CPAN Headquarters – Welcome to the second edition of CP Army Network’s “This Week in CPA History”, where we review important events in Club Penguin Army History. This week, we will cover the Mammoth Restoration Project, which gave armies a necessary boost in June 2015.
Since armies moved to private servers, they have rarely needed to work together to recruit new troops. There have been different projects to support certain members of the community, but nothing involving every army. Before armies found Discord, our current chatting system, however, the amount of new recruits was much lower. Previous chats for armies took place on forums or the all-important Xat, which did not allow for Direct Message recruiting. All recruiting for armies took place on the heavily moderated Club Penguin. Most recruiting went well and took place on the server Mammoth, an important home for armies. The server slowly grew to great heights, but ultimately fell hard.
In June 2015, Iceyfeet1234 and others decided to set out and revive the first home of all army battles and recruiting, in a post titled “Restoring Mammoth“. In order to do so, these creators suggested recruiting sessions in Town or Plaza, then battle in the Dojo. Iceyfeet1234 took a lead on this idea and released a plan regarding how armies can recruit and battle:
In order for this to work, we would need to form 2 groups. A battling group, and a recruiting group. Armies will rotate RANDOMLY, but the battling group will have fewer armies. The reason for this is because 2 armies can easily fill 1 room, BUT if we only have 2 armies fighting, then people would ONLY join those 2 armies, which is why we need a “few”, multiple armies. And by multiple I mean in different sizes. For instance, we could have 5-6 armies in the Dojo, and 2-3 in the Snow Forts. As long as new people are fighting on Mammoth, we’ll be reaching our goal sooner.
The project for the Restoration of Mammoth was in the works, with a signup form coming out two days later, composing of fourteen armies initially, including current armies like the Ice Warriors, Army of Club Penguin, SWAT, and the Doritos of Club Penguin. Soon, however, the project died in 2012, without much of a trace on the Club Penguin Army Central website as to where this wonderful idea could have gone. The idea, on the other hand certainly stayed alive.
There were other attempts like this previously, with the biggest one taking place in 2011. The 2011 attempt took roughly two months to accomplish it’s goals and had substantial efforts from every army in the community. A post written by Bluesockwa1, titled “A Look at Mammoth” described this effort in full detail. As Bluesockwa1 describes it:
This is an example of the power that armies hold when they simply work together to achieve a goal.

A battle from the first restoration project
The 2012 effort may not have been as successful as the 2011 project, but it wasn’t the end of trying to revive this great server either. More attempts followed in suit, with major tournaments and wars. As each attempt was made, there came more cooperation amongst armies in order to achieve a common goal: revive the great hub of armies, and bring a new dawn. Certainly, armies have brought a new dawn for themselves in the form of private servers and more recently, the Pride Parade.
No matter the beliefs of any person, armies came together and celebrated something with one another. Whether that be a one-time thing these days or not, it imbibes the cooperative energy from the restoration project. Each new tournament, reporting project, or idea we have regarding multiple armies is similar to the project. We try and get new people into the community to experience these fun events with us. Although we don’t recruit off of Club Penguin as much as we once did, the hype is not lost yet. The Restoration of Mammoth may have died in 2017, but armies are still growing, faster than ever before.
What do YOU think? Do you think that the restoration project is considered “alive” still? Did the push back then to grow armies keep them alive till now? Let us know what you think about the project to restore Mammoth!
CPA Network Reporter