People’s Imperial Confederation Win War Against SWAT

After the People’s Imperial Confederation declared war on the Special Weapons and Tactics two weeks ago, it has come to an  end. Let us take a look at what has been going on during this time and see how it ended in a People’s Imperial Confederation win.

Designed by Master DS


On February 3, 2025, the People’s Imperial Confederation declared war against Special Weapons and Tactics. Although the Confederation emerged from its previous war just days ago, it seems filled with energy and faith for its new clash. On the other hand, SWAT recently dealt with new promotions and retirements, and this conflict will be putting its new leaders to the test.

War terms for PIC vs. SWAT

a no-show war

With the first battle being held on February 4th, it became clear that SWAT would not show up. As mentioned in a previous interview, SWAT leader Subzero said they were still unsure whether they would be attending. This caused the first few battles to go by flawlessly for the Confederation.

people's imperial confederation win

First battle between PIC vs. SWAT

However, not long after the war started, SWAT began to face some issues. On February 6, their server was defaced, causing a disruption. As a result, changes were made within their leadership. Nonetheless, the war resumed between the two armies. After five battles of no-shows, the war eventually concluded on February 18 and was declared a People’s Imperial Confederation win.

people's imperial confederation win

PIC leader announcing their victory

To learn more about the end of the war, Club Penguin Armies reached out to both Scars and Holo2 to hear their thoughts.

Did the war live up to your expectations?

Scars:  Not really. While we knew SWAT wouldn’t show since the war was just for jokes, I hoped they would at least show once. SWAT was talking a whole lot so it was pretty sad to see it not backed up. It’s especially odd to me since the war could’ve helped us both out.

Holo2: We had no expectations, we didn’t pay them the attention they so desperately wanted.

Since the war finished, how will you move further from this? Can we expect anything?

Scars: We’re gonna be right back in the lab and trying to grow PIC. We want to be in our very best shape for any future endeavors. Just expect us to pick right back up from where we left off and continue to host events and try our hardest.

Holo2: We are continuing to work, grow and get better as a team, so we plan to continue focusing on our forward momentum.

Is there anything you would like to do differently next time?

Scars: I don’t think anything could’ve been changed really. Let’s just hope it’s a real war next time and that we can be able to show up and perform.

Holo2: If there was anything I would have done differently, looking back on their sizes at this so called “war” we would have and are capable of out performing them, we should have, and next time we will.

It seems like it did not go as well as planned for both armies, leaving the future uncertain. Still, it seems like both are planning to move forward and keep growing. What did you think of the war? Will everything work out for both of them?


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One Response

  1. WilliamW2010 February 23, 2025 (5:05 pm)

    “We had no expectations; we didn’t pay them the attention they so desperately wanted.”
    Damn Holo, it’s a CPA interview, not a hitman recruiting.

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