The Army of Club Penguin recently decided to add another Commander in Chief to their ranks. Let’s learn more about the newest leader, Daniel20448, and take a look back at his history.

Designed by Master DS
Daniel20448’s army journey began during the COVID era, between March and April of 2020. He was a member of Club Penguin Online and wondered if anyone streamed the CPPS. He then discovered a stream by a former Golds member, Bang, who was heavily promoting the army on Twitch. Daniel joined the stream and immediately developed an interest in the community. Once Daniel joined the Golds, he was awarded Golden One of the Week. However, as conflicts arose during the CPO era, Daniel and his friends, who were aware of the situation, were banned from the army.

Golden One of the Week: Daniel
After being banned from Golds, Daniel and his friends helped create Silver Empire, where Daniel was appointed Second in Command. He later retired and received the prestigious title of Silver Empire Legend for his hard work and contributions. Despite retiring, Daniel didn’t permanently leave the community. He hoped to find a new army that could recapture the feeling of being part of a major force, similar to Golds.

Silver Empire vs Crimson Guardians in 2020
Birth of a New Clover
Around the time Daniel retired from SE in 2020, Nacho and Stamp Pin led a Spanish army known as the Royal Warriors. Eventually, they decided to merge the army into the Army of Club Penguin. Nacho and another ACP member, Yeti, were working on ACP’s Spanish division at the time and were good friends with Daniel. This made Daniel’s decision on which army to join next easier. He was initially torn between the Rebel Penguin Federation and ACP, but since he already had friends in ACP, he chose to join the army just a few days after leaving Silver Empire.
Once Daniel decided to join the Clovers, he was given the rank of Warrant Officer. At the time, this was a mid-level troop position, though it no longer exists. He quickly became a prominent figure within the army, contributing heavily to ACP’s success. As Daniel became more actively involved, he earned a reputation as a trusted and well-respected member of the army. The army even recognized him as Troop of the Month.
Daniel eventually took on a leadership role in ACP’s Spanish division, where he helped lead the Clovers to victory in the Semifinals against the Ice Warriors for Fight or Fright. During this time, Daniel assisted VC in leading the Spanish division and coordinated their actions throughout the battle, replicating the instructions given by the leader to the armies. The army maxed over 111 troops, a significant accomplishment for Daniel and the Clovers’ Spanish division, helping the army achieve that max. The army awarded him the prestigious Bronze Medal for his passion, dedication, and efforts.

Fight or Fright in 2020: Army of Club Penguin vs Ice Warriors
He also played a major role in becoming the next ACP Training Regiment Director. This internal institution educates members on ACP’s history, trains soldiers for battles, and prepares them for leadership roles. Additionally, the army established a separate site in the early 2000s to further support Clover members in their learning and development, and the army continues to contribute to this site. Daniel’s successful contributions ended up earning him the Medal of Training for his work with ACPTR.
Alongside this, he quickly rose to the rank of Second in Command due to his evident success. Daniel also took on a leadership role in the US division alongside Kailey, further solidifying his impact within the army. However, due to burnout later on after the Clover’s won Project: Conquest hosted by Club Penguin Army Head Quarters in 2021, Daniel decided to take a break from armies.
the return
Years later, Daniel returned to the community. He decided to help the Clovers in the Centenary Solstice War of 2024, a conflict between Elite Guardians of Club Penguin and ACP. Although they won the war, they felt there was always room for improvement in the future. They realized the army was lacking a US division, which they wanted to address in order to prevent this issue from occurring. At the time, Daniel was attending as a veteran, but he decided to become an Advisor after the war ended.

War battle between Army of Club Penguin and Elite Guardians in 2024
After becoming an Advisor to help out, Daniel decided a month later to officially join as a High Command member. He wanted to contribute further. Daniel participated in multiple events involving wars and tournaments to support his army, including Project Conquest: Blood Bowl, in which the Clovers won, Christmas Chaos XIV, and more. Daniel also helped contribute to wars against armies like the Help Force, Templars, Doritos, and The Bastille Vanguard. During this time, Daniel led battles, particularly within the US division. He also helped recruit new members into the army, aiding its growth.

Project Conquest Blod Bowl: Army of Club Penguin vs Secret Service
Daniel’s accomplishments and contributions within the Clover’s were key to the army’s success, and it was only a matter of time before he became Commander in Chief. On February 25, Roxy, ACP Leader, announced Daniel’s official induction. He would work alongside her. On March 1, the army held his induction ceremony, which maxed at 58 penguins to celebrate the new leadership in the Clovers.

Daniel’s induction event
Club Penguin Armies decided to reach out to Daniel for an exclusive interview after hearing the news about his promotion.
What are your plans moving forward as a leader?
I can’t really disclose many of the plans just yet, but my top one plan right now is winning March Madness for sure. Apart from that, trying my best to make ACP a healthy, competitive and fun environment to be in is my priority.
In your words, what makes your army unique and different from others?
I think just the amount of history it has on its own is incredible. It puts weight on you and it definitely makes it feel like no one is bigger than the army itself. So many people have come and gone leaving their own mark. When you put in work, it’s like you’re working to maintain the legacy it has built in what is now close to 20 years – and helps to motivate to keep going as well.
What’s a valuable lesson you’ve learned while being part of this army?
Time management is key :NOOOOOO: – also, that we’re all just here to escape the real world in one way or another, as well as a human behind a screen, so it’s important to be nice to anyone you meet.
Can you give us some advice for those who wish to become leaders?
Work hard for the position, your work will never be overlooked. When being leader, let your ideas flourish – be yourself. Only will people then know you and remember you for who you are, and people will look at someone who is genuine at the helm. Also, remember that you also have people working alongside you, despite your leadership position – never step over their opinions. Also, don’t forget to have fun, this is just a game after all.
Is there anyone you look up to who inspires you?
In CPA yes! I look up to CSY a lot. Many know he was in medical school while leading, so the way he led and managed his time is something that I looked up to a ton. Also the way he looked out for us constantly, and never took all the credit for himself. Very good leadership model.
Lastly, a fun question, share a random fun-fact about yourself!
I used to play volleyball a ton, I don’t play now because I got injured a bit ago but maybe one day I’ll play again! It’s my favorite sport and I love it – I always watch volleyball matches whenever I have free time 😛
Daniel’s army journey has truly been a significant and meaningful one, ultimately guiding him to lead the Clovers. While his path has been full of milestones, for the Army of Club Penguin, it marks the beginning of a fresh chapter in his army career. It’s an exciting new phase, full of possibilities and challenges ahead. We wish Daniel the best of luck in his new position and are excited to see how he grows as a leader and what the future holds for him.
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