Long Time Coming: CPAHQ Map Project

KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters- After many months of discussion and deliberation, the CPAHQ administration presents to you the CPAHQ map.

General Information

The concept of a map created by Club Penguin Army Headquarters has been in discussion for months without end, even before I was first hired as Associate Director. It was decided that generic maps were flawed in too many ways, including eventual stagnation and the existence of too many servers. The administration never reached a consensus, using Project: Conquest as a means to test potential alternatives to the traditional map model. As of recently, however, CPAHQ has reconsidered the concept of a map and brainstormed ideas. After these discussions concluded it was decided that we would host our own map, featuring 100 servers.

Furthermore, servers will be able to be renamed by their occupying army, a popular feature which we are carrying over from Project: Conquest.

The CPAHQ Map can be found here.

Rules for the CPAHQ map may be found here.


Server Draft

A feature of most maps that we have found rather unnecessary is the need for initial free land invasions, with armies invading servers facing no opposition. To combat this we are instituting a server draft. All armies in the Top Ten are invited to the draft. The details of which are as follows:

  • Each army will choose 5 servers that they wish to control.
  • The armies will make their draft picks in order of the upcoming Top Ten (11/14/21) from 1st in a descending order.

Each army will be contacted for the draft today, starting at 1:00 – 2:00 PM EST.

The CPAHQ map will go live on Saturday the 20th of November, 2021.


League Table

Alongside our map we are going to launch our new and exciting league table, which can be viewed here. The league table will run in ‘seasons’, initially the first season will run for just over a month as a trial to see how it operates and if it is successful. In the longer term, we hope for seasons to run for much longer than this. Armies will receive points for successfully invading or defending a server, with more points if this is against a major army. The army with the most amount of points at the end of the season will be crowned ‘champion’.

Interestingly, we have decided to incentivise this further, by rewarding the army with the most points accumulated in a week with four bonus top ten points. We have felt that this links to the top ten as we are armies, so clearly the army that has the most successful week of battles should be higher up on the top ten. Hopefully, the introduction of our league table makes the map even more unique and exciting.

Below is what our league table will look like:


[visualizer id=”5382″ lazy=”no” class=””]

This map would not have been possible without the assistance of many individuals, all of which have done their absolute best to make this project a reality. I would like to personally thank Flen and Superhero123 for coding and implementing the map, as well as Df44 for the map design, Spotty for compiling complete list of map rules, Max for his continuous involvement in providing ideas and feedback, and Frostty for impressive graphic design on-demand. Finally, I would like to acknowledge Kingfunks4 for organizing much of this operation. I am immensely grateful for the efforts of you all.

Presenting this announcement is a true pride of mine. As Vice Director I believe that we are in need for change, and I hope this is the change necessary to revitalize our long-lasting community. I pray you all find this announcement as exciting as I do and I am excited to see the conflicts that arise on this new frontier.

More Information

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One Response

  1. Flen November 17, 2021 (4:54 pm)

    Yay, go shawty!

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