Person of the Year

Person of the Year

In 2012, Club Penguin Army Central revealed its first recipient of the ‘Person of the Year’ award. Since then, this historic tradition has continued to hold significance within the community. Every year, a post is released revealing a list of individuals who have made a notable impact within the community during that year. Despite this list, originally consisting of 10 individuals, only one person is chosen to become the Person of the Year. The honor was given out between 2012 and 2016. When Club Penguin Army Central shut down in 2017, the title was not bestowed upon anyone until 2020, when Club Penguin Army Hub decided to bring it back.

Over the years, there have been multiple comments about what the ideal candidate for Person of the Year should embody, as this individual represents not just their army but also creates an impact within the community. Often, regardless of whether the individual is seen as a controversial figure, the community’s anti-hero, or its protagonist, this doesn’t matter when it comes to this award. Individuals selected as Person of the Year are well-known, prominent figures who have a greater influence than a typical community member, leaving a lasting legacy in the community.

Multiple organizations have inducted a ‘Person of the Year’. Below, each Person of the Year will be stated with the organization that inducted them. Additionally, a statement/biography will be beneath each name, revisiting the person’s accomplishments and discovering how they earned Person of The Year.



Inducted by Club Penguin Armies

The Untamed Clover

Transitions of power from one leader onto the next rarely ever go as planned. This is especially prevalent when leaders who made a massive impact on their army pass the torch onto newly appointed leaders entrusting the future of the army to them. Often the absence of an established leader leaves large shoes to fill and even higher expectations from their army and the wider community. This creates an insurmountable burden of pressure that new leaders must carry on their backs even in cases of solo leading in hopes of finding early success. While many leaders crumble under the pressure and fail to outshine their predecessors, others welcome the challenge in full stride and set their sights on nothing less than perfection, with the goal of raising the bar even higher. Ugly exemplifies this categorization of rising to the challenge and fighting no matter how dire the situation may appear in the moment.

Ugly first joined the community in February 2020 as a recruit for Aliens before working his way up to leadership in several armies such as Fire Warriors and even winning some S/M tournaments along the way. In June 2023, Ugly joined the Army of Club Penguin and quickly ascended the ranks from mod into HCOM. Proving himself dependable while playing a pivotal role in ACP’s successful 2023, it’s no surprise he earned his spot to ascend and take the helm as the next Commander in Chief at the start of 2024.

Ugly had anything but an easy path as newly appointed leader having to take over as a solo leader with a staff team that needed heavy rebuilding, dealing with countless backlash from the community, and waging war against Water Vikings that put ACP on the losing end. Despite the rough start, these setbacks and failures helped shape Ugly as a leader not just in strategy and decision making, but also developing a strong, unwavering voice in the community to advocate for both his army and the Sapphire Concordat.

As anti-acp threats loomed on the horizon, Ugly mobilized the Sapphire Concordat against the Secret Service, successfully eliminating their presence off the CPA map in what was known as the one day July Jeopardy War. Shortly after experiencing his first war victory, Ugly and his co-leader Roxy were met with a declaration of their own from the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin who were looking to settle the score. This war quickly devolved into a war of attrition where neither side showed any signs of backing down hoping that the other side would eventually be worn out. Any other leader would’ve cracked under the pressure and been driven to near insanity enduring 50 battles in one war campaign and it nearly broke Ugly too, but his stubborn determination to keep fighting until the end refused to give in. Rallying his army behind him, Ugly successfully turned the tide of the war and after a record setting 104 battles, ACP had successfully conquered EGCP, not by treaty nor by surrender, but by taking their whole nation, a feat rarely seen in present day wars.

Coming off one of the most impactful wars of this era, Ugly’s hunger for victory was still left unsatisfied. Under his reign, ACP went on to break countless ACP records, rack up 19 total first place finishes for the year, win Project Conquest: Blood Bowl, win Most Achieved back to back, and end the year off earning #1 Army of the Year on the Top Ten. Like an untamed beast, Ugly has never shied away from an argument or a debate often showcasing how fiercely he will fight in order to make his point heard. Like him or hate him, there’s no denying that 2024 was Ugly’s year to take the spotlight, raise the bar for ACP, and outshine his predecessors. Ugly this year defied all expectations, proving the haters wrong, and solidifying himself as the one and only Person of the Year for 2024.

