Editors note: The Silver Empire leaders would like it to be known that they do not endorse any of the comments said by Comedy in her interview.
KLONDIKE, CP ARMY HEADQUARTERS – On April 20th 2022, the Silver Empire celebrated their second anniversary. Club Penguin Army Headquarters is here to bring you a look at the past two years of the Empire, in addition to an insight regarding their future plans.
Jimmy and Zach created the Silver Empire on April 20th, 2020, with Fae joining the leadership soon after. May 18th 2020 saw Electrumm inducted as Silver Commander, marking the start of her solo leading, which saw her help lead the army to victory against Special Weapons and Tactics and the Templars in the 2020 Beach Brawl. On 15th March 2021, nearly one year after their creation, the Silver Empire officially become a major army for the first time, achieving a size of 39 penguins on their first anniversary in 2021.
The Empire did not slow down after celebrating their first anniversary, instead they have continued to power on, proving why they are indeed a key player in the current community. April 2021 saw the first round of the Silver Rush War, resulting in Help Force and Red Ravagers declaring themselves victorious. However, the conflict did not end there, as six months later, in October, the Empire redeclared war on the Help Force, better known as World War VII. The war lasted one month, and saw the creation of both the Vengeance Alliance and the Western Bloc, before ending in a shock treaty. The Empire has also been busy participating in multiple tournaments, such as Ausia Arena and March Madness. Recently, they won CPAHQ’s S/M Free For All, back in February 2022, starting the year off on a high.
Although despite Club Penguin Rewritten recently closing, the Silver Empire is still striving as they anticipate the release of CPA Battleground. In the meantime, they are keeping busy with multiple other things such as Minecraft, Roblox, chess, and an assortment of different games and activities for their troops to stay active.
Club Penguin Army Headquarters reached out to ex Silver Empire leader, Comedy, Current leaders, Df44 and Dragon, and Current Second in Command, Disha, to find out how they feel about this special anniversary.
Congrats on two years strong! What does this army’s legacy mean to you?
Comedy – Someone’s legacy isn’t attached to an army so much as their actions. I’m happy that I got to grow SE into a major army and lead it during that period, creating memories for myself and the members at the time. Whatever happens after is up to the current administration.
Df44 – Silver Empire is not just an army it is a great community to be in. It means a lot to have been a part of it for the last year and watch it grow. The fact that SE made it to Major Army in March 2021 with less than one 1 year of existence is absolutely amazing and whilst we’re back to being a Medium Army we never stopped getting achievements such as winning our first tournament in 2022 and winning several battles against other major armies.
Dragon – Thank you! the army legacy has been incredible, from going to major to us winning our first trophy and our wars, we managed to make our print in the community, and I am very proud of it and hope to keep going to new heights.
Disha – Thank you so much! To me personally, this army is my virtual home. Joining SE was one of the best things that could have happened to me. I have received so much love, support, and gratitude here, that I honestly could not have asked for more. It’s funny how things work, sometimes. Usually, we tend to look for love and a sense of belonging in our surroundings. Still, I never received enough of it from there, and ironically, people who are so far away from me in distance and time are the ones I feel closest to – them being the people in SE. I have learned so much being here, and I can say that SE has molded me into a better individual. Its legacy is the result of the work and time that all of us have put in (me not so much) to make it what it is today, and I couldn’t have been happier to see my home flourish and get the acknowledgment that it deserves.
What is your favorite memory from being in the Silver Empire?
Comedy – I share some good memories with SE, especially amongst the staff team. During the war, we played some entertaining trickery, but there were many times with staff that made it worthwhile. Whether that was Milky starting a petition to keep me from tournaments or Wiggly’s awesome memes, my best memories are experiences, not awards.
Df44 – Have so many good memories but being promoted to Silver Commander in October, and winning the tournament in the beginning of this year were definitely some of best.
Dragon – that is a tricky question to answer. There have been a lot of fun times, but for me, I will say when we won free for all, which was our first trophy.
Disha – Okay, that’s a difficult one because there are so many memories that I have here, which I shall cherish always. I wouldn’t want to pick one over the other. All the time that I have spent chatting away in SE and joking around with my fellow staff members – those moments will always be close to my heart. There are too many memories, but if I have to pick a few, one of them would be Ambien retiring. I cried happy tears that day, knowing how loved she is and how important she has been to us. The other moment would be the Ball that SE hosted last year. It was beautiful, and I had a lovely time. Also, I got to ask 44 df to be my date for it. Who wouldn’t want that?
Where would you like to see the Silver Empire go in the future?
Comedy – I have no say in their future, but preferably to focus on their troops instead of playing a numbers game. People matter, and so do appearances. Every former staff member and leader played a part, and they also deserve recognition for their actions. Without their immense contributions, SE wouldn’t have those aforementioned accomplishments or even have some of its allies. Shout out to Jimmy and Zach for making SE and giving it life, and Fae for never dropping paint on their cat. Thank you, Shark, for so much of your artwork, Beep for your CTF idea, Ryan/Pumpkin for always saving the day, and Yodie for bringing everyone joy in chat.
Df44 – I’d love to see SE reaching Major status again but more importantly it’s our common goal to keep SE as diverse community.
Dragon – Well, after the CPR shutdown, we have decided to expand our server to be more than a club penguin army; we opened a Roblox and Minecraft section that will help us be a gaming server.
Disha – I would like to see it flourish, keep experimenting with new things, and come up with new innovations like it always has. From my side, I want to do my best to make sure that SE always remains the safe, accepting, and inclusive space that it is. It gave me a home when the rest of the world had turned their backs on me. I am ever grateful and shall always look out for my Silver Family. We do have quite a few plans in mind, and I am happy to see that we are executing them as and when we are. I am proud of us, and, Silver will always shine
Since their creation, the Silver Empire definitely has not slowed down, having been involved in a World War in addition to multiple tournaments and battles. The Empire is showing no signs of slowing down, planning to gain their Major Army status back. CPAHQ would like to congratulate the army on their second anniversary, and wish them all the best for the future!