Eagre Foray III: Water Vikings Declare War on SWAT

Following their recent promotion to Major army status, the Water Vikings declared war on the Special Weapons and Tactics. Today, we seek to investigate the happenings leading up to and following this ongoing situation.

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Earlier Eagre Forays

The First Eagre Foray War began on August 26, 2020, when the Water Vikings declared war on the Special Weapons and Tactics. The war began due to accusations that SWAT was troop stealing from the Vikings. Spanning 25 battles, the arduous month-long conflict resulted in a Water Vikings victory. Throughout the war, WV reached sizes of 47, while SWAT hit up to 37. Moreover, the final battle had a size difference of 20+. This first war concluded with a score of 18-1-6 (W-T-L), favoring the Vikings.

The Second Eagre Foray War occurred in August 2022 after a declaration from the Water Vikings. This time, however, the Vikings had backup. The Ice Warriors, Templars, and Help Force joined in the effort against the Special Weapons and Tactics. One of the primary reasons for the declaration of war was the presence of some suspicious characters in SWAT. As well as this, IW claimed SWAT attempted to betray them. Another contributor, HF claimed they were unnecessarily provoked.

A Battle in the First Eagre Foray War

All caught up

On November 17, Viking Commander Raven116 announced the declaration of the Third Eagre Foray War and the terms in the Club Penguin Armies Discord server. This third installation of one of the fiercest rivalries in all of CPA will be an interesting watch. Following the recent reclassification of the Vikings to Major army status, and SWAT’s inability to claim a spot on the Top Ten armies of the month, many are skeptical whether or not this war will live up to the status of the previous two. Alongside this, the Water Viking’s promotion of Raven to leader solidifies the Viking leadership further. All things considered, most believe that this will indeed be a difficult conflict for SWAT.

However, it will not be too easy for the Vikings, as SWAT have not had a chance to prove themselves since the Rebel Alliance Commando merged into them. This, alongside the recent recruiting competition that SWAT held, has given them another chance back in the big leagues. Many community members believe that this war will be the push they need to get them back in fighting form. After a period of brief inactivity, we will surely be seeing life rejuvenated in the Special Weapons and Tactics as a result of this war. Another key factor for SWAT may be the return of Legoman, who rejoined for the recent War of Spectral Siege to guide the RACP to victory. With this in mind, he may very well do the same with SWAT.

Declaration of War upon SWAT and War Terms for the Third Eagre Foray War. Click to enlarge

Club Penguin Armies reached out to Ryebread, leader of the Water Vikings, to get an exclusive statement. We looked at the reason behind the declaration, and what they hoped to gain.

SWAT and WV have always butted heads, so I’m sure this is no surprise that war has been declared. We hope to come out stronger than we came in.

We also reached out to Zooy, commander of SWAT, for a statement regarding their reaction to this declaration.

I was initially quite surprised by the war declaration, and pretty discombobulated. But, I do believe that this could pose an interesting opportunity, especially due to its closeness to Christmas Chaos. I’m pretty interested in why WV felt the need to declare on us, but I’m sure they won’t tell. I’d just like to add…. SWAT HOOOOO RAH

Evidently, WV leadership is hopeful they can emerge the victors and become stronger because of the war, but will this hold? Moreover, the SWAT leadership is confused by the motives behind this sudden declaration. This however does not take away from their confidence and believe this could allow them to shine.

In conclusion, we can see that this war will surely shape up to be a mighty sight to behold. What do you think? Will the Water Vikings make it 3-0 in the history of Eagre Forays? Or will SWAT bounce back and emerge victorious? 


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kiltanon is a Senior Reporter for Club Penguin Armies.

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  1. […] successful Beach Brawl IV in September, making it to the semi-finals in the Legends Cup XIV, and winning the Third Eagre Foray War against the Special Weapons and Tactics, this anniversary celebration was […]

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