A New Hope: Sidie09 Returns to Army of Club Penguin as AUSIA Leader

Sidie09 has announced her return to the Army of Club Penguin as an AUSIA leader. The Small-Medium Army Legend intends to breathe “new life” into the division, according to leadership.

Sidie09 first joined the army community in 2011 with the Ice Warriors. In the same year, she created the first AUSIA division in army history, and enlisted in the Army of Club Penguin in November 2014, going on to be promoted to Commander-in-Chief and AUSIA division leader the following year. She is also the creator of the People’s Imperial Confederation, leading the army through its three generations. Now, she has returned to the Army of Club Penguin’s leadership alongside Zeus.

The Army of Club Penguin recently announced “Project: Revival,” slated as a revival plan to return to the army community. Sidie09 has reportedly announced her return to the army as an AUSIA leader. Her intentions on returning are to lead their AUSIA division and to breathe new, fresh air into the army.

Sidie09 Army of Club Penguin Return

Sidie’s return to the Army of Club Penguin, announced under the title “Project: Revival”

The Army of Club Penguin has witnessed a rough couple of months, most notably with their max sizes. With Zeus being the only general leading the army at the time, the sizes began to gradually drop, and ultimately titled the army ”Small-Medium” due to its average max size per event. Excessive inactivity or even multiple High Command members resigning from their positions in one day were factors that contributed to the army’s fall. This turmoil was a hurtful blow to the army’s image, yet debated as the reason their sizes dropped.

A recent event from the UK division of the army shows a max size of 10

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Sidie09 for an exclusive interview discussing her return to leadership and what she has planned for the future.

Why did you decide to rejoin ACP leadership as an AUSIA leader?

I’ve always held a place for ACP in my heart. CSY contacted me, asking for my help and I accepted. It’s no secret that ACP has seen a dip over the past few months, despite the bst efforts of Zeus and others. We’ll be looking to change that.

What do you plan to bring to both the AUSIA division and the army in general?

I plan to maintain and grow the AUSIA division, rebuild ACP’s infrastructure and help Zeus to the best of my ability. It’s time for ACP to wake up in the CPAB era.

Do you believe the future is bright for the army? What do you think lies ahead with your return?

Rome was not built in a day. ACP has seen many great highs and we have recovered from great lows. This will be no exception. You will see ACP at the top again, no matter how long it takes, and I’ll be there to see it through.

With Sidie09 being thoroughly confident of the Army of Club Penguin’s revival, it’s safe to declare that the major-army powerhouse is ready to come back once again and show us what they have in store for this post-CPPS era. The AUSIA leader assures us all that times may have been challenging for the army, but she’s ready to go to great heights to bring the Army of Club Penguin back on top. Despite the times we’re in now, will this clover-defending army be ready to ascend to whatever challenges they face?

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One Response

  1. AhsokaTano24 July 13, 2022 (2:21 pm)

    I wish Sidie the best of luck, but since PIC is gone… and she’s in ACP now. We will always be friends.

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