JERUSALEM, Templars Empire – After twenty months, the Rebel Penguin Federation’s Top Ten record is no more. On June 5th 2022, the community witnessed as the Templars officially beat this record, setting a new one of their own. How do The Templars feel about such an achievement, and what does the future have in store for them?
Two years ago, the community watched on as the Rebel Penguin Federation secured their place in the CPPS history books by achieving first place in the Top Ten for twenty weeks in a row, between the months of May and October. In addition, the year of 2020 saw the Rebels obtain first place 24 times in the same year, whilst achieving the year’s top score of 130.6.
The Templars were created on 4th April 2018, by Xing, and since then, they have frequently expressed their desire to achieve first place in the weekly Top Tens. Their hard work finally paid off as on 14th November 2021 it was announced that after three long years, the Templars held the number one spot for the first time.
Since then, they have been been seen at the top of the weekly Top Tens numerous times. On 9th January 2022, the Templars were once again at the top, officially beginning their first position streak. Twenty one weeks later on June 5th 2022, the Templars officially broke the Rebel’s long standing record, as they celebrated their twenty first week of first position in the weekly Top Ten.
CP Army Headquarters reached out to Xing, Lord Pain, Popcorny and Racecar of the Templars to find out how they felt about breaking such a record.
It has previously been expressed that RPF’s record would be hard to beat, if ever, what would you like to say regarding this?
Lord Pain: The only reason RPF holds records at all the only reason it’s not still a 5+ maxing army on the brink of death in the gutter is because me and Elmikey came and saved it. Everything RPF has accomplished after both our ends there is just years of skating off of our names and success. You have to look at all of the resources they have and the size of their chat and then you’ll realize it’s just pure laziness and lack of skill that they aren’t still the biggest. All that was needed to dethrone RPF is a large army led by true hardened cp army leaders who live their lives according to old school cp army traditionalist values. Since we had that it was only a matter of time. From the outside looking in it seems like what we did was hard but truthfully this was easy.Popcorny: Others armies have been in quite a perpetual decline and only Templars have managed to really grow and maintain during this period. I don’t think anyone really was looking at this record but with the current state of the community and seemingly with Templars being the only army progressing on a week to week basis, it’s only logical that a feat like this could be achieved.
Racecar: If you set your mind to it, you can achieve anything.
How do you feel about the Templars becoming a record breaking army?
Xing: Great, it’s been amazing so far.
Lord Pain: Templars becoming a record breaking army since I joined them was an inevitability. This is where RPF would be if Commando would have kept his agreement with me that he made in 2013. What we are seeing here are the consequences of not keeping that agreement. If you try to pretend to be smarter than Lord Pain then you get whats coming to you this is just one of many examples of that.
Popcorny: Really this doesn’t change anything about Templars, the trophy cabinet is quite empty over here so it’s nice to add something to it.
Racecar: I feel it’s about time it’s happened. Templars have built the perfect balance of people.
With some armies currently finding it difficult to grow, what advice would you give to them?
Xing: I’d never share my secrets!
Lord Pain: As for armies trying to grow they need to do the things I always say to do. Their leaders need to rely on good old fashioned army role play and they must run their armies based off of cp army traditionalist values. Also the obvious they have to recruit harder that’s really all Templars are doing that they aren’t doing.
Popcorny: Essentially Templars is a cult that revolves around Xing and if you look at the other major armies, there is no one that could really fit Xing’s role in their army. The easiest part to replicate is his activity but to ask someone to be as active and do as much as he does is really a tough ask.
Racecar: Surround yourself with people who help each other grow. Always respect each other. I also saw this quote that helps me “Slow success builds character, Fast success builds ego”. It may take a while but you build character and character goes a lot farther then ego.
What can we expect from the Templars in the future?
Xing: We just gotta wait and see!!!
Lord Pain: In the future Templars will keep dominating, we will win upcoming wars, tournaments, and we will keep obliterating ACP until there’s nothing left.
Popcorny: More of the same really, internally there is no real expected change so external matters may dictate what’s ahead for the army.
Racecar: You will see it very soon I hope.
With the Templars now holding such a record, it is clear that they don’t plan on ending their Number One streak anytime soon. Whilst the community sits in anticipation, only time will tell how long this streak continues for. Club Penguin Headquarters would like to congratulate the Templars on such an achievement, and wish them all the best for the future.
Thanks for the interview with my boy pals, Spotty! <3
oh shword i can comment. congrats Templars!