The community had a lot of opinions and thoughts after an eventful turnout in the first-round clash seeing a Dark Vikings vs SWAT, and Templars vs Dark Pirates battles. How did people react to these battles and does the community think there were any upsets or surprises?

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Dark Vikings vs. Special Weapons and Tactics
On July 16th, both the Dark Vikings and Special Weapons and Tactics battled for one winner to qualify for the next round against the Water Vikings. SWAT managed to win against Dark Vikings with a result of 1-0-2[W/L/T]. This certainly had the community in shock as SWAT managed to defy the odds despite the predictions being against them. A lot of people had different opinions about how the battle went as well as interesting thoughts about it.
Wynn, Chief Executive Producer: Despite the recent low maxes, I expected SWAT to win from the start. I thought they might gather more members online for the Legends Cup, but nevertheless, they proved to be much more organised than DV. SWAT participated in several wars in the past months, so it was to be expected. DV on the other hand, had less practice, and their training events didn’t seem to be in-depth either. I also can’t say I’m surprised that DV once again broke the tournament rules and bypassed the CPAB bans.
Spotty, Head Judge: I would first like to congratulate SWAT on their win today, and becoming the first army to secure a win in this tournament. However, I would also like to apologise to SWAT for having to log on against DV, an army who many, including myself believe shouldn’t have been invited to participate in this tournament. Despite the long list of hateful things that DV have done in this community, only certain people were banned from attending the tournament, despite everyone knowing it was extremely likely they would attend anyway. Therefore this tournament has proven that certain individuals only care about numbers in their tournament and not for the community itself.
Sweater, SWAT Leader: I still maintain that Dark Vikings probably shouldn’t have been invited to the tournament, but it doesn’t matter. I had faith in my guys to show up and win and they did just that, so I’m proud of them and myself. Dark Vikings can’t show up when it matters, but our next opponent, Water Vikings, will be much tougher. Won’t be able to make the next one myself but wish the SWAT guys the best of luck and hope the Water Vikings have a good time.
Mabel, Water Vikings Leader: Honestly since two of the rooms tied it definitely looks like it was a really close battle so and basically a 50/50 chance there for swat and dv in that first room lol, I wasn’t there to watch it myself as I was busy with other things but yeah seemed like it was a tough battle. Honestly for our battle against SWAT next I think it’ll be a fun battle to witness as we haven’t really fought swat in a hot min so it’ll be fun.
Lunita, Water Vikings: In all honesty, I have been proven wrong. And I am incredibly happy about that. I assumed that SWAT would lose this, however they proven me wrong, and for that I apploud them. As for the battle itself, I was unfortunately unable to watch most of it due to a training event. But as far as I seen, while DV had the size advantage, SWAT’s training, and DV’s inability to use their size advantage led to their victory. Also it is important to mention the fact that Thunder was caught using a alt despite being banned. Overall I am hoping that both armies will learn from this battle, and that SWAT will achieve higher sizes and ideally less afk’s during their battle against us ( The Water Vikings )
Kyle, Community Member: Considering SWAT were favorites for the battle i didn’t expect DV to actually do much especially with their leaders apparently banned from leading and the game itself I believe. DV tied two rooms which no one expected and had they had a bit more consistency they could have won the match. SWAT was the better army overall today but DV did a good job.
Unfortunately, we weren’t able to get a statement from Dark Vikings about the battle as they declined our request.
Templars vs. Dark Pirates
The Templars and Dark Pirates fought in a contentious battle that would earn one of them a ticket to the quarterfinals against the Army of Club Penguin, which to not much surprise, Templars were able to dominate Dark Pirates to a 3-0 win, as they amazed the community with their beautiful performance that managed to qualify them to the next round. The community was astonished by this battle, numerous individuals had interesting insights into this battle’s outcome.
Mchappy, Administrator: While I was not able to catch the livestream of the battle, it is unfortunate that Dark Pirates were not able to show out for the entire 30 minutes. Even if it was a clear loss, it would’ve been nice to see them give maximum effort. It certainly did not live up to the hype that a traditional Legends Cup battle would have. Templars seemed to look strong and have strong formations, and I think it’ll be good momentum for them going into next weekend’s battles.
Disha, Executive Producer: I think the battle went as most of us would have expected it to go. Dark Pirates is a relatively new army, and I hope to see them grow with time as I believe they have a lot of scope for it. Despite this being their first tournament and facing a strong opponent, I think it was brave of them to show up to the battle, and not quit the tournament without participating or even trying. Kudos to them for that. Templars, in the meantime, have been steadily building up, and it’s really nice to witness that. Congratulations to them on their win, and I look forward to seeing how they perform in the upcoming rounds!
Nicky_3070, Templars Leader: The battle was easy, results were as expected but I didnt expect DP to give up in room 2, for the quarterfinals I know it will be a close battle as both of us can max good sizes.
Bakhos, Dark Pirates Leader: First of all it was fun getting to attend my first tournament in the CPA community but I am sad that we didn’t win but no problem we will try next time and win. Second We couldn’t win also because are mostly troops are of AUSIA Timezone so the event was late for everyone including me so we couldn’t get much people logged on and ninja was also busy last week so we couldn’t get much troops too.
Calgo, Army of CP Leader: First off congratulations to both sides in putting up a valiant effort for the sport of winning it all! Huge props to Dark Pirates for still showing up and giving it their all despite the odds being stacked against them in this matchup. That isn’t something that is easy to do and many S/Ms these days drop out or run away from the challenge. So all in all they have my respect for pushing through and fighting for something bigger than themselves. There is no doubt that Templars were set to be the victors in this match and I would like to congratulate them on their first victory. As an ally I have tremendous respect for them and their efforts. That being said the next round will not be handed to them on a silver platter and we will not let them taste victory so easily. Their next challenge is about to be the hardest fight they’ve ever seen. Just because we are allies does not mean either of us can go easy on each other. There is no mercy in the art of tournaments. Its either win or die trying. Bring it your best because you are gonna need it. The Green Giant is out for blood and we are prepared to sacrifice EVERYTHING if it means finally BRINGING IT HOME.
Elsa, Templars: Congrats to the Templars for their victory! I knew the force would always shine through in their victory, and I think they have a great chance of becoming champions again this year! The next opponent will be our lovely new allies: Army of Club Penguin next Saturday! I think it will be a blast to face them!
The first round of the Legends Cup XIII concluded with varied but generally positive opinions. Many people are now looking forward to the thrilling battles this week. Stay tuned for the next matches and how the community will react to them. Let us know your thoughts about these battles in the replies below! Were the results as you expected? Which armies do you believe are favourites heading into the quarter-finals?