KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters – Welcome back to the column, “Get to Know Your CPAHQ Staff” as it makes its return! For this edition, I have chosen Spotty to interview. Spotty is the Associate Director for Club Penguin Army headquarters. Let’s look into why she chose to stay and what made her reach this high position in the hierarchy of CPAHQ.
Welcome to another edition of ‘Get to know your CPAHQ Staff.’ This week, I have decided to go with Spotty/Elizabeth, who is currently one of the Associate Directors at Club Penguin Army Headquarters. Spotty joined the staff team in the year, 2021 as an Editor. She was then promoted to Editor-in-Chief on October 13th, 2021, two months after which, she became one of the Associate Directors on December 12th, 2021. She has also held the position of Head Judge since 2020 and is currently one of the Head Judges at the Club Penguin Army Judges.

Spotty’s Promotion to Editor in Chief – October 13th, 2021

Spotty’s Promotion to Associate Director – December 12th, 2021
Spotty/ Elizabeth has been around the army community since February 2018, when she first joined Help Force. She soon climbed up the ranks starting from a soldier and eventually became a leader of the army in January 2019. Spotty led for about a year until she left Help Force in February 2020. She then joined the Dark Warriors in June 2020, as a Second in Command. She was soon promoted to a leader in August 2020. Having led the army for almost 6 months, she left in December 2020. Spotty then joined the Army of Club Penguin in March 2021 and reached all the way up to Higher command. Spotty soon left around August 2021 and put her dedication into CPAHQ, and it shows!
What is it like being an Associate Director for CPAHQ?
Honestly, I genuinely never expected to become admin of any league/ media site. I joined the HQ media team back in Autumn 2021 with literally no experience whatsoever, and if you told me back then I would’ve been an admin I wouldn’t have believed you. I personally find being in the media side of the community more interesting than the army side. Especially as an admin, you get to work with people from a variety of different armies and get to keep up to date with the current ongoings on the community.
Do you have any goals to achieve within CPAHQ? If so, what are they?
To continue helping launch new projects into the community and to help keep the community going when things may seem a bit slow, such as helping to brainstorm new post and column ideas, new tournament formats and community events. Hope y’all are ready for April Fools 😉
Do you have any favorite memories within the community?
Hands down it has to be Help Force’s Harry Potter week that happened in summer 2019. I was the ‘Head of Gryffindor House’, and I just loved getting to know my house mates and playing mini games with them, as well as fighting against the other houses to try and win the House Cup. The whole week was just so much fun, even if I did lose #rigged.
Do you have any encouraging words for people who aspire to be staff at CPAHQ?
If you have ever thought about expanding your role within the community, I whole-heartedly encourage you to go for it, joining a media team gives you so many opportunities like meeting new people from different armies, gaining new skills and especially improving on your writing and grammar. But at the end of the day, the most important thing is that CPA is not a job, it won’t matter to you in the future, make the most of your time and make sure you enjoy it and have fun.
In the time period that Spotty has been in the staff positions that she has held at CPAHQ, she has been very helpful and has always accepted the criticism that she has received in the right stride. She has achieved so much, in the army community, and we can’t wait to see all that she has in store for the CPAHQ team. We wish her the best of luck in all her future endeavors.
hi im glackis