Welcome to the eleventh edition of Club Penguin Armies Ice Breakers. In this column, we play fun games with community members and get to know more about them through them. In this edition, we will speak with the Clover leader Ugly.

Designed by Gabgeirl
Ugly first joined the community in February 2020 as a member of the Aliens. Throughout his career, he has held numerous leadership positions in prominent armies such as the Fire Warriors, Tree Cult, and Secret Service. Notable achievements from his leadership include securing victories in the Challengers Cup II and the inaugural New Year Bonanza, cementing his status as a significant figure in the S/M army scene.
In June 2023, Ugly enlisted in the Army of Club Penguin, where he quickly made an impact by contributing to their success in various tournaments. On February 2, 2024, he was finally inducted as ACP’s 51st Commander-in-Chief. As a leader, Ugly has already led his army through several wars, such as the Sapphire Concordat War against SS, the Forlosning War against the Water Vikings, and the Centenary Solstice War against the Elite Guardians, which they ultimately won. Most recently, the Clovers managed to conquer another tournament win in the spooky Project Conquest: Blood Bowl.

ACP in the Blood Bowl battle between Major armies
To begin with, we asked Ugly to present some interesting facts about him. It could be anything – from real life to CPA matters. Here are his responses.
1. I am from Morocco, common misconception before that I was from the US.
2. I study commerce and marketing, being currently a Sophomore. One of my goals is studying for a Masters degree after CPA.
3. I was largely lenient towards S/M armies as I grew up in CPA with armies such as Dark Champions, Fire Warriors, and Tree Cult and was close to joining either Penguins of Madagascar or SWAT in early 2023, thankfully joining ACP later.
4. The name Ugly was a random word I thought of back in 2016/2017, an era for me where I was just memeing around in TF2 lobbies and community servers. It doesn’t have a meaning whatsoever.
5. The New Year Bonanza is my personal favorite tournament.
Moving on, Ugly was sent a message by one of his friends. The point of this game is for the interviewee to guess who sent them said message. In addition, he had to describe what this person meant to him.
Stop making memes and focus on winning
Ugly: A lot of people would say this so I’ll take a random guess and say Austin
Wrong! It was Calgocubs21.
ugly, make me leader
Ugly: LOL this one is more specific, it might be either Chicken or Robot but i’ll guess Chicken
And he guessed right!
And this is where things get exciting! We presented Ugly with three provocative and reflexive questions about his army and the community itself.
You have faced hard criticism in your first days as ACP Leader. Do you think you were able to prove yourself as a good leader?
Logically for any person in my position taking on the highest position in one of the most historical and highly reputable armies in history it is definitely not easy and of course I faced criticism and issues not only in the beginning of my leadership but through a lot of points. I always strived to improve not only as a leader but as a person, I try to take criticism and take it into something that’ll benefit me and my community. Being a good leader is subjective and the idea of it differs from each person, me personally I think I upheld the standards for ACP and continued aiming to improve it. Good leader or not I think ACP has improved significantly through the year and has achieved things it hasn’t done before under mine and Roxy’s leadership.
What were the hardest challenges you had to face as a leader until now? How did you overcome them?
Hardest challenge as a leader was solo leading. Obviously the idea of solo leading is nothing new and a lot of other leaders have went through that period, but for me I found it difficult due to the transitional period of ACP’s triumvirate era which of course saw many successes under the leadership of Calgo, Coolguy, and Austinfraud. Those three individuals I hold a lot of respect for and will continue to do so. It was definitely very challenging trying to maybe not replicate that success but try to uphold that legacy as long as possible, and obviously when you’re solo leading an army that you have just joined about 7 months ago and people seeing a very difference face take control it was very difficult getting in the community’s good side.
Is leading ACP the last thing you will do in the community?
You know, I would love to say that ACP is my last army to ever be affiliated with but history proves that your future within armies is always unpredictable and that no matter what things could happen out of nowhere that you do not anticipate at all. In terms of CPA in general, absolutely not. In terms of direct affiliation in armies, most likely yes.
We asked Ugly to complete five sentences. What did he respond to?
My favourite army I’ve been in is… ACP
The most influencial people to me were… AustinFraud and Qwerty
If I would describe myself in one word, it would be… Resilient
My favourite event in the CPA was… Legends Cup 2023 Final
My favourite formation is… Sunrise formation (UT + V)
Lastly, we asked Ugly about his favorite mini-game from Club Penguin. Upon learning it was Find Four, I could not resist the temptation of challenging him to a 1v1 match!

And in this very moment, I knew I was cooked
And this wraps up today’s edition of CPA Ice Breakers! We kindly thank Ugly for his participation in this exciting column. It was without a doubt a pleasant experience to talk with him. Did you manage to learn something new about Ugly?