Over the weekend, we witnessed two exciting semi-final battles of March Madness X, which the community had a lot of mixed opinions on. We reached out to several community members to see their reactions and opinions on these battles, and to see if these battles were up to the hype or not.

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The Semi-Finals saw a total of two battles featuring four armies give everything they got to advance to the grand finals. The first battle saw the Rebel Penguin Federation battle the Army of Club Penguin in a spectacular duel, with the former coming out on top. The second battle featured the Doritos going against the Help Force with the two coming neck to neck during the battle, as the Helpers gave the final blow in the overtime room.

Help Force vs. Doritos in the Semi-Finals
The grand finals ring is officially in place, with the Rebel Penguin Federation and the Help Force ready to pull every card they have for the finish line. We will also be seeing the Army of Club Penguin battling the Doritos for 3rd place, another spectacular battle. Club Penguin Armies reached out to several members of the community to see their reactions to the Semi-Final battles.
Sal, Community Commitee: Tbh, these semi finals were pretty interesting. HF Vs DCP was certainly a epic battle in which HF won and got their revenge. RPF winning was expected due to them being a powerhouse. Now we move onto the final, Which will basically be Legends cup 2024 all over again but it’s like CPA’s own North or south (I can’t remember tbh) London derby. Can’t wait and yeah I enjoyed these rounds.
Kira, Reporter: RPF vs ACP: i thought this was a very interesting battle, although i expected rpf to show up in numbers i will say acp performed exceptionally well despite the size difference. i went into this battle expecting it to be alot closer but upon seeing the widening size margin i understood the results of a clean sweep. acp however did very well performance wise which led to a intriguing battle
DCP vs HF: this battle was a nice callback to ccxiv and it was probably one of thr most stressful battles i have vc led. i think despite the size difference help force showed out very well in terms of size and performed extraordinarily well which contributed to their victory. i also was not expecting overtime but regardless it was still a very good showout on both sides. ggs to the helpers, was a very entertaining battle
Dino, Top Ten Committee Head: DCP/HF: This whole tournament in my opinion was DCP’s to lose. What I mean is they were the favorites. From what I observed, DCP hyped this battle up significantly and did a lot of good things. When I saw DCP had more than 40 people in VC before log-on, I fully expected a stronger showing. They did have nearly 200 reactions as well. But with DCP being bounced now and in CC despite a size advantage should serve as a wake-up call. I’m unsure what needs to change because DCP worked very hard leading up to the battle, but it’s clear DCP can no longer guarantee victories based off of strictly size. HF I wasn’t sure they’d even get a room but they seemed to have prevailed. When I heard there was an overtime I was shocked since I wasn’t paying attention while it happened and I immediately became interested in seeing how it’d end since a very close tournament battle between two majors is good for CPA. I think this battle is going to have big impacts for both armies both in the present and in Legends Cup. HF being an underdog this tournament is amazing to see and DCP is going to have a chip on their shoulder for the future so this battle has produced an intriguing outocme.
ACP/RPF: I expected this battle to be closer and be a must-watch battle, and ACP did quite well for the hand they were dealt. But RPF maxing 70+ in a semifinal and being the best tactical army in the community made this an uphill challenge. I don’t even think ACP did anything wrong and the battle didn’t disappoint in terms of their performance, but it’s clear this RPF (which we were given a preview of back in Christmas Chaos) is a different beast. The finals between them and a resurging and underdog HF is going to be quite fun.
Scorp, Memorable Member: ACP vs RPF: ACP and RPF is a historic rivalry across many tournaments, so this battle was definitely gonna be an interesting one. I think ACP fought well in this battle, but the size difference was too much for them to overcome. RPF is famous for having forms that could be featured in a neat-freak’s Pinterest board, and they did have some good forms in the battle, but they fell short of their standards quite often too. ACP could’ve won this if they had more size. Their efficiency, combined with the consistent dominant sizes makes them super likely to win the tournament.
DCP vs HF: DCP started out with almost 60 penguins online before the battle began, so HF, maxing in the 30s, definitely had an uphill fight in this one. HF started out slow, unable to cover the size difference, but slowly picked up the pace and displayed a consistent performance second room onwards. The Doritos weren’t able to make good use of their size, which gave HF a chance to push for a victory in overtime and secure a shot at the finals. But they definitely need to work on their size and the efficiency of their forms if they plan on winning again.
Beasto, Help Force Leader: I think it was good battles from all armies, RPF brought a big size which was challenging for ACP tbf, just like DCP brought a big size for us, however the 4 armies deserved to be at the semi finals with such big performance and outstanding hype! Good luck RPF, we are coming for you 🙂
WilliamW2010, Reporter in Training: If I understand correctly, that’s HF versus DCP and ACP versus RPF, in which case I am not surprised HF won HF versus DCP. I’ve heard that it’s like CPA Afghanistan, where armies go to die; many have tried fighting them in war, but none have succeeded, so that is not a shocker. RPF versus ACP is a relief. ACP is SWAT’s enemy, and for me at least, any loss for them is a win for us—one less thing for them to brag about, one less success for them to be happy about, just the slightest more misery and suffering for them. TL;DR: HF versus DCP was expected, and RPF versus ACP is a happy relief.
With all being said, the Grand Finals will surely be a sensational event to witness. We notice most if not all battles by this point are very tight and intense, bringing more excitement to the final stage. We rarely see an underdog reach this high, but Help Force is no stranger to an underdog story. On April 6 we will see if the Help Force could achieve the impossible, or see the Rebels win their third tournament in a row. Who do you think will be the March Madness X champion?
Associate Editor