Launch of the Server Map & Draft Information

After more than a year of division, the community will be united once again with the launch of the Club Penguin Armies server map.


Introduction to the map

The community divide in 2021 saw armies split across two server maps, both of which quickly became inactive and resulted in a lack of wars and battles. Throughout the unification discussions, the army leaders made it clear that the launch of a united server map was one of the main priorities. This was in the hope that the community would once again see an increase in competition and in-game conflict. The launch of the Club Penguin Armies server map will not only reunite the community on a singular battlefield but also make history as the largest map to date with 150 servers.

This would not have been possible without the hard work of two individuals – our Advisor and Developer Flen and graphic artist Zamb. They have both dedicated much of their precious time and effort to designing and coding the map.


Server Draft

The Army League Board have agreed upon a server draft to ensure that all participating armies have an equal amount of land upon launch. The draft will be taking place tomorrow, Sunday, July 17th, at midday EST. 

  • The draft will take place in a dedicated Discord channel that has been set up.
  • Each army will be able to select up to 5 servers.
  • The servers will be numbered from 1 to 150, and army leaders should send the server numbers that they would like to claim.
  • Armies should also submit the chosen name of their servers. Please note that no meme or joke names will be allowed and this will be at the discretion of the administration.
  • The armies will make their draft picks in order of the upcoming Top Ten Armies, on July 17th.


FREELAND Invasions 

The map will go live on Wednesday, July 20th at midday EST for free-land invasions only. This will be on a first come first serve basis, in which an army can only invade one free-land server per day. The launch will be followed by a grace period in which no army can invade another, allowing the focus to be on free-land invasions. The grace period is to be established in the coming days. 

The Army League Board have also decided that an army cannot be invaded for the entire weekend (Friday-Sunday) if they are participating in a tournament battle that same weekend. This is to guarantee that armies can concentrate on their tournament performance.


With Summer now upon us, the server map could not be launching at a better time as armies eagerly wait to schedule their first invasions. As usual, the Club Penguin Armies team is looking forward to bringing you all of the latest updates on the map.

More Information

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3 Responses

  1. AhsokaTano24 July 16, 2022 (10:47 pm)


  2. rye July 17, 2022 (4:01 am)


  3. […] Armies has been functional without a server map since last year October. The previous map was launched right at the inception of this league, serving as a united server map, after the unification of the leagues took place. […]

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