New Year Bonanza Battle Server: Full Coverage & Results

KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters – On January 16th, eight armies entered the battlefield in what could be this month’s biggest community event. The New Year Bonanza, fought with great passion, has brought to us two winners. Who are the armies that came out on top?

Room 1

Fire Warriors vs Silver Empire [Stadium]

The sizes were very similar with the Silvers having 7 and Warriors having 8. However, the Warriors consistently covered and performed neater forms, awarding them this room.

Templars vs Help Force [Iceberg]

Templars entered first quickly getting into the circle formation allowing them to cover the Help Force’s formations. Despite this the Helpers kept on moving and kept their tactics up. However, the size difference allowed Templars to win the room.

People’s Imperial Confederation vs Water Vikings [Inside Mine]

The Confederates, throughout the room, were consistently overpowered by around 10 penguins. Water Vikings made excellent use of their larger size by creating more complex formations whereas the Confederates could only create simple lines. Throughout the room, the Vikings were much faster in terms of speed in tactics and speed in getting-to-formation. Thus, the Vikings won the room.

SWAT vs Mercenaries [Dojo]

Both the Mercenaries and the SWAT performed fantastically, but SWAT’s larger size and more organized tactics and formations led to their victory.


Room 2

Templars vs Water Vikings [Snow Forts]

Templars were the first to enter. Once again, their huge size difference helped them to cover the Water Vikings, allowing the Templars to win the room.

Help Force vs Silver Empire [Docks]

The Help Force held around double the amount of soldiers, sometimes increasing, throughout the battle. The Helpers were also much quicker in terms of tactics, and used their size advantage to attempt to cover the Empire at times. Unfortunately, Silver Empire had no real advantages and with everything going the way of the Helpers they took the room.

People’s Imperial Confederation vs SWAT [EPF Room]

SWAT were much quicker on entry and had 5 more players than the Confederates. Both armies had absent members and messy forms but SWAT had the extra coverage with it’s size.

Mercenaries vs Fire Warriors [Underground Pool]

With a size difference of several penguins between them, it came down to the quicker and more perfected tactics and formations. For this reason, the Fire Warriors won.


Room 3

Fire Warriors vs People’s Imperial Confederation [Iceberg]

The Confederates arrived first. Both armies were covering, however the Warriors had more troops and were quicker with tactics. The Warriors’ big word bubbles did the job and earned them this win.

Help Force vs Water Vikings [Stadium]

Both Help Force and Water Vikings had a similar size. However, throughout the room the Helpers had faster tactics, with stronger and cleaner formations. This allowing them to make the size difference look larger and expose the Vikings’ substandard formations. Thus the Helpers won the room.

Mercenaries vs Silver Empire [Cove]

Both the Silver Empire and Mercenaries put up a great effort, but the Silver Empire take the victory for their more organized tactics and sharper formations.

SWAT vs Templars [Inside Mine]

The Templars held a massive size advantage, too much to count at certain times. Alongside this fact, the Special Weapons And Tactics logged off before the room was even half-complete, forfeiting any advantage they could have potentially had. Templars are usually very quick with their emotes but typically fall behind with their words or phrases, though this time both seemed to be well in order. The Templars overpowered the Agents in every possible way, and with the early log off, easily took the room.


Thank you to Beasto for recording the event and providing us with the following video coverage:


1. Templars 3-0 – MAJOR WINNERS

1. Fire Warriors 3-0 – S/M WINNERS

3. Help Force 2-1

3. Special Weapons and Tactics 2-1

5. Water Vikings 1-2

5. Silver Empire 1-2

7. Mercenaries 0-3

7. People’s Imperial Confederation 0-3



A huge congratulations to Templars for being the winning Major army and to Fire Warriors for being the winning S/M army! The New Year Bonanza thus concludes successfully and CPAHQ is grateful to all the participants for their support.


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One Response

  1. Fulcrum23 January 16, 2022 (11:23 pm)


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