Comics #47: A Peaceful March? No Way

Welcome to the forty-seventh edition of Club Penguin Armies Comics! Today, Aucraia makes his debut as a Cartoonist, showing the madness that happens every March.

Comics #47: A Peaceful March? No Way

Designed by Edu14463

The comic starts with the Club Penguin Armies penguin wishing a happy March to all the armies. However, they forgot that March Madness X was taking place. Next, they realise what they have forgotten, as they witness an all-out brawl between the armies. The third panel shows the fighting taking place, and the consequences of the violence as multiple armies suffer casualties.

A Help Force troop caught up in the brawl has lost a hat, and a yellow penguin, possibly a Templar, has gone flying out of the frame. Meanwhile, a member of the People’s Imperial Confederation is also in the fight, grabbing their guitar to use as a weapon. A black penguin, who could be part of the Rebel Penguin Federation or Special Weapons and Tactics, has lost the fight and is now lying on the ground.

After that, the comic returns to the CPA penguin in the fourth panel, who has remembered why every army was occupied with fighting. Subsequently, they continue watching to see who will be victorious. In the meantime, a Bastille Vanguard hat has now been thrown away, and a penguin’s arm is sticking out of the cloud of violence, possibly escaping, or getting ready to attack again. In conclusion, it is clear that there is no chance for a peaceful March in Club Penguin Armies.

Drawn by Aucraia

Did you enjoy this week’s comic? Who is going to be victorious in this fight? What do you want to see here in CPA Comics?


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Hello, it's Snork!! I am but a wee little lad reporting on the silly penguin game :3

One Response

  1. Aucraia March 21, 2025 (11:24 pm)


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