What’s Up Club Penguin Armies? #7

Welcome to What’s Up CPA, the post where we take a look at some of the recent conversations within Community Chat. Recently, the community has seen multiple wars break out, treaties signed and new armies enter the fray. Let us take a look at what is currently being discussed in the community.

It has been a while since our last post but the community continues to flourish. Since November, the community has seen multiple changes take place, new faces come into the fold and old faces slip out the backdoor. Yet, despite the changes, the community remains the same – active and full of drama. Currently, multiple wars are taking place as the community continues to be as active as ever. However, the Candy Crusher brawl will soon put a spanner in the works as armies aim to win gold over the weekend. With that being said, let us get into what is currently being discussed in Club Penguin Armies.

One of the conversations within the community chat recently has been about the work Leaders and Staff within an army do. When it was mentioned that some Leaders are expecting Staff to do the legwork while they do nothing, many others chimed in. For some, finding time for everything can be difficult. Yet, Leaders should also know the responsibilities that come with the role. Ultimately, as Calgo suggested, a Leader should lead by example, not make demands of others they are not willing to do themselves.

Some people may argue that tasks need to be delegated but this conversation isn’t regarding delegation but rather offloading Leadership responsibilities onto Staff. If a Leader does not wish to lead by example or take any responsibility, they should not be Leader. As we have seen in the past, when Leaders try to throw their weight around too much, people push back. Yet, if Staff are not involved at all there will be unrest as they will not feel trusted. The Staff members are the part of the core of every army, helping it to maintain it daily and ensure its future. Thus, they should not be abused but respected and treated as such.

Quite unlike CPA, a meaningful conversation which started out somewhat fuel-filled took place within the community chat. During Ugly and Logical‘s banter, a comment was made about Logical. It was from here that a conversation was started regarding people taking armies seriously. Ugly believes that no-one takes anything that happens in armies to heart but I, much like Logical, beg to disagree. Throughout CPA history, there have been times where heated instances have become personal. Even outside doxxing and such, things that happen within armies can be extremely agitating and even hurtful. This has led to many people being hurt.

Though Club Penguin is just a game, the comments which are hurled can be deeply personal and impactful. Even two armies breaking an alliance can impact a person as connections are lost and relationships can also be ruptured. Allies can become enemies, friends can betray each other and personal information/conversations can get leaked. All of this stuff can and will be taken to heart. Even the most unemotional person can be hurt if someone cuts deep enough. But what do you think?

In December we were all led to believe that Ugly had retired. However, Thunder has seemingly revealed that Aisha, Doritos of Club Penguin Leader, is in fact Ugly, former Army of Club Penguin Leader. For many, this reveal will not make sense as DCP is anti-ACP. However, when you think about it, that is the perfect cover; pretend to be another person and lead an army which hates the army you are affiliated to so that when you do leave, you can remain in the community undiscovered.

Aisha’s discord alt’s username is dcpaisha – this seems like they are trying hard to convince everyone that they are infact apart of DCP. Additionally, for someone who supposedly hates ACP, they have mentiond them a combined 214 times in CPA and DCP. It seems like Aisha is either obsessed or is indeed Ugly. Did you also notice that while Aisha was online during this conversation, Ugly was not? He only appeared after Aisha disappeared shortly after this screenshot.

If Ugly really is Aisha then what does that mean for the fate of ACP and DCP? Was the hate a ruse to allow them to war every other army without suspicion? Did Logical and 32op actually get couped by Ugly/Aisha? Should the secret ACP-DCP alliance be feared?

In the previous edition of Whats Up CPA, I discussed FatChicken forming the Fatties of Club Penguin. Four months on from this, FatChicken continues to search for food in every corner of the room. While people have been urging him to get some exercise, he has been taking trips to McDonalds for extra fries. Heaven knows why Chicken would think that people would ask him to buy himself extra fries. However, it is clear that Fat Chicken is craving food and cannot be trusted with any responsibilities.

In the past, rumours were going around regarding FatChicken’s potential promotion to Leader within the Army of Club Penguin. Yet, we can now reveal why he has not been given this promotion. This was because they were afraid that if given command he would force the staff members to buy him food. If they disobeyed his orders, he would eat them as a snack before chomping on a bag of Doritos with a side of Nachos for dinner.

All jokes aside, the community still continues to intrigue with some of the conversations that regularly take place. The conversation which was held between Ugly and Logical was intriguing to say the least. Hearing different people’s opinions is always interesting but being able to understand their views can be very insightful and that is what we saw in that conversation. Even the conversation regarding Leaders and Staff allowed members to share their own experiences and opinions. For example, one person expressed their lack of time due to real-life commitments. Predictably, they were encourged to put their real-life responsibilities first. But sometimes this can be to the detriment of an army. And that is what is up CPA!

What do you think about the conversations which took place within CPA this week? Do you think Leaders should lead by example or should they delegate Leadership responsibilities? Do you think most people within the community take things to heart or do you think they do not care? Is FatChicken about to eat the entirety of ACP? Is the secret ACP/DCP alliance about to take over the entirety of CPA?!


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