Army Archives: White Alliance v. Black Alliance

KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters – Welcome to “Army Archives,” where we dive into famous and notorious events in CPA history! This week will focus on the wars between the White Alliance and the Black Alliance, a controversial conflict in January 2013.

I. Background

The White Alliance vs. Black Alliance wars, otherwise known as World Wars VI and VII, was an attempt to rid the Army of Club Penguin community. These wars took place from approximately November 2012 to January 2013. There were multiple stages that took place, hence multiple declarations on the Pirates website. Together, the Pirates, Light TroopsDark Warriors, and Shadow Troops made up most of the Black Alliance; while the White Alliance saw the Army of Club Penguin, Army RepublicIce WarriorsTacos, and Nachos.

Black Alliance symbol

Black Alliance Logo + Declaration

Previously, the Pirates had helped war the Army of Club Penguin, yet never led their effort in any way. After being revived in late November, they recruited until they were ready to declare war on the Army of Club Penguin on December 29, 2012, with the rest of the Black Alliance. The two conflicts from November-December and December-January were the community’s most significant wars, earning the “World War” classification. The wars were perhaps even more extensive than World War Rewritten, as confirmed by Kingfunks4 later in this post. While only four armies were listed in the Black Alliance above, and five within the White Alliance, there could also have been numerous small/medium armies that helped each side.

The post “The Black Alliance is coming for you” defined the purpose of the war on the Pirates website, but to summarize, the Pirates and their allies felt that the Nachos, Army Republic, Ice Warrior, and Army of Club Penguin were all monopolizing armies. According to the post, the four armies saw new armies as a threat and wanted to push them down together. The four armies would then consistently stay at the top. Regardless of the true intent of their alliance, the Pirates saw it this way and hunted the armies down. With multiple invasions back and forth, it seemed like the Black Alliance had the upper hand against the Army of Club Penguin mostly. Elsewhere, there seemed to only lie defeat due to the White Alliance supporting each other’s defenses and invasions. Overall, the war(s) resulted in Waterkid100 retiring and the Black Alliance dissolving. Afterward, the White Alliance went after the rest of the land they had lost.

II. Statements

Surprisingly, there are veterans of the community who remember this era still, such as Epic101 and CPAHQ’s very own Kingfunks4, who both provided a statement on this war:

The war pretty much showed that the Pirates weren’t an S/M army, they were a Major army with huge potential and real fight & grit in them. Waterkid took the Pirates at the time from being a SMAC/SMAP army to being a major power that didn’t care who they went to war with. Ultimately the Pirates/LT/Black alliance were the first ones to really stick it to ACP even if they knew the outcome would be a loss.

ACP Surrender to Black Alliance

An ACP Surrender

At the same time, the Pirates evolved in the sense of, they went on to merge into the Light Troops and the Light Troops would go on to become an even bigger world power than ever before (2013-2017, dominating armies in 2014, 2015 and 2016). After this, the Pirates were always remembered for their hard work & lack of respect for the big dogs.

Black Alliance invasion of ACP

The Pirates trying to successfully carry out an invasion

Epic101, Pirates Legend


The White Alliance/Black Alliance war was a significant one and one of the biggest of the 2010s decade. It essentially started as Waterkids Pirates/LT against my ACP, and the idea that ACP needed to be killed off. However, the White Alliance persisted and eventually would win the war with the support of Ice Warriors and Army Republic. It was probably the longest World War I can remember in my time here, and it put a huge strain on ACP who were the centre of the war, but it was great fun and very memorable.

Kingfunks4, Army of Club Penguin Former Leader and Brown Medal Winner

III. Conclusion

While researching this topic, I found many posts on the CP Army Central, the Army of Club PenguinPran, and the Pirates websites alone. Each army had its reasons to fight this war. The other armies in the White Alliance could have been trying to save their existence and influence over the community, as Water postulated, or they could have been saving their targeted friend. However, no one perspective is right or wrong. Each person involved in the war deduced the correct action to take. Therefore, so many people taking action prolonged tensions for four months. It is up to us to now have our own opinions and move on from such conflicts with a better understanding of each other, creating a better community.


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3 Responses

  1. Fulcrum23 January 10, 2022 (1:08 am)


  2. […] United Countries of CP, Night Divers, and Shadow Troops. In response to greater animosity, ACP created the White Alliance with Ice Warriors, Doritos of Club Penguin, Tacos, Army Republic, and Nachos.  […]

  3. […] the Legends Cup Final, Ioioluk announced the closure of LT. Throughout its history, it participated in many important wars and achieved some of CPA’s highest sizes. Given its influence, […]

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