Clover Victory: Templars Surrender The Winter Antioch Campaign

This month saw the Army of Club Penguin and Templars go to war. After just a week of battles, the Templars have surrendered to the Clovers. Let us see how the two armies have fared in this conflict.

Designed by Master DS


On February 5, 2025, the Army of Club Penguin declared war on the Templars, initiating the Winter Antioch Campaign. ACP cited repeated disrespect from TCP, including attempts to undermine their strength and reputation. In response to this, the Clovers issued a formal call to arms, ready to defend their honor. It is important to note that ACP and TCP have been at war several times in the past. After this sudden declaration, TCP responded with their own post in which they accused ACP of portraying them as weak and avoiding war with their allies, the Doritos of Club Penguin. They also mentioned ACP ending their alliance in August last year, claiming it was based on past allegations. The Templars seemed to be ready to launch into this war and we were all eager to see how battles would proceed.

ACP Declaration Announcement


The war had a total of 14 battles beginning the day after the declaration on February 6. The final war score was 12-1-1 with ACP winning the majority of battles and in the end, the war. With many of the battles being during AUSIA, TCP found themselves at a disadvantage during this time and were unable to perform as well as expected. Despite being a Small/Medium Army, however, the Templars were able to come out of the first battle victorious with a max of 26 but could not maintain the trend. By the end of the war, ACP had won several battles due to no-shows.

First Battle of the Winter Antioch Campaign

Outcome of the War

On February 14, TCP Leader Billy Bawb announced the Templars’ surrender. ACP Leader Roxy followed this announcement with a force treaty on the army, seizing the rest of TCP’s land. Despite this, the Templars were among several S/M armies who received land via transfer from ACP on February 22, reclaiming their capital, Antioch.

Surrender and Force Treaty Terms. Click to enlarge

To hear more about the Templars’ sudden retreat, Club Penguin Armies reached out to TCP Grand Prior Billy Bawb for a statement.

What were the reasons behind TCP’s surrender to the Army of Club Penguin in the Winter Antioch Campaign?

The reasons were simple, Acp waring a s/m army was not in our plan so we did end up taking the loss and all our troops/staff didn’t really want to keep going,we have other plans in the future

Does TCP plan on expanding its territory on the map again?

Yeah we have been slowly getting land back and getting more size

Do you think the Templars will take part in any more conflicts soon?

Templars does not have any plans to go into any conflicts soon

Club Penguin Armies also spoke with ACP leader Roxy to find out more about their victory.

How are ACP feeling after multiple war victories?

It was definitely tiring, but exciting at the same time. We are ready to focus on our army solely again 🙂

Did the war go as you expected?

We noticed that TCP had similar sizes to us, so we expected the worst while going into the war. The war definitely helped us improve a lot as our US division became better than before. Considering how we expected the worst from the war, it definitely went better than expected!

Do you think you will meet the Templars on the battlefield again?

No we do not think we will meet Templars on the battlefield again, nor do we look forward to it in the near future.

As we can see, the Templars have chosen to put the well-being of their army first through this decision. We may see more from them in the future as they reclaim their position on the map. As well as this, we can see that ACP will now be focusing on themselves for the time being. What do you think? Was this surrender the right choice? Will TCP bounce back from this?
Managing Editor

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