This Day In History: March 23, 2015

Welcome to This Day in History, a column examining important events throughout army history. This edition will cover the turmoil between the Army of Club Penguin and Ice Warriors during one’s raid against the other, and the conflicts and wars surrounding all armies involved.

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On March 21, the Light Troops leader Waterkid stormed into the Army of Club Penguin’s chat proceeding to state that the alliance between the two was over. With no explanation as to why this happened, Waterkid stated they would also be invading ACP’s capital, Breeze. This move surprised many, and with a lot of room for speculation, it left a lot of people confused.

The Light Troops and the Army of Club Penguin have had a long-lasting feud over many years, but this would end with an alliance between the two on February 21, 2015. Just over a month after this news, the Light Troops decide to spark the old rivalry again in a shocking manner.

Waterkid100 announcing the end of the ACP alliance, and the start of the war.

The Army of Club Penguin who recently saw the retirement of Purpleslime4 and Fluffyboy3, have been attempting to stabilize themselves. The Light Troops seemingly took the opportunity to make its move, as in their revival two years prior Waterkid made his intentions known stating they might eventually war ACP. These tensions were assumed to be linked to ACP’s use of 5 bar servers, which was opposed by the community.

Battles began to occur quickly, with LT having the advantage in UK and US battles, whilst ACP had an edge in AUSIA. The biggest battle at the time was the invasion of Breeze, as LT was able to easily win this battle. One of the battles that occurred saw an unexpected visit, which raised a lot of questions.

Light Troops invasion of Breeze, ACP’s capital.

Ice Warriors Raid

March 23, 2015

The Ice Warriors, a long-time ally of ACP, made an unexpected turn of events by raiding ACP’s invasion of Tuxedo. Some were led to believe it to be an unscheduled practice battle due to the uncertainty of a lot of community members. There was a lot of speculation about what this really meant, though it appeared neither of the warring armies were pleased. Despite Light Troop’s absence from this battle, ACP was furious and tensions rose between the two allies.

Ice Warriors’ raid on ACP

Ice Warrior’s leader Spy stated it was a practice battle, while ACP’s Higher Command mentioned in their chat it was a clear invasion, calling for them to ‘screw off’. These rising tensions left many to question the alliance of the two armies. The Ice Warriors did not think much of their supposed practice battle, while ACP took it pretty seriously. However, both continued on a safe trajectory in their alliance as it’s believed they cleared any misunderstandings behind the scenes.

Continuation Of The Conflicts

Days later, the Nachos joined ACP’s side and declared on their allies Light Troops after they invaded their memorial server. The Nachos have already been unofficially involved in the war. On March 25, they raided the invasion of Jack Frost in what was meant to be Doritos and LT vs. IW and ACP ended up being a total of five armies struggling to be the dominant one.

DCP-LT vs. IW-ACP + Nachos raiding in the Invasion of Jack Frost

On March 28, the Ice Warriors also officially joined the war by declaring war on the Light Troops. There was a debate on who initiated the war first as the two declared war against each other. This move by the Ice Warriors gave a significant boost to the Army of Club Penguin, as the Light Troops would essentially have to fight on three fronts.

Doritos Invasion on Ascent vs. Ice Warriors

A day later, the Doritos made their presence in the war official by declaring war on the Ice Warriors after the Fjord fiasco. As previously mentioned, the Doritos have already participated in a few battles of this war but haven’t officially taken part until March 29th.

On April 5, Nachos declared war on their ally Army of Club Penguin after giving ACP warnings to change their leadership. The Nachos were seeking to appoint Bam117 as an ACP leader and remove the ACP leader at the time, Ahmed. These demands stemmed from the Nachos’ views on Ahmed, who they claim to be a leader with ‘power-hungry’ intentions.

Aftermath and Conclusion of War

After much back and forth, intense battles, and conflicts, this series of wars would eventually come to a stop. The Army of Club Penguin ignored the Nachos’ warnings and did not give in to their threats, ending their feud quickly. A day later, ACP transferred all of its servers to its brother ally Doritos.

Ahmed transferring all of ACP’s land to the Doritos

On April 15, the Ice Warriors would end their conflict with the Doritos after claiming they cheated by multi-logging. Club Penguin Army Central was not convinced enough by the evidence presented, making Ice Warriors take matters into their own hands by ignoring all invasions scheduled by Doritos and declaring victory.


These series of events had many effects on all armies that partook in the conflicts, whether short-term or long-term. Many alliances were questioned, and many were broken, destabilizing many armies in the process. Although the end of these conflicts was not the greatest, the impact of all these wars at once definitely shaped the trajectory of every army in the community. What do you think? Why do you think Ice Warriors raided ACP? Who do you think was the real winner of all these conflicts?


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