Max & Cubster Inaugurated As Army of Club Penguin’s Newest Leaders

MAMMOTH, Army of Club Penguin Legion – In what seems to be an incredibly sudden turn of events, the Army of Club Penguin has inducted two new leaders into their ranks, namely Max and Cubster. Both of these individuals have been in armies, and more specifically the Army of Club Penguin, for a long time – but what can we expect from their leadership?

Max & Cubster are both long-time army veterans. Max, having led numerous armies in the past such as Golden Troops, Federation, and more. Whereas Cubster is most notable for his tenure in the Chaos leadership many years ago. Together, both of these individuals have a lot of experience under their belts.

On June 1st, CSY, Army of Club Penguin’s leader, released a post on their official website entitled, “The End of a Chapter is the Beginning of a New One.” – Which you can read by clicking on the title. The post goes on to explain that CSY has led the army by himself for 484 days. After such a long tenure, it’s safe to say not many expected what came next:

I hereby inaugurate Max and Cubster as the 47th Leaders of the Army of Club Penguin.

The End of a Chapter is the Beginning of a New One

Max and Cubster, both of whom have served as a Second-in-Command and now more recently, Leader-in-Training has been announced as the Clovers’ newest leaders. The two have served with the army for quite some time, having led many events and battles by themselves already, so hopefully the two can get settled in as quickly as possible!

The CP Army Network reached out to both Max and Cubster for an interview about their promotions!


What was your initial reaction when you found out you would be receiving a promotion to Commander-in-Chief?

Cubster: I was super excited! I knew the time would come some day, but receiving leader alongside my friend Max just makes it a lot more special!

Max: I was very excited! I had been serving as a second-in-command since February 2020 so I was more than ready to step up and take this position.

Are you able to share any of your plans with the Army of Club Penguin moving forward?

Cubster: Of course, I want to ensure that ACP becomes a better place than before. Aspiring to hit new goals, break records, grow our community whilst having fun.

Max: Sure! So this week (starting today) we have organised a Pride celebrations week where we will be hosting a ton of fun and colorful events for our LGBTQIA+ community and allies to enjoy. We are also taking part in the Community Pride Parade this Saturday, June 5th, and are hoping to meet a ton of other armies on the server Ascent! We also decided to join the CPAHQ Project: Conquest which will keep us nice and busy for June. It’s a very innovative and progressive concept and we’re super excited to be taking part!

What would you say to some Army of Club Penguin staff members or higher command looking to rank up to Leader someday?

Cubster: You can achieve anything if you put your mind and effort into it. There will always be good and bad days. Always keep your head up and never ever give up.

Max: Never give up on your dream! No matter how long you have to wait, if you put the work in, it will finally come true!

Thank you so much for your time! Would you like to say anything to the readers?

Cubster: Atlanta Hawks 2021 NBA Champions you heard it here first.

Max: To all my amazing LGBTQIA+ brothers, sisters and non-binaries: Happy Pride! Everyone deserves to feel comfortable and happy in their own skin. Be proud of who you are and always remember you‘re so valid and loved!

As we can see from the interview above, both Max and Cubster are very excited to lead the Army of Club Penguin. They’ve told us that they want to go above & beyond, to beat all time records during their tenures. It’s definitely exciting to see new leaders launch into the Army of Club Penguin, and it’s only a matter of time until we find out just how well these two do.

What do YOU think of Max and Cubsters promotion? How do YOU think the Army of Club Penguin will do with their new leadership? Let us know all of your thoughts in the comments!


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