KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters –After two weeks of battling, today the Christmas Chaos XI has come to an end. Both the Ice Warriors and the Rebel Penguin Federation logged on and fought in an extremely close Grand Final. Which army came out of the final victorious and won the trophy?
Both armies have performed superbly throughout the whole tournament. In round one we saw the Rebel Penguin Federation log on against the Special Weapons and Tactics, where they held a size advantage of 28+ across the three rooms, helping them to secure a 3-0 victory. However, week two saw a much closer battle with the Rebels logging on against the Help Force and once again winning the battle 3-0.
The Ice Warriors went up against the Silver Empire in round one, which saw them easily win the battle 3-0. They then moved onto week two and went up against the Templars which became the closest battle of the tournament so far, with the Warriors winning 1-2-0.
It was no surprise that given their previous battles within the Christmas Chaos XI, and their recent Top Ten placings, the Grand Final was expected to be an extremely close battle.
Room One: Inside Mine
Room one saw judge Dragon call the Inside Mine at :00. The Rebel Penguin Federation entered this room with a strong lead with their immaculately clean formations helping them to cover the Ice Warriors. Although, the judges stated that “IW was tenaciousness with their bombs“, also crediting the Warriors for a good entry. However, this was not enough to beat the Rebels. Therefore, the Rebel Penguin Federation won Room One!

RPF vs IW in Room One
Room Two: Stadium
Judge Mattstr0 announced that room two was to be the stadium at :10. Room two saw a much closer battle than in room one. Both armies at times had an advantage over the other, with the Warriors and the Rebels also both experiencing weaknesses throughout this room. The Rebels had a slight size advantage in this room, but not enough to come out victorious. Therefor, Room Two ended in a tie

RPF vs IW in Room Two
Room Three: Iceberg
Room three started with judge Mare announcing the Iceberg at :20. Ice Warriors entered this room strongly. In this room, the Warriors held a size advantage and performed spectacular formations which helped them to claim victory. The judges attributed both armies for their speed and for their tactics. However, at the end of this room, the Ice Warriors were announced as the winners of this room, due to them being the strongest in this room.

RPF vs IW in Room Three
Room Four: Docks (Over Time)
With the first three rooms being extremely close, judge Mattstr0 informed both armies that the over time room would take place in the Docks. The Rebel Penguin Federation stepped up their pace in this room. They outdid all of the Ice Warriors formations, especially with their well formed anchor halfway through the room. Ice Warriors started this room off strong, however they struggled to keep up with the Rebels. This saw the Rebel Penguin Federation win the room. The battle then officially came to an end with a score of 2-1-1. The Rebel Penguin Federations were then declared as the winners of the Christmas Chaos XI!

RPF vs IW in Room Four
As everyone expected, this battle was certainly close. We saw the Rebel Penguin Federation win room one, with the Ice Warriors winning just room two and both armies tying in room three. Both armies gave their absolute best throughout all three rooms, causing the judges to call for a over time room. This saw room four become the most vital room of the tournament, with the Rebel Penguin Federation coming out on top and claiming victory and the trophy. A massive congratulations to the Rebel Penguin Federation for this outstanding victory, and a huge well done to the Ice Warriors for being an amazing runner-up!
Thank you to every single army that took part in the last tournament of 2021, you all performed amazingly! With the Rebel Penguin Federation having won both the Legends Cup XI and now the Christmas Chaos XI this year, will their winning streak continue into 2022?