Multiple battles occurred on March 15 and 16, featuring many giants fighting it out for a spot at the March Madness X semi-finals. Many of these battles received much applause, so we reached out to community members to get their thoughts.

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Round One of March Madness X featured several armies battling in a total of four battles. On Saturday, the Doritos faced The Bastille Vanguard, with the former securing victory. Similarly, we also saw the Aliens and Help Force come together in a fierce battle. In this match, we witnessed the Help Force coming out on top. On Sunday the Army of CP faced the Templars, and the battle’s conclusion saw the Clovers crowned victors. The quarter-finals ended with a clash between the Rebel Penguin Federation and the Water Vikings, where the Rebels successfully secured a spot in the semi-finals.

Help Force vs. Aliens in the Quarter-Finals.
The stage for the semi-finals is set, with the Doritos, Help Force, Army of Club Penguin, and Rebel Penguin Federation all duking it out for a spot in the Grand Finals. Club Penguin Armies reached out to several members of the community to see their reactions to all these battles.
Gabi, Graphic Designer: I think the Quarter Finals, whilst not being entirely unpredictable, still saw some interesting results. I was surprised to see the size difference at play in the ACP-TCP battle as I was expecting TCP to get a few more online, and I’m glad ACP got the win as our allies and looking forward to facing them in the next round. Aliens managing to get a tied room against Help Force too, I think despite their early exit they’ll be an army to look out for in the future once they build up more experience. It was a shame we had to knock out our brother allies so early on but WV definitely put up a good fight and I’m looking forward to seeing their return unfold!
Aisha, Head Moderator: DCP – TBV = TBV are very great brother allies and I really hope I can see them win trophies in the future. This battle was fun to lead after not leading a battle in a while and wasn’t really intense, but we did very much dominate them. I know if they had more size, the score would not be the same. Sorry @Vitorlose Next time TBV victory Inshallah.
RPF – WV = I did spectate this and it was very interesting to watch. RPF had a 20 size advantage through the majority of that battle, but WV still did really well with utilising their size in the second room especially, genuinely thought R2 would have been a tie. But RPF winning the full battle definitely wasn’t a surprise.
ACP – TCP = In all honesty I didn’t even watch this one But I heard TCP was doing extremely well with covering ACP, and while looking at CPAJ I see ACP had quite more on than them. 10 TCP troops are stronger than 100 ACP penguins fr though so f**k ACP
Hamptero, Community Committee: TBV vs DCP: yeah just kill me gng.
Aliens vs HF: Going into the battle, I thought this was gonna be a clash of the centuries, but Aliens just didn’t give much of a fight. What happened there? I thought Aliens were always able to give resistance, but ig not this time. Wish them luck in the next tournament! And as always good job HF, gl in semis.
ACP vs Templars: Yeah this one’s not surprising. Templars have been relatively average for the past month, but ig they tried, what else can I say. ACP just swept that one.
RPF vs WV: i like parmesan cheese(idk what to say since this isn’t gonna be in the post)
Echo, Reporter: all the results were what I expected. I think early battles are quite predictable. I will say WV-RPF was quite interesting I saw some parts and WV held up rather well.
Scars, People’s Imperial Confederation Leader: DCP vs TBV: Did anyone expect anything other than this outcome
ACP vs TCP: I had high hopes for this battle as both can pull relatively high numbers during tournaments. However, it ended in a clean sweep. ACP had double TCP’s size so they really couldn’t have done much. Both sides did great and I think TCP really used their size well and to the best they could.
RPF vs WV: I think everyone expected the outcome, especially with RPF having like 20more, but WV still did amazing. They’ve been really good recently and their hard wark is truly showing with their 30 max. Both sides did great and if WV had more size it would’ve been closer than for sure.
Aliens vs HF: Two of my favorite armies. Of course I expected aliens to do good after cc when they showed up out of nowhere and dominated. However despite their slight size advantage they still lost…… Both sides did really good and tbh I thought the battle wouldve been closer than it was.
Daniel, Former Judge: I think the battles this weekend were incredibly exciting – even tho the results may show different. Apart from DCP vs. TBV, which had a clear winner, in the other 3 battles I saw incredible fights. WV pulling in numbers vs. RPF – giving them a very good fight, but not being enough still for RPF’s usual tactical masterclass and domination – Aliens showing how much they’ve improved and that they’re to be feared but HF coming on top demonstrating once again their experience in tournaments, and then ACP and TCP which has been a very good rivalry over the past few months. They were all exciting battles to watch (and to lead) and I bet the semifinals will be no short of that either – can’t wait!
Ryebread, YouTuber: Aliens vs. HF: both armies are very strong in their own ways and since they’re both allies I was excited to see who would win. Good job to hf for moving onto the semis! Aliens keep working hard!
DCP vs TBV: I wish tbv brought more of a fight but dcp brought the masses.
TCP vs ACP: this was a pretty good battle tbh tcp did well in room 2 but acp really brought the power in their first round.
WV vs. RPF: WV did really well regardless of the size difference but RPF needed their revenge from last year so good job to them on the win.
Heading into the Semi-Finals, we notice many battles in this year’s March Madness attract a lot of attention. The next round will be the first time we see the community’s giants clash against each other in this tournament, making it a very heated weekend. With the majority of the major armies battling this weekend, not all of them will up the bracket. What do you think of the quarter-final round? Who do you anticipate will reach the grand finals this year? Do you think this year’s March Madness is already better than last year’s?
Senior Reporter