(Written by Calgocubs21, Former Army of Club Penguin Commander-in-Chief)


Inducted by Club Penguin Armies

The Clover Conqueror

Often veterans take center stage when it comes to being in the public eye. They are not scared of voicing their opinions no matter how big or controversial they may be. However, they don’t get recognized for these opinions, they are often recognized for their outspoken nature alongside their activity within the community. Calgocubs21 is one of these active army veterans.

He started his journey within the community in 2006 with none other than the Army of Club Penguin (ACP). Despite starting his journey very early on in the community, they didn’t quite make the mark they would’ve liked to. He went on to join many notable armies during his time, such as the Fire Warriors and Nachos. However, in 2010, they opted for a different journey and led the Guards. In 2011, Calgocubs21 left the community and he wouldn’t return for a decade, making his return to the Army of Club Penguin in 2021. It was clear to see that he had goals beyond anyone’s expectations, both for himself and the army.

He showed grit and determination to work his way up through the army ranks, going unnoticed by some. But, 2022 proved to be a career-defining year as he earned the role of Commander in Chief. Before earning the role, ACP was in a depression with maxes lower than 20 on most occasions. Calgocubs21 was pushed to the breaking point, yet December changed everything for him and ACP. A war with SWAT enabled Calgocubs21 to unleash the beast within the army, leading on to 2023.

After the war, Calgocubs21’s confidence increased and this was evident. Whilst he was heavily present throughout the latter half of 2022, 2023 saw Calgocubs21 become the face of armies. He made sure that his presence was felt and his voice was heard, whilst increasing his goals for the army with every passing month. He went from leading a fallen giant to reviving the goliath of an army, making sure each and every decision that he made benefitted the army hugely. This was proven by the amount of land ACP gained, the boost in confidence, and the wars that they fought in. From fighting battles with SWAT to becoming a major army within World War IX, Calgocubs21 has proved the impact he has had on the army. He tried to spearhead many ideas and changes within Club Penguin Armies, making sure that the voices of leaders were heard and respected.

With each passing day, he made sure he revived the Army Board with his persistence. Calgocubs21 ended the year with a Legends Cup XIII trophy, an award for being the best community committee member, and an astonishing amount of accomplishments within ACP, breaking records left and right. He was also able to achieve the Medal of Honor, ACP’s highest honour. Despite his retirement only a couple of months ago, he has proved that he will not just disappear from the community, even earning Community Committee Head. He remains a massive part of Club Penguin Armies, a big voice for those without a voice throughout the community. He even became a figurehead of the Christmas Crusade war alongside Xing, making his voice heard and making a big impact after the war declaration. It is clear why Calgocubs21 is the Person of the Year after having a massive impact within the community and his own army. Without him, many of the wars which we have seen this year may not have happened at all.

(Written by Coolguy, Army of Club Penguin Commander-in-Chief)


Inducted by Club Penguin Armies

The Revenant Ravager

To win Person of the Year once is incredible, yet to win twice is the impossible made possible. Many will claim the sheer lack of competition practically bestowed the title upon him once again yet to be 1st for fifty weeks in a row, smashing the previous record of twenty-one, is nothing that can be achieved without hard work. Throughout 2022, Templars has warred with practically everyone taking both victory and defeat in countless conflicts with the Rebel Penguin Federation, Water Vikings and SWAT however most importantly taking victory in the Legends Cup XII becoming only the 4th army to ever lift the prestigious award.

To call Templars an army isn’t quite right, Xing through both lunacy and genius has morphed Templars from an army into his own cult. Every troop knows Xing, they want to talk to Xing, they want to impress Xing, they want to embody Xing and his persona. Perhaps through puerility or sheer cunning, Xing has developed an uncanny ability to connect with the modern-day recruit leading to a bulk of Templar forces being made up of the “Roblox recruits”. Every single new recruit is exposed to Xing and his methodology, he is constantly talking to them for hours upon hours as his charismatic persona charms them into attending for the army. When Xing starts a new trend they all copy and like a plague, it spreads across the community. xd nice.

Two changes Xing made to Templars have stuck with me as majorly influential in Templars’ success. The first being the meaninglessness of ranks. Ranks mean nothing in Templars, all you are is a servant of the Emperor. Conceptually it’s always been understood that higher ranks should be hard to attain, come with prestige and to be earned through passion yet Templars flips the script. Anyone can join for anything, there is nothing to it. Secondly, with the ranks being inconsequential, Xing decided to flip the narrative on the armies High Command chat and expose extremely low ranks to it. As of writing, currently after role addition, 135+ people have access to the High Command chat. This gets people involved extremely early on, giving them a sense of importance.

