UNKOWN TERRITORY, Chefs Capital – Recently, the Chefs announced they would close up shop. Why are they shutting down?
Less than two weeks ago, on March 5th, Memero and Toxic opened the Chefs of CP. At their opening event, they maxed 15, but the Secret Service and Bose DK Warriors immediately declared war. Despite the many battles scheduled, the three armies never faced off on the battlefield. Cancellations, no-shows, and server maintenance caused the wars to have no official victor. Their shutdown means the end to both of these wars. Chefs also had plans to participate in this year’s March Madness before they closed.
Yesterday, a series of events led the Chefs of Club Penguin to announce that they would be shutting down. Memero stated that he had was retiring and passed server ownership to Toxic, who later told the Chefs would close. They provided no reason for this shutdown in their announcement.
CP Army Headquarters reached out to Toxic on the reason he shut down Chefs.
Why did you decide to close Chefs?
I decided to close Chefs. Since Memero retired, I believed it was time to close that mess once and for all.
What would you say was your favorite moment in Chefs?
I don’t have one.
Do you have any plans on bringing back the army someday?
No, I’m planning on keeping it closed indefinitely.