Templars Declare War on Rebel Penguin Federation, Dispute Ensues Over Server Transfers

The Templars declared war on the Rebel Penguin Federation shortly after Club Penguin Armies’ server draft, citing “distaste” for the Rebels’ “rampant delusion.”

A few days ago, the Templars declared war on the Lime Green Army. However, the Templars surprisingly rescinded their war declaration, only to now declare war on the Rebel Penguin Federation. Tensions have been brewing between the two armies for quite some time. Earlier last year, the Rebels declared war on the Templars, soon followed by the Ice Warriors. This led to controversy, and eventually, Templars pulled out of Club Penguin Army Network.

Soon after the server draft finished, the Red Ravagers and the Ninjas transferred their land to the Templars. Once these transfers were done, the Templars released their war declaration in the invasion scheduling channel of Club Penguin Armies. The Templars cited their reasons for war, mainly stating refusing to have practice battles, trash-talking, and “a general distaste to your rampant delusion and division within the community”.

Templars war terms, click to enlarge

A few hours later, the Rebel Penguin Federation replied to the war declaration in a post of their own. They claimed that the Templars had broken their first rule: “No server transfers.” They included pictures of evidence with time stamps and the server transfers from the Red Ravagers. With the eleventh war term stating that violating any rules would lead to the loss of the whole nation and a force treaty, the Rebel Penguin Federation declared victory over the Templars. The Rebels also responded to the allegations of the Templars, adding that they have stopped using Club Penguin Legacy.

Rebel Penguin Federation showing the timestamps of the war declaration and server transfer, click to enlarge

Soon after, the Templars released another post regarding the one the Rebel Penguin Federation made. In response to the claim of breaking their first war term, the Templars posted evidence of timestamps with the seconds using Discord Snowflake. They stated that the war declaration was actually twenty seconds after the server transfer, therefore invalidating the claims of the Rebel Penguin Federation.

Templars using Discord Snowflake to show the timestamps, click to enlarge

Xing and Cabin discussing the server transfer

To find out more, Club Penguin Armies reached out to Xing and Link3000 for a statement:

Xing: I ask you to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Templars arrive all the same. The time for the monopoly to be broken is now. POWER TO THE SMALL MEDIUM ARMIES!



Link3000: RPF doesn’t run away from wars. We are waiting to see how things turn out and if a war happens then we will battle like we always do.

Now all that’s left to see is how the Rebels respond to these claims. Will the Templars be victorious? Or will the Rebels take home yet another war? Regardless of the outcome, one thing’s for sure: a shakeup of the map is imminent.

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2 Responses

  1. […] 4. Templars Declare War on Rebel Penguin Federation, Dispute Ensues Over Server Transfers […]

  2. […] Penguin Federation and the Templars of Club Penguin are two neutral armies. In 2022, the two armies waged the Summer Soverienghty War. The Rebels managed to define victory in the war. A year later, in the […]

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