Similarly to last year, this year has been full of controversy for Xing continuing to battle allegations of all kinds from those in the community however his addiction and love for Templars has not wavered for a moment. Every day no matter the day he is there, a new speech is here, a new initiative has begun, another war is on the horizon. There is never a moment he is not thinking about Templars and the next move. Whether it be calculated or just plain stupidity, the passion and desire to see another Templar victory is the addiction and is done by whatever means necessary. Focally it is impossible not to look upon Xing and Templars as the centerpiece of armies and is a complete tribute to his success that the Emperor once again stands alone at the top, with another year of dominance behind him.

(Written by Popcorny, Templars Advisor)


Inducted by Club Penguin Army Headquarters

The Contentious Crusader

The enrapturing tale of Xing is not an easy one to encapsulate in words alone. It is the story of an egomaniac who has stopped at nothing in achieving glory for himself and his army; one of a strong-willed autocrat cherished by those beneath him.

Having been founded in the year of 2018 with the assistance of Elmikey, the Templars have been a staple of the Club Penguin Army community for years without end. The Templars have always been known for its unhinged reputation which formed as a result of their unfiltered community and consistent desire for conflict. This is a reflection of the unforgettable and passionate personality of Xing himself. The Golden Crusaders, being the catalyst for World War VII as well as many other notable campaigns, are no strangers to controversy and embrace their unique identity. The year of 2021 has been no exception.

The reign of Xing in 2021 has been one engrossed by war. In a year that can only be characterized as stagnant and quiet, the Emperor of the Templars made no effort to follow the trends set by others. Conflict after conflict, the Templars under Xing have warred with almost every army in the Top Ten this year. Battling the Water Vikings, the Silver Empire, Special Weapons and Tactics and the Army of Club Penguin, as well as participating in the recent World War VIII, are to name only a few of their exploits. I write this amidst the controversy of the short-lived Templars – Black Ice Alliance war, which only exemplifies the Templar tendency to seek conquest.

Xing’s year has not been one without concern, with many being angered by Templar acts during Project: Conquest for instance. The contentious emperor did not falter at any point, however, leading his army to become a consistent contender for pole position on the Top Ten, eventually usurping the Ice Warriors and Rebel Penguin Federation as the top army on more than one occasion in the latter quartile of the year. I have had the honor of becoming close to Xing since the month of August, allowing me to delve deep into a mind that has perplexed many. He has come across to me impulsive on occasions and calculated at other times, neither of which are without reason. There is always a goal in his mind; to act by whatever means in order to achieve glory for himself and his peers, whether it be through unending desires for war or by challenging the status quo. Many disagree on who Xing truly is. Some say he is an unrelenting, bombastic and hateful individual. Others claim him to be one of the greatest leaders the community has seen in many years. There are extensive amounts of conflicting analyses on this divisive individual, yet there is one consistency above all – you do know of him and the scorched path he has left behind. For these reasons and many more, I am certain without doubt that Xing is the 2021 Person of the Year. A man who will be remembered for generations in this community, an orator and a conqueror, he is as he claims to be; a true Emperor.

(Written by Sidie9, CPA Headquarters Founder/Director In Chief)


Inducted by Club Penguin Army Hub

The Undefeated Rebel

To tell the story of Crazzy is to tell the tale of how quickly legends can be born. Coming off of record sizes and an incredible position in the Legends Cup X bracket, the impossible stories of old-school domination became a reality once again.

The Rebel Penguin Federation has been in no dangerous position since the beginning of 2017. Thanks to the opportunistic views of those running the army at the time, RPF took their community to Discord and began using platforms such as CPR to further their legacy. While they were not alone, their sizes dwarfed all other armies in the community. Though RPF was uninvolved with the greater army community for many years, their presence alone was enough to keep everyone away. When RPF returned to the army community in mid-2018, they were not completely unbeatable… until June 3rd, 2020.

Crazzy taking the role of Rebel Commander was an unexpected move. While it was apparent someone would be leading alongside Cosmo, very few expected the loyal 2ic Crazzy to get the top position. From the initial announcement of her leadership, Crazzy was able to hit the ground running with 3 consecutive tournament victories in Legends Cup X, Fright or Fight, and Christmas Chaos X. Out of 30 straight weeks of leadership, she has managed to reach the coveted #1 position on the Top Ten for 23 of those weeks. Alongside brother allies Ice Warriors and Dark Warriors, RPF under Crazzy was able to win two wars undefeated against Doritos and Water Vikings. With this unprecedented consistency by the RPF, many believe it has reached a new peak, even surpassing the iteration of the army run by the likes of Silverburg and Elmikey.

