Doritos Declare War Against the Army of Club Penguin after a series of conflicts, including a war with The Bastille Vanguard. This declaration follows their recent wars with many Small/Medium armies and escalating tensions between the allies of both armies.

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ACP Rejects the Initial War
On January 11, Doritos first declared war on the Army of Club Penguin, but ACP dismissed the declaration. In a public response, ACP stated that DCP needed to gain land before declaring war, implying that they would only accept an on-the-map war rather than an off-the-map conflict.
Following this, DCP launched a series of war declarations starting with the People’s Imperial Confederation, an ACP ally. While DCP focused on multiple battles, ACP was engaged in a war against Templars. These wars which the Chips participated in allowed them to gain land, and subsequently shortly after TCP surrendered, DCP seized the opportunity to declare war on ACP again—this time, with land.
DCP Declares War on ACP After Multiple Conflicts
After an initial rejection, Doritos of Club Penguin declared war against the Army of Club Penguin shortly after engaging in multiple conflicts with small/medium armies. Their last major battle before this war was against The Bastille Vanguard. This battle marks a turning point as Doritos declare war against ACP under new conditions.
We do not yet know what to expect from this war, however, all shall be revealed on February 17, with the first invasion. This war will certainly be important to DCP, as the Clovers were the first ever force they faced off against back in 2010. With both sides having new leadership and the new armies landscape, we can only wonder what the outcome will be.
To gain insight into the reasons behind this war, Club Penguin Armies reached out to leaders Aisha, BSharbach2, and Kira.
What led to the decision to re-declare war on ACP as an on-the-map war?
Aisha: Well, this is awkward. We read your grand declaration of war, and while it’s adorable that you’ve gone to such dramatic lengths, there seems to be a slight issue: there’s no map. An “off-map war”? Really? What are we supposed to do, wander around aimlessly on the Club Penguin iceberg until someone shouts “found you!”? Are we supposed to play Marco Polo in the snow? Sorry, but without a map, we don’t know where to show up—call us when you figure out how wars actually work. Oh, and for all that pompous language about being an “unstoppable force” and “taking it all back,” it’s hard to take you seriously when you’re basically yelling into the void. Pro tip: a declaration of war without a map is like trying to eat nachos without the Doritos. Just sad. See you (or maybe not?) in the snow trenches—if you ever find us. Better luck next time. Sincerely, The Army of Club Penguin P.S. Maybe get someone to proofread your next declaration—it sounds like you’re auditioning for a villain monologue in a bad movie. Anyways it’s AI generated cos I’m on LEAVE lol! You can go on your revenge trip WITHOUT us hahahaha im on my ghosting era btw and 32op ur vet is gone hehehehehe
Kira: we got some land just like they wanted!!
BSharbach2: They ducked us the first time – Can’t escape the shield.
How does this war compare to previous conflicts DCP has been involved in?
Aisha: Well this war is different in the sense that since our revival this our first major army war and it’s against the literal scums of cpa, but its okay we will clean up the mess xx
Kira: this is a real war with real stakes that will be taken seriously amongst our community.
BSharbach2: This is the first conflict where there is genuine beef, the other conflicts recently have all been mere formalities.
What are DCP’s goals for this war, and how do you see it impacting the CPA community?
Aisha: Goal is to [REDACTED] ACP
Kira: hopefully to win and establish a greater presence within the map. as for the community to be honest im not sure! we will see
BSharbach2: Destroy ACP.
Club Penguin Armies also reached out to ACP leader, Roxy, for an interview, however, she has not responded.
The Doritos have proven that they are eager to fight against the Army of CP, and this time they’ve met ACP’s demands. With land secured and tensions rising, both armies now stand at a critical crossroads. Will ACP defend their territory and reputation on the battlefield? Or will they introduce another demand before fully engaging in this long-anticipated war?