What was promised to be the war of the year has met an anticlimactic ending. Just moments ago, the Army of Club Penguin issued a force treaty on the Doritos of Club Penguin. Following a war term breakage, let us investigate what happened between both armies.

Designed by gabgeirl
the curtain call
After going on a rampage these past weeks, defeating many Small/Medium armies in wars, the Doritos of Club Penguin finally achieved their goal: to declare war on their rivals, the Army of Club Penguin. On February 14, what the community considered the war of the year had started. Because of the Candy Crusher Brawl weekend, the first official war battles took place today, February 17. In these, the Doritos were victorious, setting an initial war score of 2-0-0 [W-T-L] in their favor. Nonetheless, after a war term breakage, it seems the next scheduled invasions will no longer occur.

ACP-DCP War Battle
Moments after the conclusion of the invasion of Zero Grau, the Administration of Club Penguin Armies was contacted by the leader of ACP. Roxy raised a concern regarding a member of her army who had pictures of themself spread across several group chats in Discord without their consent by a DCP troop, who also proceeded to make racist remarks about their ethnicity. There was proof that, in one of these group chats, some higher-ups from DCP were also present, partaking in the subsequent mockery of the doxxed person.
After deliberating with both armies and internally, the Administration opted to enforce its zero-tolerance policy with doxxing or any related activities. Despite being previously warned that future war breakages would result in harsher punishments, the army proceeded to get entangled in another controversy. As it is a clear breach of the war term “No doxxing in any form or DDoSing” and our general war rules, the Administration ruled the war should come to a close with ACP having the right to choose to force-treaty DCP or not. The Army of Club Penguin chose to force-treaty their opponents.

Force-Treaty sent by ACP
CPA reached out to army leaders Roxy and JoelFreak to get their words about the war ending. However, Joel did not respond.
JoelFreak, DCP Leader: –
Roxy, ACP Leader: I hope you find the closure of your decade long grudge through this war DCP ♥️
Regardless of the outcome, the two foes have breathed life into the community as of late. May this be a reminder that CPA Administration will not take any instance related to doxxing lightly, as the team wishes to protect the community and ensure its well-being. Do you think both armies will meet each other on the battlefield once more?
Executive Producer
They knew they wouldn’t win the war, but instead of taking the L they stoop as low as to accuse DCP troops of “doxxing”, quotation marked because it wasn’t even a dox, they just wanted an excuse to escape the war without consequences, and ended up embarrassing themselves, pathetic.
[…] map. Now with land on their hands, the war was expected to be rather dramatic, however, it abruptly ended only three days […]
[…] of land by the perennial 3 majors whenever war is on the horizon with massive force treaties and bullshit loopholes to quickly end wars, and immediately claim massive empires by breach of contract, with no realistic […]