Before Crazzy became the undefeated leader bringing an army to the forefront unlike anything we’ve seen in a decade, I had the absolute pleasure of watching her rise through the ranks of RPF. Stumbling into the army on June 24th, 2019, she was beyond the definition of a noob. She took a liking quickly in the army, becoming a fan favorite, and reaching Troop of the Week just a month after joining. Though I left RPF very soon after that, just months later I found myself talking to her again while I was leading the ACP. Crazzy was involved in various high-importance situations from the time she became a member of the RPF Higher Command. She has such a determined attitude and such a want to win that she is able to make almost everything she wishes for come true. Without Crazzy’s nonstop motivation, it is hard to say what the first 6 months of CPAH could have looked like. There is no doubt in my mind that she was the Person of the Year in 2020, and her name will be mentioned for many, many more years to come. Crazzy is the true embodiment of a Legend and of The Good Fight.

(Written by Koloway, CP Army Hub Founder)


Inducted by Club Penguin Army Central

The Tamed Viper

Not willing to let up on his status as one of the more controversial figures in armies, Badboy has had a year of transition finding himself at the helm of several top armies in the community. Always one to find himself in the centre of opportunity, Badboy’s extensive list of leadership ranks this year has gained him influence over armies such as the Doritos of Club Penguin, Ice Warriors, Rebel Penguin Federation and more.

Badboy has led a year covered in scandal and allegations but always remains a huge talking point for the community. From the way in which he conducts his business at the top of an army to the way in which he communicates his desires, he has continued to attract attention from all comers in the community and always managed to find himself back on top of an army taking whatever opportunity presents. Badboy has led his armies into battles and wars with the most recent example being that of the ‘Grinch War’ taking the opportunity to try to defeat the RPF.

He’s also dipped his toe into the media this year currently holding the rank of reporter on CPA Central. Serving during both Goblin’s and the duo of Jodie and Tax’s terms – Badboy has been known to voice his opinions in a manner consistent with his actions as a warfare leader. When the opportunity to lead and the opportunity comes to throw an army into a state of relevance, history shows us that Badboy will be there. For these reasons, Badboy has been named as the Person of the Year for 2016.

(Written by Zing King To, SM Army Legend, CPA Central Executive Producer)

(Written by Zakster, CPA Central CEO)

Inducted by The Small Medium Army Press

The Golden Savior:

Antonio960 is shown to be a persistent individual when it comes to reaching goals, this is shown in the SM Army Press Winter League day 1 recap, he logged on for the Elite Federals and stood there, he was the only person online, but he never gave up, and even though Cookie Crew started out at 2 and raised to 4, Antonio fought the battle himself, doing his best to take home the win for the Elite Federals. Around January 21st 2015, he was a leader in the Golds alongside Tilgen and Coquimichu, while Midnightwave was temporarily removed. Antonio was also involved in the coup of Subster from the Golds leadership due to the fact that Antonio became a dictator. Under his leadership, he kept the Golds Army alive for months, dominating the S/M community. Around July 7th, 2015 Antonio, even for a short time, was involved in the revival of the Silver Surfers, and during their two months of life, the latter had influence upon their morale and their sizes. The Silver Surfers also dominated the S/M community, managing to max sizes of 15-20+. The Heroes of CP was an army that also quickly rose in Antonio960’s reign. In the later part of the year he created the Aqua Vikings which managed to max 25 at their first event. Now, he has recreated legendary Romans and his aspirations to lead the army back to its former glory.

Antonio960 got his first taste of leadership in June 2014 in the Golds, and in 2015, blossomed into possibly the most accomplished and capable leader in the S/M army community. He showed notable perseverance when leading the Golds through its ups and downs for several months at the beginning of the year. His drive to make the army succeed inspired loyalty in several troops who served under him; those who knew him would automatically associate him with the Golds. During times where it’s the norm to abandon armies in times of trouble, his level of dedication to the Golds was a rare phenomenon. The Golds made the climb from SMAP to CPAC’s Top Ten a few times while he led, reaching sizes of 30+ at its peak this year.

