DANELAW, Dark Vikings Capital – A month back, a new army joined the army community. They are the Dark Vikings. What do the Dark Vikings have in store for the army community to see? Read more to find out.
Dark Vikings were created by Krosive, Alucard, and Trapant in the year, 2020, but shut down after some time, due to things not working out. On October 11th, 2021, Krosive decided to revive the army once again. Since then they have had numerous events. They have achieved to get the 10th position on the Top-Ten Armies, on the 7th of November, and have been on the Top-Ten Armies list since they started. They have also allied with the People’s Imperial Confederation, the Trojans, and the Templars.

Dark Vikings placing 10th on Top-Ten Armies
Since the army is fairly new to the army community, they have only held training events as of yet. Their highest max so far has been 13. The Strikers and the Air Ninjas merged into the army and the Dark Vikings joined the Red Dawn Alliance, just after the merge took place.

A recent event of the Dark Vikings
Club Penguin Army Headquarters was able to reach out to Krosive on his thoughts on the revival of Dark Vikings, and what he has planned for the future of the army.
What was your motivation behind creating Dark Vikings?
I wanted to get back into S/M armies.
Why did you decide to keep the name of the army as ‘Dark Vikings’?
It sounded cool.
Could you tell me a bit about what you have planned for your army, and how you are thinking to execute these plans?
To try to max 20, to get alot of staff and I’m going to recruit a lot with my other leaders.
Where do you see the army going in a few months’ time?
Hopefully alive and thriving.
What are some of the learning experiences you have had, that you would like to incorporate within this army?
I learnt you need to recruit and register alot and need good troop retention.
Before we conclude, would you like to say anything else, or give any advice to the readers in general?
poggers based cringe.
It is always exciting to see a new face, be it a person, or an army pop up in the army community. The Dark Vikings have gotten off to a good start, but only time will tell how long they can sustain the good results. Krosive seems to have a lot of things planned for the army and is determined, in making sure, that his army grows stronger than ever. We wish him and the Dark Vikings good luck, in all their future endeavors.
poggers based cringe