HCOM Life Stories: From Army Legend Recruit to Future SWAT Leader

Welcome to the second edition of HCOM Life Stories. For this edition, we will be looking into the Special Weapons And Tactics’ HCOM member, Silent Sniper. We’ll be taking a dive into their army journey and interviewing them to find out more.

Silent Sniper‘s journey within the army community started in 2010 after he was recruited into the Doritos of Club Penguin. He was recruited by Doritos legend Wwebestfan‘s autotypers on Club Penguin. Between then and 2013 he was able to rank up to third-in-command within the army.

Silent Sniper, also known as Hershey 365, at a Doritos training in 2014

Despite this, he was also pictured at a Doritos event in January 2014, after he supposedly left. Between 2013 and 2014 Silent enlisted in Striking Raiders as a moderator. While he was only in the army for a short period, he quickly ranked up to leader. He went on to lead the third and fourth generations of the army, leading them into a ‘golden era’. While the army wasn’t a major army, it maxed approximately 15 troops under Silent’s control. 

From then on he went on to join Superhero123‘s Smart Penguin, ranking up to leader-in-training before, briefly, leading the Night Rebels. Couped from the Rebels’ leadership, Silent joined Redemption Force, seeking redemption, on November 1, 2016. This move saw him leading the army alongside Reacon and Blaze.

However, this was also short-lived because of the news that broke out soon after that Club Penguin would be closing. The return of the Doritos brought Silent back to armies in 2020 after nearly 4 years of being away from them. He served as a third-in-command in the army for a short while before going on to new challenges outside of armies.

He now resides in the Special Weapons And Tactics army as a leader-in-training. Originally joining as a third-in-command in late 2022, Silent worked his way up to second-in-command. Earlier this month, he was able to earn the rank of leader-in-training following his pivotal role in many wars. He continues to play a big part within the agents’ high command team. Currently, the army is at war, however, his commitment has not faltered.

The agents in a battle in their recent war

Thus far, Silent Sniper has continued to work hard throughout his career which has seen him in the high command of many notable armies.

Club Penguin Armies interviewed Silent Sniper to find out more about his journey.

How did you come across armies and Wwebestfan?

As a kid, I loved playing club penguin and definitely secured that membership from my parents. One day I came across what looked like an active penguin, however, it wasn’t. It was an auto-typer that Wwe used on an alt. I ended up typing in the obscure url and fell into the world of xat and Club Penguin Armies. From that moment forth, I joined Doritos of Club Penguin and my friendship with Wwebestfan, Mustapha10, and the family grew exponentially.

You’ve been in a few armies since originally joining armies, do you have a favourite?

Perhaps it was their sense of humor – I always enjoyed screwing around and their willingness to poke fun at themselves. Perhaps, maybe it was their focus on teamwork; while other armies were quick to point fingers and assign blame, the Doritos always worked together to overcome any obstacle. I did join several armies, hoping to find what this community had to offer a group of people that shared my passion for this community. However, none of them quite clicked with me the way the Doritos did. I made some of my closest friends in the Doritos, and together we fought, laughed, and explored. We may have been just a group of pixels on a screen, but to us, the Doritos were so much more than that. Therefore, I think what really draws me to the Doritos was their sense of purpose. They didn’t just want to win battles or claim territory – they believed in something greater than themselves. They wanted to create a community of like-minded people and a place where everyone could feel welcome and valued (unless you’re a Nacho). In the end, it wasn’t about winning or losing – it was about the bonds we formed and the memories we created. For that reason, the Doritos will always hold a special place in my heart, as my favorite Club Penguin army to be a part of. Family Forever.

Did you have any goals when you were younger? Did you achieve them or do you still have them?

I think that there are endless goals in this game and I definitely wished I would’ve left more of a mark in the community. Regardless of my journalistic career, there’s still a lot more that I want to experience in terms of judging, and expanding my reporting presence. I’m proud of what I have accomplished as a kid and I’m grateful that I was given the tools to be able to succeed at the highest level.

Do you have any favourite moments from CPA past or present?

My favorite moment would have to be leading the Striking Raiders to Top 10 on CPAC. While helping them average a consistent 10-20 in OG Club Penguin; which for an S/M was solid and enough to keep us alive. Apart from the Doritos of Club Penguin, Striking Raiders is where I got to let my experience run wild. Without Mustapha10, Wwebestfan, Chip, XxToysoldier, etc, I wouldn’t be where I am today and I’m thankful for the opportunities they’ve presented me.

You’re now a SWAT Leader-in-training, what are your current plans and goals?

My plans and goals are to hop back into my recruiting rhythm now that finals week is over to maximize our sizes and ensure unmatched consistency. I would work on developing my leadership skills, both by observing and learning from other SWAT leaders and by taking on leadership roles myself. As a Leader-in-training, I would look for opportunities to contribute to SWAT’s overall goals, whether that means leading events, helping to recruit new members, or assisting with other organizational tasks. Ultimately, my goal as a SWAT Leader-in-Training would be to become an effective and respected leader within the organization and to help ensure that SWAT continues to operate at the highest level of professionalism and excellence.

Do you think that much has changed in terms of how armies work or what you need to do between when you first joined armies to now?

The dynamic of Club Penguin Armies has definitely changed throughout the years. It was a lot easier to log onto OG CPA or make a xat account and you’re good to go! Now, the verification process is a lot more rigorous in order to combat multi logging. Discord especially allows armies to add more verification processes in order to enlist. Overall, I think it has changed for the better and has allowed this community to have a stronger foundation to build from

It seems like Silent has had a long career thus far. However, Silent’s journey will not end here as he aims to become a SWAT leader. His journey has seen him go from many different leading positions and now to leader-in-training within the agents’ army.

Will Silent be able to make his journey in SWAT a success? Will he make his way up to the role of leader? With SWAT being at war, do they have a chance at rising with Silent in their high command? We wish Silent Sniper the best of luck as he aims to become a SWAT leader one day. Who do you want to see interviewed next for HCOM Life Stories? Be sure to let us know.

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