After the Golds fell in May, Antonio took to quite a few other projects for the rest of the year. Alongside myself, he led the Silver Surfers for a couple of months in the summer. Due to my absence, he Ant basically led the army by himself, filling out the ranks and establishing beneficial relationships with other armies. He made it a point that the Silver Surfers were an army that did not use bot recruiting, or even autotyping, striving to prove that an army could survive without them. SS sat at the top of SMAP’s Top Ten this summer, ascending up to 7th in CPAC’s Top Ten a couple of times. Its average size hovered in the 10-15 range, but reached 25+ on some occasions. He kept things light and fun for the army by raiding other armies’ events, particularly those who weren’t showing up to fight battles in their wars. During this time, he had accumulated some followers of sorts, which had carried over from Golds. These troops and commanders followed him to his other endeavors. Antonio created and led the Aqua Vikings for its run, during which it reigned supreme in the S/M community and rose to CPAC, reaching sizes of up to 25. His next and least successful leadership this year was the Heroes, which only lasted 2 weeks and saw sizes of up to 12. Following that, which leads to the present time, he started a new generation of the legendary Romans, so far leading the army to 15+. This year, Antonio also served as a leader of the Pretzels, helping them reach the top 3 in CPAC with sizes of up to 40. He also spent a significant amount of time as a commander in the Water Vikings, assisting in their rise from a low point this year. Nowadays, he works in CPAWM, maintaining the servers page.

Antonio960 has proven himself time and time again this year as an excellent leader. As his friend and a mentor of sorts, I can say that he is one of the nicest and most genuine people in the community. Many armies have a sort of hierarchical divide between leaders and troops, but Antonio reaches out to everyone in the armies he leads, talking to them and making them feel included. Treating the troops as equals is imperative to the happiness and morale of an army, and I believe Ant is one of the best at this. He is well-known throughout the community as a friend to all. Ant really cares about making armies fun and is always looking to learn how to do so. It is rare these days to have leaders who are both successful and honest, which is why Antonio960 earned his recognition as an SM Army Press Person of the Year.

(Written by Lorenzo Bean, CPA Central Executive Producer)


Inducted by Club Penguin Army Central

The Universal Adversary

While I was on the CPA Central administration under Bluesockwa1, I studied the job of the Chief Executive Officer in the hopes that I would one day assume the position. One large part of the job was coming across many people who wanted your head. For Bluesockwa1, that was Waterkid, Elmikey, and a couple of other people throughout his couple of years as a CEO. For the large majority of my time as a CEO, my largest opposition came from 2015’s Person of the Year, Mustapha10. At the helm of the Doritos throughout 2015, Mustapha10 made a large number of headlines, and in correspondence to his position of power, a large number of enemies.

It’s fair to say there has not been a more polarizing figure in armies this year than Mustapha10. From late winter this year and onward, his leadership of the Doritos garnered praise for its results, as well as criticism for some of the controversies that arose from it. He was at the head of the largest war of 2015, which was the war between the Doritos and the Ice Warriors, this year’s two most powerful armies. During the war, the Doritos became plagued with scandals, yet they remained as strong as ever. A common thread between armies this year was that following a special report concerning them, they proceeded to fall out and suffer heavily. The Doritos were not one of those armies, as evidenced by their sheer dominance this year.

It is no secret that Mustapha and I did not get along. Yet, when we weren’t at each other’s throats, we were friends. He, at times, has shown a different side of himself to me that makes me believe he’s more than just a leader. To me, it seems obvious that there’s a reason his army has been able to remain so dominant throughout the year — himself as a person. While yes, I have wanted to murder him several times, as did many others in the community, I would have to be a fool to ignore the indelible mark he has made on the community this year. His title, the “Universal Adversary”, reflects his controversial nature and his tendency to make more enemies than friends, which usually marks doom for an army. However, his ability as a leader and as a person has allowed the Doritos to thrive as the top army of 2015, hence why he has been named 2015’s Person of the Year.


Inducted by Club Penguin Army Central

The Sculptor of AUSIA

In 2013, the Army of Club Penguin faced its greatest obstacle. That year, for ACP, was filled with a ridiculous amount of controversy, and in correlation, it was the worst statistical year that the famed Army of Club Penguin had ever had. After facing coup d’etat after coup d’etat, one constant throughout 2013 was Flipmoo, who was in the process of revolutionizing an entire division. That process became full-fledged this year, leading to Flipmoo becoming the most prolific AUSIA Leader that Club Penguin warfare will likely ever possess.

Flipmoo has been mostly credited for the rise of the Army of Club Penguin. After a travesty of a year in 2013, he forced the ACP to perform a 180 and return to its former dominance. While January was dominated by the Rebel Penguin Federation, ACP was close behind, which led to them taking over from February to the summer. During a 10-week span from February to April, ACP was first in eight out of the ten weeks, broken only by the Doritos who were a recipient of the Elmikey Factor at the time. In that time span, Flipmoo created the most successful AUSIA division in history, which he used to his advantage in numerous wars to cripple opponents.

