Templars Classified as S/M

On June 4, the Templars went from being a renowned major army within the community to being classified as a small/medium army. This change occurred after the Templars failed to host at least 2 events with a size score of 20+ for 3 consecutive weeks. With the outbreak of World War IX, the risk of defeat looms over the army’s future.

Xing created the Templars of Club Penguin on April 4th, 2018. The Templars quickly engaged in a war with the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. Although the victor of the war is still under debate, the Templars claimed victory. The knights soon found themselves in another conflict, World War VII, where they joined the Red Dawn Alliance in their fight against the Rebel Penguin Federation. The Templars emerged victorious in the war, with many more accomplishments following throughout the following years.

The Templars saw huge success in 2022, maintaining first place in the Top Tens for 47 consecutive weeks, breaking the Rebel Penguin Federation’s record. However, their streak came to an end in late December, when the Army of Club Penguin claimed the top spot for the week beginning on December 18th. Despite this setback, the Templars carried on and managed to secure first place the following week. In total, the Templars spent 49 weeks at the top in 2022. They even managed to secure victory against the Water Vikings in the finals of the Legends Cup XII tournament, maxing 82 penguins. This was almost 4 times more than what most armies were maxing at the time.

The Templars battling the Water Vikings in the finals of the Legends Cup XII tournament

2023 started with Templar’s leader and creator, Xing, retiring on January 6th. Soon after Xing’s retirement, accusations of multilogging were lodged against the Templars. Upon further investigation, conclusive evidence proved these accusations true, with dozens of accounts being tied to multilogging. A size multiplier of x0.6 was applied to the Templars for 4 weeks in February as a result of this, with several events in January being removed from their score. This resulted in the Templars falling to 8th place in the Top Ten in the 3rd week of January.

After this, their activity started to fluctuate. During one week, they maxed less than 20 and then got first place in the Top Ten the next. Templars, under Xing’s leadership, were used to achieving high maxes, rarely dropping below their average. Despite this, the knights have struggled to max more than 30 ever since.

The Templars’ 5th anniversary in April boosted their activity for a while, with the knights maxing 25+ consistently throughout the month. During this celebration, the knights hosted various practice battles, maxing 47 in their practice battle against the Water Vikings. With their anniversary bolstering their activity, the Templars managed to achieve first place in the Top Ten, once again, in the second week of April.

The Templars celebrating their 5th year anniversary at their 5 Year Anniversary Event + PB vs WV event

During the month of May, the Templars struggled to max highly. They repeatedly placed near the bottom of the Top Ten, achieving size scores below 20 or barely scraping 20. By the end of the month, they were one week away from losing their major army classification. During the last two weeks of May, they averaged below 20, which they aimed to combat in June.

In the first week of June, the Templars succeeded in maxing 20, however, this did not save them from losing their major classification. Although the army maxed 20, they only hosted one event that week. Unfortunately, they failed to meet the two event requirement for maintaining major classification. As a result, the Templars were reclassified to small/medium.

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Templars’ leader Dawn for an exclusive interview to learn more about how this reclassification will affect the army.

How do you feel about this reclassification?

I mean it sucks, but it honestly is helping us get our troops back and revive our morale. We have been working as hard as we can to restore Templars and secure our successes.

What was the cause of this drop in size?

We went into finals season and it completely ruined us, All of the leaders were in finals during these past few weeks and have been rotating with how we handle events. Our troops as well have been doing important exams and we prioritize irl > cpa.

What is your plan moving forward?

From here on we make sure everyones on summer break and continue recruiting. Templars will rise like it did before this is only a temporary phase. As well as focusing on using this war as motivation to keep improving ourselves.

How will this drop in size affect the Templar’s ability to fight in World War IX?

Luckily we haven’t really noticed any issues with our troops and their ability’s to fight in the battles. Our troops come from all different regions so that helps with the stress of attending a lot of events. Overall it helps that we are in the Sapphire Concordat, they help motivate us to push Templars to always do better.

It seems like Dawn is confident that Templars will make a comeback. Since the army joined the Sapphire Concordat in World War IX, their maxes have greatly increased to 25+. If they maintain these maxes, they possibly reclaim their major status by the end of the month. Do you think that they will be able to reclaim their major classification? Will the army rise to be a major powerhouse once again? Or will the Templars remain as a giant in the small/medium army community?

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Mchappy is interning at Club Penguin Armies as the Chief Executive Producer. Max held him at gunpoint to finish his biography.

One Response

  1. […] June 4, 2023, troubles continued as Templars lost their major army status. At the time, Empress Dawnables pointed to the change of the season as affecting the […]

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