are a waste of everyone’s time, so it’s not a horrible thing to do, I guess.

Ugly, Army of Club Penguin: Trying or have intentionally manipulated or persuade a member of an other army to yours without the knowing of the leaders of the army you stole them from.

Zenishira, Help Force: Troopstealing is the act of willingly forcing someone you know is part of another army to join your own.

Have you experienced troopstealing or heard about it happening to others in the community?

Elsa, Templars: I have experienced and heard about it happening to other people in the community.

Smurf, People’s Imperial Confederation: Yeah, here and there.

Ugly, Army of Club Penguin: Yeah, I did a lot of times before in multiple occasions.

Zenishira, Help Force: I don’t remember seeing it happen to myself, however I have heard of cases where some leaders stealing troops from armies they were previously in. For safety reasons, I won’t divulge any more information.

How can troopstealing be prevented or what counter measures could be used?

Elsa, Templars: Troopstealing should be prevented by not coming into other armies and not allowing the troop kidnapper to take them to their army to join. The measures could be used by banning the troop stealing kidnapper.

Smurf, People’s Imperial Confederation: Learn how to maintain friendships. Be entertaining and offer something that other communities don’t have. There’s no shaking the feeling that every army is the same thing, but with different people. It’s a shame that the people in them basically all share the same personalities.

Ugly, Army of Club Penguin: I don’t think there’s a way to really prevent it, but getting to mentor and teach the troops about the community may help. That would make them more aware of other armies rather than being intrigued when approached if other armies are seen as “the others” like enemies or opposing armies.

Zenishira, Help Force: First of all, to prevent recruiters from accidentally bumping into someone who belongs into another army to try to recruit them, they should join all known armies and request a “visitor” role, this way they can check the mutual servers of the people who are in the Discord servers they recruit from. Secondly, Higher Command and staff alike should punish those who are troopstealing in the manner I have defined in [my first point.]

Do you condone any type of troopstealing happening?

Elsa, Templars: No, I do not condone troop stealing at all!

Smurf, People’s Imperial Confederation: No, troop-stealing itself is pretty lame. If the troop isn’t enjoying their current army, and finds another army interesting (either by humble word of mouth from a person in the army, or otherwise), I think it’s perfectly fine. It really, also, comes down to the troop-stealer’s motives. For that, we could probably understand that, since Club Penguin armies are so boring, they’re desperate for new troops.

Ugly, Army of Club Penguin: No, It gives an unfair advantage regarding tournaments and wars and completely destroys the work of the people that actually recruit a lot. If it is accepted by both parties involved, then that sounds fine.

Zenishira, Help Force: It is no secret that troopstealing is an unethical practice. Get your own people and stop begging people from armies better than yours to join you.

What do you think the consequences should be for members who try troopstealing others?

Elsa, Templars: I think there should be a permanent ban for members who try to troopsteal other people.

Smurf, People’s Imperial Confederation: It’s a dumb flash game (Club Penguin). It’s been dead for years. I’m not going to act like you guys really think that troop-stealing itself is a moral problem. What you care about is having as many troops as possible swear allegiance to, seemingly, getting higher and higher on the Top Ten? Wearing a role that says “I’m in this army?” Why did you ask me to be in this article? Who will read this and say, “Wow, that was really interesting,” anyway?

Ugly, Army of Club Penguin: Through sanctions by the Club Penguin Armies organization running, in the case of tournaments a complete withdrawal of the army troop stealing and in the case of war a treaty given immediately.

Zenishira, Help Force: If they have done so accidentally, a simple warning is enough, if they know what they were doing, and if it’s a repeated offense, then the troopstealer in question should be either kicked or banned from their respective army.

In conclusion, troopstealing is usually seen as a negative act in the army community. There is a fine line between free will and manipulation but accusations and quick reactions occur before proper investigations could be made. Why are troops still being stolen? Can free will be used as a defense for a troopstealing situation?

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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