While a part of the controversial but famed “Triumvirate” leadership, Flipmoo was able to remain clean, as the scandals that plagued Jerry and Sercan during this time frame failed to touch Flipmoo; a sign of his honesty and attitude towards warfare. After the Triumvirate broke apart, Flipmoo was able to keep ACP upright, maintaining their dominance until he retired in July. The fact that he revolutionized an entire division makes his influence enormous, hence his title “The Validator of AUSIA.” His leading the Army of Club Penguin, who previously faced a massive fall, to dominance once again, makes his influence indelible, making him Person of the Year 2014.

(Written by: Zakster, CPA Central CEO)

Inducted by The Small Medium Army Press

In 2014, Fluffy Sheep was awarded the ‘Person of The Year’ title in The Small Medium Army Press and officially acknowledged by such on CPAC’s S/M Legends Page. Originally joining armies in 2011, Fluffy would find himself joining Army Republic after a stint within his first army, Army of Club Penguin. It was during his time in the Army Republic that he soon became a notable figure within the army. He became the Army Republic’s Ausia Leader and became the first in the army to hold the role of ‘owner’/main owner rank and Ausia Leader within the army. It was during his time in AR that he became an AR legend, leading them into a golden age. However, this is not where his story ends. In the latter half of 2013, Fluffy created his own army called the Greek Sheeps, an AUSIA-based army. Despite being an AUSIA-based army, they became a force to be reckoned with, reaching the heights of 7th on CPAC’s Top Tens. They also achieved an award for being the fastest-rising army. Ultimately, it became a great success. After its shutdown in 2014, Sheep went on to lead the Redemption Force’s AUSIA division. Undoubtedly, throughout these years he became a pivotal figure not just within the AUSIA community but the entire community, earning himself Person of The Year.

(Written by Coolguy, Club Penguin Armies Executive Producer)


Inducted by Club Penguin Army Central

The Unwelcome Idealist

The Rebel Penguin Federation was an army many argued was to stay dead. It had not been relevant in our community for years; the “RPF” that existed was a bunch of washed-up politicians who liked to argue and change their government type every month or so. I would know; I was part of that RPF. Then, someone came and changed everything. Someone who was responsible for quotes like, “The CPAC style of warfare is to blame for us not getting 1000 troops a month.” That someone was Elmikey, the undoubtedly most talked about person in the eight months RPF has been with us this year.

No, it’s no secret that the history between Elmikey and myself hasn’t been one filled with friendship. Most people outside of RPF — who, granted, worships Elm — would probably feel the same way. From CPA Central to the Nachos, to the Army Republic, all kinds of people, armies, and organizations have fronted off with Elmikey this year. And while the idealistic leader is someone who, arguably, would not have been missed had he not raised RPF from the dead this year, Elmikey has been debated more than any other person this year. At the end of the day, the root of Elmikey’s principles are good. Sure, he may be too firebrand to be their figurehead, but the idea of combating cyberbullying in armies isn’t a bad idea. No, I would never devote my time to it. But that doesn’t mean others can’t.

Elmikey has risen the Rebel Penguin Federation from the dead this year. He challenged and later defeated the titan that was the Nachos. His army worships him, and he is one of the most controversial figures in our community today. And for all of those reasons, good and bad, Elmikey is named the 2013 Person of the Year.

(Written by Bluesockwa1, CPA Central CEO)


Inducted by Club Penguin Army Central

The Great Antagonist

Waterkid wins this for a reason. He, over the last year, has attempted to destroy once and for all more armies than we can count. He led the Pirates of CP into a Golden Age, and brought them to the height of their power. Through the Black Alliance, Waterkid started countless wars, some of them arguably World Wars. He has been the source of constant controversy and has been grabbing headlines here on CPAC throughout the year.

Following his retirement from Pirates, which was for so long his instrument of attempted destruction, Waterkid moved on to SWAT more recently, which has since been once again an antagonist for armies. To so many armies, Waterkid is the great evil that they strive to silence once and for all. To many others, his allies, he is a leader who continually pushes for what he believes in. For better or for worse, Waterkid has kept us all on the edge of our seats for the last year, waiting to see what his and his army’s next move would be. For that reason, he is the first ever CPAC Person of the Year 2012.

(Biography written by Bluesockwa2, CPA Central CEO)