SNOWBOUND, Former Sea Serpents Capital – The Sea Serpents have announced that they will be closing their gates. What led to taking such a call?
On the 3rd of September, the Sea Serpents made an official announcement that they will be shutting down. Darci, one of the leaders of the army, wrote a post on their website titled “The End of the Beginning” where he expressed his gratitude for all the support and love, that the army had received, and exclaimed how proud and happy he was of all that the army has achieved in such a short duration of time. The post can be found HERE. Darci, also posted a link to the post, in the army’s discord server, once again thanking everyone, on behalf of the leadership, and making a formal statement on the army’s closure.

Darci officially announcing that the Sea Serpents would be closing
The Sea Serpents was created on the 31st of May, 2021, by Alma, Ash, Myth, and Darci. In a very brief period of time, they were able to achieve a lot, as a S/M army. They made it to the Top Tens, in just two months after their founding, and won a war against the Medieval Warriors. The army has hosted many fun events since its creation, some of which include Froggy Takeover, Asteroid Event, Fruit Takeover, and also a Face Paint event, more information about which can be found HERE. They have also had practice battles with the Water Vikings and the Fire Warriors. During Pride Week, the army hosted an event each day, wherein every day was dedicated to a particular color from the Pride flag, and the army dressed up as that color to show their solidarity and support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Sea Serpents’ Grand Opening Event – 31st May 2021
To find out more about the closure, CP Army Headquarters reached out to Darci, one of the leaders of the army.
Why are the Sea Serpents closing?
It’s mainly because the leaders are heading back to school/work. The activity among members also decreased a lot which led to the decision of closing.
What according to you has been a highlight for the army?
Definitely us beating Medieval Warriors (even though they multilogged). To know that we defeated them in the first battle (which would end up becoming the last) brought great joy to not just myself but the army as a whole .
What’s your favorite memory associated with the army?
Probably actually coronating Real as a leader, because it felt great for us to work with someone new.
Do you think the Sea Serpents will ever make a comeback to the army community?
Soon we will !!
Is there anything else you would like to say, or any advice you would like to give to the readers in general?
if your an olivia rodrigo stan dm me!!
Darci is confident that the Sea Serpents will be returning soon to the army community. But, only time will tell if the Serpents will be reviving for a second generation of the army, or not.
What do YOU think of this closure? Will the Sea Serpents be as successful as they have been until now if they return for another generation? Share YOUR thoughts in the comments below, or in our discord server.
CP Army Headquarters – Reporter