There have been shocking leadership coups throughout Club Penguin Armies’ long history. Today, we will look at some of the most important coups over the years.

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The Very Beginning
The first-ever major “coup” could be argued to be Rapidy‘s removal from the Army of Club Penguin. The ACP held an election of sorts, before which there had been great instability, following Fort‘s retirement. Initially, Fort had made Dr Nono Jr ACP leader, however, Oagalthorp — founder of the Clovers — reversed this a day later. He instead gave Rapidy the rank. The election, or poll, was created by ACP officer, Cooltiger134. Although he did it without permission, most of ACP said they did not want Rapidy as a leader.
This led to another poll, which Rapidy canceled, leading to him being dismissed as leader. Against his will, Rapidy held another set of elections, causing the army to coup him. Eventually, the “NextGen ACP” movement emerged in mid-2009 against Saint1119 and Dryvit which attempted to reinstate Rapidly as leader.
Elmikey Couped from RPF
In December 2017, Elmikey, leader of the Rebel Penguin Federation at the time, was ousted from his role. Elmikey had been acting as a “dictator”, and had attempted to remove other leaders. Elmikey had also insisted on having his “King” rank, above the standard “Leader” rank. This led the other members of the RPF leadership team, notably Popsicle, to remove Elmikey from the army. They claimed Elmikey was willing to “throw out anyone”, and that he had put in “minimal work”.
In the end, this turned out to be one of the biggest coups of all time. Elmikey had been a staple of RPF for four years, but following his removal he never returned. Afterward, Elmikey formed his Rebel Penguin Marines rebellion, later merging it into Templars of Club Penguin. After this merge, TCP would go on to defeat RPF in World War VII.
The Great Nacho Coup
In January 2015, Nachonnian legends Chrisi Blue, Joker, and Puckley decided to coup the leadership of Nachos at the time. This included Camperjohn and Shivertoe. The reason for their removal was due to their tolerance of multilogging, and other toxic and distasteful content. The leadership was endorsing extremely unhealthy, inappropriate content for their membership of mostly children/teenagers. The veterans of the army refused to sit around, allowing the Nachos’ name to be tarnished, and decided to overthrow the old leadership and instill their own.
Fall of Cassius Brutus
Cassius Brutus had been a controversial figure within ACP, as the 29th leader of the oldest army, there were expectations for him to live up to. Cassius had previously couped former leader Tori, who had gone to great lengths to cover up Cassius’ incompetency. Examples include ending the war against the Dark Warriors, only for Cassius to remove Tori from ACP leadership. Other mishaps included editing event photos to include more attendants, which was a serious offense. His inability to comprehend complex situations ultimately led to his demise, with Sercan, Flipmoo, and Fluffyboy3 removing him from his leadership role and posing an expose.
To wrap this all up, I think it is clear that over CPA’s long and storied history, there have been a number of key uprisings that have shaped the community. Some of these had larger impacts than others, and some have been greatly forgotten about. However, others, such as the few listed above, will surely go down in the history books for being pivotal in the development of armies. What do you think? Are these coups relevant, or are they just remnants of yesteryear? Do you think we’ll see any coups in the not-too-distant future?