A week after Greeny joined SWAT as a Leader-in-Training, he received a speedy promotion to Commander-in-Chief. He now finds himself at the highest point of the army alongside three other leaders.
On August 3, Greeny, creator of the Lime Green Army, found another army to call home. After passing off the Lime Green Army to Chainpro and Krosive — who shortly retired afterward — Greeny joined the Special Weapons and Tactics as a Leader-in-Training.
On Tuesday, August 9, SWAT announced that Greeny would be promoted to leader, attributing his quick promotion to Greeny’s hard work in strengthening the recruiting force and previous experience within the army community. He joins Coolguy, Legoman, and Lukey at the leadership helm.

SWAT leader Legoman announcing Greeny’s promotion
In recent weeks, SWAT has consistently been rising up in the Top Ten rankings. Last week the army found itself in a top three position — a large rise in comparison to the previous week. Since their return from hiatus in May, they have consistently hovered around an average size of 20. This may be attributed to recruiting tactics a few weeks back surrounding a private server known as Club Penguin Forever. Their first event with Greeny ranked as commander saw a fantastic result in a peak size of 29 in attendance during AUSIA hours.

SWAT’s first event with Greeny as leader
Club Penguin Armies spoke exclusively to Greeny to learn more about his promotion within SWAT.
It has been a week since you joined SWAT and they have promoted you to Commander in Chief. How does it feel?
I feel great. I put in a lot of work to demonstrate that I was serious about leading SWAT. I feel they made the correct decision, and that we will all work great together.
Can you speak on anything regarding the hiring of individuals, or rumored army merge proposals, as SWAT’s tactic to beef up for the impending Legends Cup?
I don’t think we’re just “beefing up” for a specific event, I think we want this to be the golden generation of SWAT.
Since your last interview with us, Krosive has stepped down from LGA Leader. Do you think that will affect their future success?
Kro[sive] has been warning me that he may become absent come the end of August going into school so it was a bit expected. I don’t think it’ll have too drastic of an impact on LGA’s current state.
What ultimately are your plans for your time within the Special Weapons?
Same as when I joined Higher Command, help with tournaments and wars. Contribute sizes and strategies.
Only time will tell if this aforementioned “golden generation” will end up being sustainable. Competition continues to grow rampant as August continues. How will Greeny navigate his recent promotion while maintaining his relationship as creator of the Lime Green Army? Will his addition to the leadership team lead SWAT to new heights?