Welcome to Lost Legends, a column dedicated to celebrating the unsung heroes of the community. In each edition, we will shine a spotlight on army leaders who made significant contributions but haven’t received the recognition they deserve. We will also connect with army legends who feel forgotten, listen to their stories, and acknowledge their impact. Every army leader who had a noteworthy impact should be remembered and celebrated.

Designed by Legoman
In the inaugural edition of this column, we delve more than a decade into the archives of Club Penguin Army Central. Should you retrace my steps, you would uncover a rather bizzarre scenario. In 2010, the concept of single enlistment did not exist, and members of major armies could form small armies at will. These small armies would mostly die out almost as soon as they were created. However, some armies did manage to make their mark in history.
To appreciate the contribution of the individual we are highlighting today, it is crucial to know these historical details. Allowing members to be affiliated with multiple armies can be compared to what computer nerds like me call a ‘Multiple Processor Multiple Process’ architecture. Individuals with ample leisure time could invest their efforts into several army communities. Thus, their efforts ended up nurturing the army community as a whole. However, this practice slowed down promotions in the ranks of major armies.
This edition highlights Scampi Bri, an esteemed leader of the Watex Warriors. She embodies the type of members I described earlier. Bri’s journey in armies commenced when she discovered the Army of Club Penguin in October 2009. After departing from the clovers, she founded the National Club Penguin Army, assuming the name Texasgirl27. Her creation quickly faded into history following numerous merges.

A Hot Sauce Army event
However, during this time she joined the illustrious Hot Sauce Army, attaining the rank of Third in Command. In March 2010, former Hot Sauce Army leader Dudex219 couped their inactive leaders and formed a new staff team, with Bri assuming a leadership role. Her skills proved to be essential in bring HSA back to life and keeping it going until its eventual downfall.
Undeterred by the failure of her previous creation, Bri went on to establish the Burritos. The Burritos merged with several food-based armies to form the Snow Troops. This army managed to achieve some moderate amount of success before merging with the Watex Warriors. Under her leadership, WW ascended to top four on the Top Ten Armies list. Bri proved her mettle by spearheading a several WW revivals, saving the army from extinction on multiple occasions.
Here’s an excerpt from her bio on the Watex Warriors’ hall of fame:
(She) led alongside Luc, brought back WW twice and managed to get it at least to the top 4. She got a CSS and a .com for WW and was great with graphics, she was one of the best leaders WW has ever had. She is also an awesome friend.
She often took on armies larger than WW, going head-to-head with them and emerging victorious. In December 2010, the Doritos issued threats to the Roman Fire Warriors, a close ally of WW. WW, RFW, Underground Mafias Army, and Ice Vikings formed an alliance to declare war against the Doritos. Under Bri’s leadership, WW persevered through wars with several armies, including the Army Republic, Dark Warriors, Golden Troops, and Underground Mafias Army.

WW Invasion of Shiver
The Club Penguin Armies team reached out to Scampi Bri on Discord for an interview about her career.
What was the thing that made you want to stay in this community to contribute to so many armies?
Joining more armies introduced me to more people. I had a great time chatting with all sorts! Getting into the UX/graphic design side of things helped me stay as well.
What is the general theme that you’ve tried to uphold as an army leader?
I think a lot of my army experience as a whole was based on loyalty to the bonds I created. I also tried my best to keep events lively and entertaining!
Which event style do you think you would prefer to lead? The current one or the old one?
Having judges for every encounter, that sort of structure would have been great back in the day lmao. Room claiming just always lead to flaming so that’s a nice improvement. The current style would be preferred honestly. Discord access really helps as well. Everything just seemed like a slog back in the day.
Did you learn anything from here that has transferred over to real life?
Biggest was probably gfx design & furthering that with ‘real world’ pursuits. I’ve also kept in touch with a few friends from my time, it’s great seeing each other grow older.
What are your favourite memories from back then?
Honestly it’s funny to look back on how serious it all seemed. But staying up late on random weeknights laughing at a full Xat chat also comes to mind.
Will you ever return to the army community?
Probably not in any real capacity. It could be fun to attend some events though!
It seems we might be seeing this lost legend pop up at some events soon. Scampi Bri definitely had a great impact on the community back in her era. We look forward to hearing about your suggestions for the upcoming Lost Legends editions! If you feel your efforts as a leader were not recognized, or you know someone like that, feel free to DM your suggestions to Mchappy#6927.