The Future of Tournaments

KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters – Tournaments used to bring excitement and ferocity to the Club Penguin Army community. But how does the community think about tournaments now, and what could be the future of this tradition?

As the average event size has fallen this past year, tournaments have lacked excitement and importance. They have brought together and torn apart the community, especially during the COVID era. CP Army Headquarters recently created a poll to ask the question, “Are tournaments still exciting?”. With majority of the community voting no, we have to ask ourselves, what can we do to make them more exciting? Even if armies find themselves enjoying yet another “golden era,” will the future bring back the excitement tournaments once had?

CPAHQ Poll created – March 20th, 2022

In June, CP Army Headquarters hosted Project Conquest. It featured a new format of tournaments that allowed armies to face opponents up to four times a week. Following its success, a new league table was created to further entertain the format. However, the table did not enjoy the same activity as the earlier initiative. The league table was first announced on November 14th, 2021, and saw armies excited to start battling each other. The Templars were the dominant force for the Winter Series 2021. With thirteen total points ahead of the second place Water Vikings, the knights came out on top with a total of 37 points.

League table rules – CPAHQ website

Click on the image to look at the rules and leaderboard for the current season.


CP Army Headquarters reached out to Echo, Templars Leader, BoMoBuddy, Red Ravagers Leader, Mogi4, Ice Warriors Staff, and Oreo, Water Vikings Leader to gather their thoughts on the tournament scene.

Why did you vote for the no option in the poll about tournaments?

Echo – Well for starters. I haven’t been excited about a tournament in a while, and this is no different. They are just kind of repetitive.

BoMoBuddy – The current tournaments are always really repetitive, boring, and mostly predictable. That’s the opposite of exciting.

Oreo – I picked no because I feel like tournaments now are a lot more focused on recruiting and I don’t enjoy recruiting lol

Mogi4 – Well, in my opinion, the tournaments are getting repetitive and boring. There’s no point even in winning, as the only thing you get is a custom trophy and a title for your army.

If you were in charge of CPAHQs tournaments, what would you do differently to make them more exciting?

Echo – First of all I’d get rid of biased judges, a lot of the time some judges are biased, and nobody wants to bat an eye at them. Second, the tournaments can’t be altered that much to make them fun. Simply that tournaments in general, if you are a veteran, they are pretty boring and when there is no drama it’s even worse. They aren’t exactly bad as they are right now but as a veteran and after years of tournaments, I am pretty much bored of them.

BoMoBuddy – Shake it up. Make tournaments that aren’t simply “second place army battles ninth place army” and then always have the same ending. I believe it would be cool to see CPAHQ incorporate more everyday army activities into community tournaments, such as themed events or gaming competitions, while still holding the traditional battles as well.

Oreo – hmm I’d probably try to have a new kind of tournament instead of doing the same ones every year

Mogi4 – I would have added twists which I will say later, other than just fighting every tournament for a digital trophy. I would’ve made tournaments more interesting and fun. I would have a medals system where every tournament, 10th place gets 1 medal, and 1st place gets 10 medals. Once armies achieve a specific number of medals, they get some cool perks such as role icons, their chat on the server, etc. It’s not hard to find/make up cool prizes. Yeah, I think it would be a nice addition to tournaments.

As you can see, people around the army community think that tournaments have become repetitive and boring. There were attempts to introduce new things like the league table. However, a lot is left to be done to regain public interest. Fulfilling the demand of more incentives will be tough, as most organizers are non profit bodies. Although people still have hopes for the future of tournaments, it was an overwhelming “no” for the current state of the tradition. What would you do to make tournaments more interesting?

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One Response

  1. YaMotha March 28, 2022 (2:04 am)

    Give tournaments more parity by having a tournament with the top 6, and another with the rest of the smaller armies, or have an average attendance threshold for the big tournament and anyone under plays in the smaller version of the tournament

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