KLONDIKE, CP Army Headquarters – With massive retirements and leadership changes. The Army of Club Penguin has decided to induct a new leader into the army. What can we expect from the new changes?
FatChicken had joined the Army of Club Penguin on March 21st in 2020. He started off as a private rank, then he eventually ranked up to HCOM. Furthermore, in the year 2021. On August 31st, He was inducted as ACP’s 47th leader. Before he had become leader, there had been some massive retirements in which can be read here.
The Army of Club Penguin had gone through the Project Conquest tournament where they had won first place. Even with their sizes, they were able to achieve their victory in the PC tourney. Soon after the tournament had ended, their sizes had dropped a lot. Having them went from 1st on TopTen to 6th during the summer. To read on more about the size drop along with massive changes within the army click here
CP Army Headquarters was able to get a hold of FatChicken on what he thinks about being promoted to the leader for ACP.