The Friendly Gamers have officially reopened for a second generation, this comes years after its original shutdown. The Gamers are training their members in an effort to return to the battle scene strong and powerful.

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The Friendly Gamers were originally founded by JakobTFG in the late months of 2020. They were a small army but were passionate and wanted to meet their goals. Their peak max, however, was a total of 14 penguins during one of their events. Unfortunately, little was recorded about their time as an army due to the short period of time they were alive. The first generation of the Gamers’ army only lasted a month before shutting down due to school starting. They weren’t able to reach the heights they wanted to. However, they didn’t give up hope. This fact became more evident this year.
Earlier in the year, the Gamers were revived by their creator. They were originally revived as a gaming server rather than a Club Penguin Army. This allowed them to gain some traction as a server and prepare themselves for what was to come. On the 19th of July, Jakob announced that they would be officially becoming a Club Penguin army. This saw them plan their opening event as well as gain the support of members of the community.
The Friendly Gamers held their reopening event on Sunday, July 30th, maxing a total of 21 penguins online. Despite just opening they already have two major allies, the Help Force and the Army of CP.

The Friendly Gamers Reopening Event
The army currently is led by, Jakob, and Frickle. Jakob first joined the army community in July 2020, he was recruited into the Ice Warriors. He stayed there just until early 2021, ranking up to Staff in Training. During his time in the Ice Warriors, he created the idea of the Friendly Gamers and then went on to create it. After he shut down his army, he joined the Special Weapons and Tactics and ranked up to third in command before he, eventually, retired in August 2022. In September 2022, Jakob rejoined his home army, the Ice Warriors. He stayed there for a while, ranking up to fifth in command, only to leave again in March of 2023. Now, Jakob leads the Friendly Gamers once again, this time, wanting to make bigger strides.
Frickle joined the army community in 2020, much like Jakob. He has been in the Ice Warriors army throughout his whole army career. Frickle stayed loyal to the army, but the Ice Warriors went on to shut down in March 2023. This left Frickle without an army to call home. However, he soon decided that it was time to look elsewhere and is now leading the Friendly Gamers alongside former-IW member, Jakob.
Club Penguin Armies reached out to Jakob and Frickle for an exclusive interview to find out more about the army’s reopening.
What made you want to reopen the army?
Jakob: I’ve always wanted to revive Friendly Gamers ever since it shut down in 2020. I just didn’t have the time between my lack of army knowledge and school being harder at the time due to remote learning. Now that I have the skills needed and even leading experience, we felt that the time was right for FG to come back.
How is this reopening different from the last opening?
Jakob: When FG first opened back in 2020, we had no community other than current army members. Looking back at it now, it felt like it was more of a meme army. This time we now have a community, a purpose, and plan to spread our friendliness to hundreds more people!
What are the army’s plans and goals for the future?
Jakob: We can’t say much about our current plans right now, but we have goals of steadily maxing 15+ in the coming month or two, and grow our community as a whole. We also recently formed an alliance with the Army of Club penguin and Help Force. This is just the beginning.
Frickle: Hmm well I’m unsure on EVERYTHING Jakob has in mind, but heres what part my plans/goals are. One of the biggest goals would probably be just growth in general. One of our current growth goals is to get 500 server members. Another goal with growth etc is to start getting more people at our events and helping more and more make CPAB accounts. So far, we don’t plan on having a TON of CPAB events every week, we’ll probably start having more events in the future though.
How did you feel about the reopening event?
Jakob: Going into the opening event I expected us to get around 15, to my surprise we hit a huge peak of 21. This has now raised my expectations of FG, and we plan to go major in a few months.
Frickle: I was extremely nervous for our reopening event tbh, It was the first time I led an event that wasn’t a troop/staff u-lead. But at the end I felt pretty good with our max of 21 and I’m very thankful we had our amazing visitors and allies there to support us.
Anything you would like to add?
Jakob: I would like to mention that FG is back for real, and not as a meme. Certain peoples dissed on our name last generation, so let this serve as a reminder that we don’t plan on changing it. We will rise.
Frickle: Friendly gamers forever and always.
From the interview, we can conclude that the Friendly Gamers are serious about the army and are not planning to give up soon. Maxing 21 people for their first event seems promising for the Gamers. With that said, hopefully, they will be able to have a much longer run than their last generation. They have plans to surpass the first generation and have already broken their max record. Will it go on to become their best generation yet?
Can they maintain the high sizes? How long will the army last this generation? Will their future be bright? Only time can tell what will happen in the army’s future. We, at Club Penguin Armies, wish the Gamers the best of luck in their endeavours.