ASCENT, Army of Club Penguin Empire – Just four days since the Templars declared war on the Army of Club Penguin, the clovers declared that they have emerged victorious in the war. What led to this declaration?
On September 25th, 2021 the Templars declared war on the Army of Club Penguin. Being that the two armies have been feuding for quite some time, it was to be expected that a fourth war of the CPPS era was due to break out. However, this war came at an unprecedented time as ACP had recently witnessed a mass retirement wave, which they have coined as the Mass Exodus. In the declaration on the TCP website, it is stated that the Templars have, “disliked ACP and everything they stand for” and that ACP has, “shown mass hostility in the past towards them”.

ACP Taking Part in the War Against the Templars
The two armies went right to war, with a total of two battles taking place between them. In both battles, it was ruled by the judges that the Templars failed to show up to either battle. In doing so, the clovers landed a victorious ruling in both battles. Just moments before the third invasion was to take place, Clover leader, FatChicken88 posted an announcement followed by a website post declaring that the Clovers are victorious in this war.
The war victory post can be found here. In this post, the High Command team goes into detail about why they decided to declare themselves victorious in this war. In doing so, they stated that the Templars broke their own terms of “No Dual-Enlists” and “No Running from the War”. In stating this, the clovers officially declare themselves victorious over the Templars for the fourth straight war against the Templars.
Following the war, the Clovers recently celebrated an incredible 15 years of activity in the community, a feat that has yet to be seen from another army. This anniversary served as a celebration of both their win over the Templars and the achievements they have collected over the years of the army’s tenure in the community.
With another war in the books, both armies will look to move forward within their own boundaries. With the Templars declaring war on a multitude of armies this year, it is safe to say that these kinds of actions will be seen again. Only time will tell as to how soon we can expect another declaration from them.