A few months ago, Scars of CP released a post regarding me selling prohibited items to Sumdog. Here is my version, the truth.
On August 30, Scars released a post regarding the after-incidence of Sumdog. Scars accused me of selling items to Sumdog and being part of the Dorito Drillas’ rival army, SWAT Shootas. It took me a few months and a break to finally get the courage to release my side of the story and a statement.
After noticing this expose was being spread, I was in shock. I couldn’t believe I had an expose written on me and was scrambling to see what options I could take. I looked at a bunch of expose apology posts to get some inspiration. My personal favorite is Krosive’s apology titled “My CPA Apology” which inspired me today to release my own CPA apology. Thank you, Krosive. Now after learning from him, I’d like to begin my side.
The Truth
Hello, to the people of CPA. I would like to apologize for the time I’ve taken away to share my side of this story. With this post, I am hoping that everyone can forgive me for what occurred and at least hear me out on the real truth of what happened. I noticed that it has officially been spread that I am part of Swat Shootas, but that is not true. I haven’t been part of Swat Shootas since 2021.
I’m sorry. For those who read the article, I sincerely apologize to anyone affected by it. I would like to share a quote to keep in mind as we continue with this post. Army Legend and SWAT Shootas creator, Ganger90, once said: “We can’t run from the truth 🏃♂️ it must be accepted.” Of which, I hold on to this quote since I can’t run from my past of being part of the Swat Shootas, but I am no longer that individual.
Continuing the story
Now, to start off on August 30 a post was released regarding me being part of a rival gang. However, that is not true and will never be true again. There was an image being spread of someone selling prohibited items to Sumdog. However, that individual is NOT me.
In this image, you’ll notice the individual wearing a jacket and showing signs of severe neck issues. Despite being a Club Penguin Armies Admin who spends long hours on the computer, I make it a point to maintain good posture. Just to clarify, I’d never wear a jacket like that. As a former fashion club leader, I can confidently say that jacket is definitely not fetch. I’m also not that tall, I’m only 5’1″. Meanwhile the person in the photo looks to be at least 5’5″ or taller, which I am definitely not.
To be quite honest, the last time I met up with Sumdog our interaction was civil and we were discussing the Cparmies stock. I have an actual image to prove this as well. This was taken in March, before his passing.

Mare and Sumdog shaking hands after Cparmies meeting
This was also another photo of Sumdog and I after the discussion of the Cparmies stock. We were on a trip to Target on the server, Mammoth. He was shopping for new uniforms and I was there shopping for March Madness merch. The image below shows more proof that we were both civil and maintained a neutral friendship.

Mare and Sumdog shopping at Target on Mammoth
As you all can see, these false claims must be stopped immediately. Spreading misinformation can be harmful and damaging to individuals, myself included, as I have been a victim of this. Instead of placing blame for the misinformation and what happened to Sumdog, let’s take this moment to appreciate all he has done for the community and allow him to rest peacefully.
Chief Executive Producer