HCOM Life Stories: Keygater2 From Templars

Welcome to another edition of HCOM Life Stories, the column where we dive into the history of an active HCOM member in the community. This week, we will be taking a look at Keygater2 and how he got to where he is today.

Designed by Wynn

Keygater2 is mostly known as a member of the Templars‘ [TCP] Higher Command team. However, they were recruited into the community in 2019. Their first army was Mopia, joining as a new recruit on July 22, 2019. During his first month in the army, he was able to witness the Summer Circuit tournament. In this tournament, Mopia were able to beat all the odds, winning against the likes of Elite Guardians and the Winged Hussars. The army was able to achieve the top spot in Group B during the tournament.

Despite spending a small amount of time in the army, after the tournament, Keygater2 soon took their leave from the army. Keygater2 took a two year break from the army community before finding Templars, the army which they’d soon call their home. They officially joined the Templars on April 5, 2021, just one day after the army’s third anniversary.

The road from here wasn’t the easiest for Keygater2 as the army went from one war to another. Within the first few weeks, Templars declared war against the Water Vikings. Just one month later, they proceeded to declare war, once again, on Magma Clan. However, the road only got rockier as the Templars got suspended from Project: Conquest because of the actions taken by the army and its members. The army soon was outcast by the leagues, leading to the Templars being isolated.

Templars raiding a Project: Conquest battle

This was a tough time for the army and can’t have made Keygater2’s journey easy. He stayed with them through all adversity and was awarded for his efforts. On September 23, Keygater2 was able to obtain the role of staff in the army. His hard work paid off, but it wasn’t the end for him.

The Templars went on to fight copious amounts of wars, showing their true fighting spirit as an army. From the war against the Water Vikings in November 2021 to the World War IX in June 2023, the Templars never gave up. The fighting spirit of the Templars and their members, like Keygater2, resembled the true meaning of armies. They were creating a competitive environment, not just for themselves but for the whole community.

Just before the Templars started their Golden Domination Top Ten run in January 2022, Keygater2 was promoted to HCOM on January 3. This allowed Keygater2 to have an impact on the Templars’ golden run in the Top Ten, cementing his place in their historic team. Since then, he has remained a big part of their HCOM team, continuing to help them in any way they can. This also enabled them to help the army win last year’s Legends Cup.

Legends Cup XII

This year has also been a busy one for the army as they have fought in many wars already, including the aforementioned World War IX. However, it has also allowed Keygater2 the chance to prove himself as an asset to the army. The army recently lost its major status but this allows the members to further prove themselves by helping the army regain its status.

Club Penguin Armies [CPA] contacted Keygater2 to find out more about his journey and future plans.

How did you first come across the community?

I was invited by sage and I was like “Yeah sure this seems fun” and that’s how I began my journey.

How difficult was it to take a two year break from armies and then join TCP?

Wasn’t really difficult. To be honest, was more focused on life ‘n school.

What has your journey in TCP been like over the past two years?

It was fun! Met a lot of new friends, the army in general was quite fun, and I’ll try my best to get leader.

Do you have any memorable moments in CPA? If so what are they?

The Mopia declaring war on the Pizza Federation, and me being a leader in TCP for one second.

What are your current goals in the Templars and what would you like to achieve?

My current goals in TCP is just to revive the place, get leader, and win Legends Cup (hopefully).

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being in armies?

To be honest, I learned that in CPA they are some nice people out there and and overall the community is nice.

It seems that Keygater2 has his sights set on, one day, becoming a leader of the Templars. We, at Club Penguin Armies, wish Keygater2 the best of luck for his future! With his sights set on winning the Legends Cup, will he be able to lift the trophy? Will the Templars become a major army once again? Can Keygater2 achieve his goal and become a leader of the army?

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

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